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This book is gratefully dedicated to my precious
mother in far-away Armenia, who possesses my
devoted filial love and efforts,
The frequent requests of many friends, and also realization
of the need of a fuller account of the Turkish and Armenian
question, have led to the publication of this book.
The object is to understand the life of Mohamet, "The
Prophet;" the Koran and its teachings; Islam and its power
over Church and State; the Sultan and the Palace; the
school and home life of the Turks; also the origin and life of
the Armenians, and the causes of the repeated massacres and
their results.
The facts give-n in this book are of the interior of the Empire.
Many of the books about Turkey and Armenia are written by
men who have made short visits to or lived in the sea-coast
cities, writing of what they saw there, which is far from the
real Turkish life and practice. The typical Turkish life can not
be seen in the sea-coast cities— as Constantinople, Smyrna, Bey-
rout, Jaffa, etc. -which have slowly lost their originalities
through constant contact with Europeans and Americans, who
are always present as missionaries and merchants, and visitors
in great numbers.
Very few travelers undertake to enter the interior of the
Empire. Such parties pass rapidly, and as a rule are guided by
Turkish Zabteyahs and are led to the most favorable cities,
where the Turkish authorities are prepared to give them a
favorable impression. Thus these travelers can know but little
about the real situation.
Names of persons and places of events are withheld, lest
they cause greater suffering and death to innocent ones.
The attitude of this book toward the Turk is as charitable as
the facts could possibly permit.
The Author.
(1.) "They are surely infidels, who say, Verily
God is Christ the son of Mary." (Koran, Chap. V.)
( 2 . ) * * O true believers , take not the Jews or Chris-
tians for your friends: they are friends the one to
the other ; but whoso among you taketh them for his
friends, he is surely one of them." (Chap. V.)
(3.) "War is enjoined you against the infidels;
but this is hateful unto you; yet perchance ye hate a
thing which is better for you, and perchance you love
a thing which is worse for you; but God knoweth,
and ye know not." (Chap. II.)
(4.) "Fight therefore against them, until there
be no temptation to idolatry, and the religion be
God's." (Chap. II.)
(5.) "Fight against the friends of Satan, for the
stratagem of Satan is weak." (Chap. IV.)
(6.) "And when the months wherein ye are not
allowed to attack them shall be past, kill the idolaters
wheresoever ye shall find them, and take them pris-
oners, and besiege them, and lay wait for them in
every convenient place." (Chap. IX.)
(7.) "When ye encounter the unbelievers, strike
off their heads, until ye have made a great slaughter
among them." (Chap. XL VII. )
(8.) "Ye are also forbidden to take to wife free
women who are married, except those women whom
your right hand shall possess as slaves. This is
ordained you from God. " (Chap. IV. )
"There is no Deity but Allah and
Mohamet is the apostle of Allah."
atfj&M '&**&>& wJ&& &
For the translation see the reverse page.
The diagram of six great massacres of Christians
which took place in Turkey within less than seventy-
five years. Every one of these massacres was planned
and ordered by the Turkish Government.
1822. Greeks, especially in Scio (Chios) by Sultan Mah-
moud, the grandfather of the present Sultan 50,000
1850. Nestorians and Armenians in Kurdistan, by Sultan
Mejit, the father of the present Sultan 10,000
I860, Maromtes and Syrians, in Syria, by the same 11,000
1876. Bulgarians by Sultan Aziz, the uncle of the present
Sultan 15,000
1894. Armenians at Sassoun, by Sultan Hamid II 10,000
1895. Armenians, in six provinces, by the same 90,000
(An Armenian mother, writing to her son in the
United States, requested him to read the seventy-ninth
Psalm in order to know of the situation in Armenia. )
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Itbpp . ptnn ynt-uintf ^uiuuft Jhq/i oiil nnnp_
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•»*■ ^hl ipujn.nit.^ui(iw[i uiLULnJbuo Luqq-L; JpusU.
Luqif. I
See also page 222.
The Beginning of Islam or Mohametanism.
mohamet, the founder of islam.
1. The parentage and traditions about the birth
of Mohamet. — Mohamet was born in Mecca, Arabia,
569 A.D., of a noted parentage belonging to the tribe
of Koreish. His father was called Abdullah "the
Servant of Allah" (God), and his mother Emineh,
"the faithful woman." So remarkable was Abdullah
for his personal beauty and other qualities that,
according to the Arabic traditions, on the day of his
marriage with Emineh 200 virgins of the tribe of
Koreish died of broken hearts.
Mohamet was the only child of this most envied
family. His birth is related to accompany wonder-
ful events. At the moment of his coming into the
world a heavenly light enlightened the surrounding
regions, and the new-born babe, raising his eyes
to heaven, exclaimed: "Allahu ekber; la ilahe fllal-
lah, ve enna resuluhu." "Allah is the greatest;
there is no deity but Allah, and I am his apostle."
In that remarkable night the sacred fire of Zoroaster,
which, under the care of Persian magi had burnt
without ceasing for more than a thousand years, was
said to have been extinguished suddenly, and all
the idols in the world and the demons among the
stars fell down. The river Tigris bursting its bounds,
overflowed the neighboring lands; the palace of
the Persian monarch shook to its foundation, several
of its towers falling down, and the Judge of Persia
saw in his dream a ferocious camel conquered by
an Arabian courser.
2. The Childhood of Mohamet. His father died
either before or shortly after his birth ; and the child
when two months old was given by his relatives,
after the fashion of the land, to a Bedouin nurse to
be fostered in genuine desert life. On their journey
from the city of Mecca to the tent of the nurse, the
tradition says the animal which bore the babe, be-
coming endowed with speech, proclaimed aloud that
it bore on its back the greatest of the Prophets and
the favorite of Allah. The flocks of sheep and cattle
bowed to him as he passed by, and the moon stooped
towards him when he was gazing at it in his cradle.
He could stand alone, the tradition continues to
say, when three months old ; run abroad when seven ;
at eight months he could speak so intelligibly and
fluently as to astonish all his hearers. At the age of
three years, when he was playing in the field with the
children of the nurse, two bright angels appeared
before them, and taking hold of Mohamet laid him
gently upon the ground, and opened his breast with-
out causing any pain, and taking forth his heart
washed it with snow from all impurities originated
from Adam's sin, and after filling it with faith and
wisdom and prophetic light replaced it in his bosom.
Mohamet in his later life used to show the crescent-
shaped scar of that angelic operation to his followers,
who afterwards gave it the title of "the Seal of Proph-
ecy." His nurse and her husband being fright-
ened at this event, which they thought to be an
epileptic fit caused by demons, could not dare to keep
the child any longer, so took him back to his kindred.
When six years old he lost his mother also, and
was adopted by his grandfather, who died in two years,
when the child was taken and protected by his uncle.
It is supposed that the favorable disposition of the
Mohametan law in regard to the widows' and orphans'
rights was the result of this early bereavement of his
parents and of the experience of an orphan's hard life.
3. The Young Mohamet and his Environment.
In the house of his uncle, who was a wealthy mer-
chant, and at the same time the chief guardian of the
Kabeh — the most sacred temple of the Arab races
from times immemorial — Mohamet was in contact with
the commercial and religious leaders. The unceas-
ing arrival and departure of the pilgrims from all
parts of the land, and of commercial caravans from
the southern and northern districts, caused Mecca to
be the seat of a perpetual fair, where, besides the
commercial enterprises, the popular traditions of
Arabs were recited and various religions were dis-
cussed and enforced, and the heroism of the ancient
chiefs and the beauty of fair women were sung by
celebrated poets, and poetic contests were held before
the people, and the poems to which the prize was
awarded were re-written in golden characters and
suspended in the Kabeh. All these were exciting
events for the young Mohamet and carried his
imagination to other parts of the country. At his
youthful age and upon his hearty requests his uncle
permitted him to accompany some of these caravans
in their slow but delightful journeys. The careful
observations he made on his way and the interesting
tales he heard during his travels, and especially the
free and detailed conversations he had with some
Nestorian Christian monks residing in a secluded con-
vent, which, being on the way of these caravans,
showed great hospitality to them during their jour-
neys from and to home, and other such coincidences,
induced the mind of Mohamet to reform the paganish
religions of his race by establishing a better system
more similar to their original faith supposed to be
founded by Abraham and Ishmael, the ancestors of
the Arabian races. He was not in favor with the
doctrines and practices of Christianity which was
divided into various sects, all conflicting with each
other and none corresponding with the primitive
simplicity of the Apostolic church. He felt much
opposition against Judaism of his time and country,
calling it a subversion of the ancient religion of
Israel, which he mentions very frequently in his later
4. The Beginning of the Mohametan Religion.
While forming the design of a new religious system
Mohamet was for years in the habit of retiring to a
cave not very far from Mecca, and there spending days
and weeks in silent meditation. According to some
historians his isolation in that cave was not altogether
for thoughtful planning, but was due to epileptic fits
to which he was a victim from his childhood. The
important crisis having at last arrived — not before his
fortieth year, however — he supposed or pretended to
have received the first divine communication in the
solitude of the cave, where the archangel Gabriel
appeared to him in human form, with a written rev-
elation in his hand, which was in Arabic, and giving
it to him commanded him to "read." Mohamet, his
followers say, did not know how to read, but as soon as
he looked over the " waraka" (the writing) he was
endowed with a miraculous gift of reading and began
to rehearse it fluently and eagerly. This was the
first of 114 warakas which Gabriel brought him from
time to time and on various occasions, and which, be-
ing compiled after the death of Mohamet, composed
the book of the Koran.
On the day he received this first divine message he
returned home, and at once broke to his wife the
solemn news of supernatural visions and heavenly
voices in his seclusion, and recited before her the
"waraka" which he claimed to be conveyed to him by
the archangel Gabriel, and invited her to accept this
true religion and to become the first believer among
his kindred and countrymen. Being unable to resist
such a powerful exhortation, she immediately ac-
cepted the invitation and became the first proselyte
among the future hosts of the Mohametan world.
5. The Rapid Progress of Islam. Mohamet's
teachings, especially those that were against the idols
of Kabeh, were very much opposed by his own tribe
and kindreds. But owing to the circumstances of his
time and country, namely, to the discord and corrup-
tion among the Christian sects, and the hostility
between the proselyte Jews and the Christians, and
to the adaptation of Islamic militio-religious system
to the adventurous spirit of the Arab races, and to
the sensual and avaricious nature of savage tribes,
and to the absence of a mighty power to check its
fury, this system was firmly established in Arabia
" by the edge of the sword," and these local suc-
cesses encouraged the followers of Islam to carry on
their expeditions by the force and fire of the * ' Holy
Wars " which burned all the surrounding countries,
ruined and defiled the Christian churches, killed and
enslaved the Jews and the Christians, until, in the
short space of 80 years from the death of their
prophet they could extend the Mohametan dominion
from Egypt to India, and from Lisbon to Samarcand,
thus waving the bloody banner of the " Crescent'1
over the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe.
Had it not been for the bravery of Charles Martel
Europe would have been overwhelmed by the torrent
of Islam, and would most probably be covered with its
gloom even unto this day. As an illustration of the
rapid progress of Islam, so much would suffice to
mention that in the fourth year of his mission Mo-
hamet could only make 40 Proselytes, chiefly slaves
and the people of the lower ranks, while towards the
twentieth year of his ministry he entered the city of
Mecca with 40,000 followers to perform pilgrimage
in the Kabeh, the sacred temple that was already
Mohametanized. The present number of Mohametans
is estimated to be over 200,000,000.
t. Trie Asserted Supremacy of the Koran.
Moharnmetans confess four sacred books, Law of
Moses, Psalms of David, Gospel of Jesus and Koran
of Mohamet, with these two distinctions, that the
Koran, being the last and the best of the revelations,
is supreme and authoritative over the others, and
that the present books, which Jews and Christians
have in their hands, are not the genuine revelations
given to Moses, David and Jesus; that the Jewish
and Christian scribes intentionally corrupted them in
order to conceal all indications about the Latter
Day Prophet and his true religion. Hence they
have no value as authoritative texts and no Moharn-
etan need be led astray by them, as the substance of
the original revelations is giveninthe book of Koran.
The original text of the Koran, they assert,
exists upon a tablet co-existent with the throne of
God and adored by the celestial hosts as "the
Eternal Word." A copy of it, written with silver
and golden letters, descended into the first heaven in
the sacred month of Kamazan, and piece by piece
communicated to Mohamet bv the archangel Gabriel.
Each letter of this holy book is said to contain ten
thousand mysteries and unmeasurable virtues.
Simply the heading of each chapter, "Bis mill ah er
rahm'an erratum" (in the name of the most merciful
Allah), being composed of 19 Arabic letters, is be-
lieved to have sufficient power to dispel the evils of
the 19 hours of the day, and united with five
daily Mohametan prayers is able to keep the believer
from the evils and troubles of a whole day. The
mechanical rehearsing of certain passages is taught to
be an effectual relief for certain calamities, a sure
protection in sacred wars, a lucky success in all
enterprises, and an assurance in gaining loves and
2. The Sacredness of the Current Copies of the
Koran. A non-Mohametan is not allowed to touch
this heaven-descended book; even the Mohametans
do not handle it without having first performed the
ceremony of ablution — sacred washing. When
European or American travelers go to the Turkish
Museums at Constantinople and enter, for instance,
into the Tomb of Sultan Mahmoud, they will find a
Mohametan guide there ready to show and explain the
articles of interest, among which are several copies
of the Koran wrapped in elegant embroideries and
put upon special stands in front of the tomb, both
for adornment and for the spiritual benefit of that
great Sultan. The guide opens them one by one
and explains their authority and dates and estimated
prices, always being careful that no infidel's hand
shall touch them. If any of the visitors moves his
hand toward the finely gilded pages he politely pushes
it back, saying, ' 'Please, sir, according to our belief
it is not lawful to touch the sacred Koran without
first performing the legal ceremony of ablution. I
can not myself touch it without,'' The writer had
the opportunity to examine the very fine pages and
richly ornamented covers while the white-turbaned
guide was busy in telling stories about the out-of-
order * 'golden clock," which was presented to a pre-
vious Sultan by the Emperor Napoleon, aud the
heavy embroidered green curtains used many years
in the "Sacred Kabeh," and forwarded to him
as a compliment to his religious zeal ; and the chest
in which "the sacred beard" of the Prophet is
still preserved, which no one is allowed to open
but the Sultan himself when he comes to kiss the
sacred relics kept in that magnificent shrine of white
Such a book of boundless mysteries and rich
blessings can never be translated into other lan-
guages ; hence the Arabs, the Hindoos, the Moors,
the Persians, the Turks and the Albanians, all
different races with different dialects, read it in
the same original Arabic language with the strict-
est care of correct articulation. A great many
learned people make it their life work to commit the
whole Koran (a book about t e size of the New
Testament) to memory and rehearse it continually.
Even the majority of the blind men among Moham-
etans learn the whole book by heart, and on various
occasions are invited into the Harems to rehearse
certain portions for their own interest and for the
benefit of the household. They are called "Hafiz,"
the Preserver (of the ancient Word).
It is n ,t an unusual thing to see a pious Moham-
etan sit before the window of his house, or even at his
shop, and engage in repeating or reading his Koran
in a monotonous tone and with continual vibrations
of the upper part of his body, at the same time notic-
ing all things about, having occaskmal talks with
others, trying to catch the neighbors' customers, bar-
gaining, joking, swearing, cursing, as the circum-
stances may demand, and yet trying to finish the
portion he began to recite. The great majority can
not read the Koran, but they are privileged to carry
about them some portions of it written upon a narrow
and very long piece of paper, and wrapped in cloth
very tightly and put in a tin or silver case and hung
around the neck. The simple carrying of such a
relic entitles the owner to the same blessings, and he
is requested to take it out from time to time — once in
a few years, for example — and hand it to a teacher
and listen to his reading it. Many children, sleep-
less babies, idiots and even mad animals are fur-
nished with such relics in order to be protected from
"bad eyes" and possible injuries.
3. Bible Stories as Recorded in the Koran. By
his accidental contact with the Christians and Jews
Mohamet seems to have received some vague idea of
the Old and New Testaments and the apocryphal and
Talmudic writings of his time. The Mohametan so-
called Bible story is full of mistakes, as it will be
seen from the following examples:
The Story of Adam and Eve. After creating
Adam God brought him into the presence of angels
and commanded them to bow before this human
being [the reason of this command will be given else-
where], which they all have done except Azazil, one
of the four distinguished archangels, who refused,
saying, "Why should I, whom Thou hast created of
fire, bow down to one whom Thou hast formed of
clay?" For this offense and rebellion he was accursed
and cast out of Paradise, and his name changed to
Iblis, which signifies "despair." In revenge for his
abasement he works all kinds of mischief against the
posterity of Adam.
After eating the forbidden fruit, and being ex-
pelled from Paradise, which was in heaven, Adam
was cast down to India and Eve to Jiddeh in Arabia,
where they wandered alone 200 years without being
able to find each other. On Adam's lamenting, God
forgave his sin and led him to the districts of Mecca,
where he found his wife, no more to separate. Eve
gave twenty births, two children each time, one male
and the other female. And God commanded each
male to marry his next younger sister. Cain (they
call Cabil) being disobedient to this divine order,
wanted to marry the girl who was born with him.
So God being displeased with him, did not accept his
offering as He did that of Abel. Adam lived a
thousand years and saw 40,000 of his descendants,
after which he died on a Friday (the sacred day
of the Mohametans) and was buried in the island of
Serendib, Ceylon.
Seth, the son of Adam, being the most beautiful
among mankind, and a favorite of his father, received
fifty pieces of revelation from God, and also built the
Kabeh with stone and lime.
The Tradition about Kdbeh, the Holy Temple
in Mecca. Adam one day, in the depth of his sorrow
and repentance, raised his hands and eyes to heaven
and implored the kindness of God that a shrine
might be granted to him similar to that which he had
worshiped while in Paradise, and around which the
angels used to move in adoring processions. The
prayer of Adam was heard and a tabernacle formed
of radiant clouds which was lowered down by the
angels. Toward this shrine Adam thenceforth
turned when in prayer, and around it he daily made
seven circuits in imitation of the angelic procession.
At the death of Adam it passed away or was drawn
up to heaven, but another of the same form and on
the same spot was built of stone and clay by Seth.
This was swept away by the deluge.
After many generations, when Hagar and her child,
Ishmael, were near perishing from thirst in the desert,
an angel revealed to them a spring of water near the
ancient site of that tabernacle. This spring or well,
called Zemzem, is held sacred by the descendants of
Ishmael to the present day. In process of time, by
the command of God, Ishmael undertook to rebuild
the Kabeh, assisted by his father, Abraham. While
they were thus occupied the angel Gabriel brought
them a stone which was originally the guardian angel
appointed to watch over Adam in Paradise, but
changed into a stone and thrown out with him as a
punishment for not being more watchful. This stone
Abraham and Ishmael received with proper reverence
and put it in a corner of the exterior wall of the tern-
pie, where it remains to the present day, devoutly
kissed by worshipers each time they make a circuit
around the building. When first inserted in the wall
it was a single jacinth of dazzling whiteness, but
became gradually blackened by the kisses of sinful
mortals. At the resurrection day it will recover its
angelic form and stand forth a testimony before God
in favor of those who have performed the holy
The Story of the Prophets and Abraham. Mo-
hametans accept 200,000 prophets or holy men, 313
of whom, being endowed by special pieces of divine
revelation, are called the apostles or the messengers.
Six of this latter class, Adam, Noah, Abraham,
Moses, Jesus and Mohamet, had preference over all
by special mission to establish new religious systems
among mankind.
Mohamet being the last and the greatest of this
group of six is called "The Prophet of the Latter
Days," "The Favorite of God," "The Glory of the
Universe," "The Prince of Two Worlds," "The Seal
of the Prophets," "The Unique Pearl," "The Chief
of the Apostles," etc.
Next in excellence comes Abraham, "Halil Ullah,"
the Friend of God, upon whose faith, they say, the
religion of Islam was founded. They give preference
to Ishmael, the patriarch of Arabs, over Isaac, the
patriarch of Jews. Among the many Arabic tradi-
tions of Abraham the folio wins: is selected to be the
fact related in the Koran: Abraham, a worshiper of
the Almighty, was persecuted by his tribe and by his
own family. One day the infidel king of his country,
hearing about the heresy of young Abraham, sum-
moned him into his presence and commanded him to
give up the worship of God and worship the statue of
his king, who was greater than God. Abraham not
obeying his command was cast into a furnace of fire,
which by the divine power was immediately changed
to a shining glory. Seeing this miraculous heavenly
light many unbelievers turned to God, but the haughty
ruler was still more obstinate and insisted upon his
supremacy over all gods. One day in a dispute Abra-
ham said unto him, "Verily my God bringeth the
sun from the east, now do thou bring it from the
west if thou art equal to God." Upon this challenge
the infidel was confounded and ordered Abraham out
of his dominion. As soon as Abraham left the city
a mighty wind was sent by God and destroyed it even
to its foundations. When Abraham saw the city in
this condition he deplored and thought in his heart,
how shall God quicken this city. Then God caused
him to die for a hundred years and afterwards raised
him to life and said unto him, "How long hast
thou tarried here?" He answered, "A day, or part
of it." God said, "Nay, thou hast tarried here a
hundred years; now look on thy food and drink,
they are not yet corrupted ; but look on thine animal,
which is long dead and the bones scattered. See
how I will raise them and clothe them with flesh."
And He did according to His word. Then in order to
make the doctrine of resurrection plainer to him he
told Abraham to take four birds and divide them into
pieces, and lay a part of them on every mountain and
then call them together, which he did, and the
birds being restored to life came swiftly unto him.
The Story of Jesus Christ. Mohametans regard
"Isa el Messih," Jesus, the Christ, with high rev-
erence, and attribute his miraculous birth to the
power of God, but condemn the Christians with ut-
most severity for calling him "God," or "the Son of
God." Among the thousand and one Arabic names
of divinity they never accept the title of "Father."
The outline of his life as taken from the Koran is
as follows : Mary retired from her family to a place
towards the east, and took a veil to conceal herself
from men. One day the angel Gabriel appeared unto
her and said, " Verily I am the messenger of thy
Lord, and sent to give thee a holy son for a sign
unto men." Wherefore she conceived and retired
aside to a more distant place. And when the pains of
childbirth came upon her she reclined upon the trunk
of a palm tree and cried, saying, "Would to God
I had died before this and lost in oblivion ! ' When
the child came she took him in her arms and
brought to her people, who being unaware of all
these things, with great contempt said unto her,
"O Mary, sister of Aaron, now thou hast done a
strange thing; thy father was not a bad man,
neither was thy mother a harlot!" But she made
signs unto the new-born child to answer them and
tell the truth all about himself, whereupon he said
"Verily I am the servant of God, he hath given
me the book of the gospel and hath appointed me a
prophet, and hath commanded me to observe prayer
and to give alms so long as I shall live, Peace be on
me the day whereon I was born and the day whereon
I shall die and the day whereon I shall be raised to
life." When Jesus was grown enough to begin his
prophecy he took clay from earth and made it in the
figure of a bird, and breathing thereon it became a
living bird by God's permission. On another occasion
he caused a table to descend unto his apostles from
heaven, aud the day of its descent became a festival
day unto Christians. Iu one of his discourses Jesus
is related to speak unto his followers that in latter
days there will arise a greater prophet called
6 'Ahmed," glorious (another title of Mohamet),
and the world shall obey him. Mohametans assert
that the Jewish and Christian scribes maliciously
corrupted the books of law and gospel and took out
the name of Mohamet from the original writings.
They never believe that Jesus was actually held,
crucified and murdered by the Jews, but simply they
were deceived by a divine trick in taking Simon,
the betrayer, for Jesus, because God has given him
the resemblance of his master in order to punish him
for his treason, and to annul the bad intention of the
enemies while he took Jesus into heaven, whence he
shall come in the last day to testify for Mohamet.
In that day God shall say unto Jesus before all
Christians, " O Jesus, son of Mary, hast thou said
unto men to take thee and thy mother for two gods
beside God?" He shall answer solemnly, "Praise be
unto Thee ! It is not for me to say that which I
ought not; thou knowest what is in me. I have not
spoken to them any other than what thou didst com-
mand me."
These few illustrations of the so-called Mohametan
bible story will be enough to show that the illiterate
founder of that false religion, partly misled, of
course, by the apocryphal Christian writings of his
age, tried to conceal his fraud by childish stories, by
unnecessary details and wholly false representations,
at the same time making gross mistakes in geograph-
ical and historical facts; e. g., he makes the prophet
Elijah contemporary with Moses ; Ishmael to have
been offered in sacrifice instead of Isaac; Saul to
have led the ten thousand down to the river bank in-
stead of Gideon, and by the most monstrous error
represents Mary, the mother of Jesus, to have been
the same person with Miriam, the sister of Aaron
and Moses !
4. A Few Quotations from the Koran. In order
to get a clearer idea about the moral character of
this sacred book let us read some pieces from it.
The first chapter reads as follows : "In the name of
the most merciful Allah. Praise be to Allah, the
Lord of all creatures, the most gracious, the king of
the day of judgment. Thee do we worship, and of
thee do we beg assistance. Direct us in the right
way, in the way of those to whom thou hast been
gracious; not of those against whom thou art in-
censed, nor those who go astray." For the sake of
impartiality we have quoted one of the best portions,
which any Mohametan himself would bring in favor
of the Koran ; but before giving any decision let us
read some other portions, as
From the 2nd Chapter. "When the Lord said
unto the angels, 'I will place a substitute on earth'
(he referred to Adam), they said, 'Wilt thou place
there one who will do evil therein and shed blood?
but we celebrate thy praise and sanctify Thee.' God
answered, 'Verily I know that which ye know not;'
and he taught Adam the names of all things, and
then proposed them to the angels and said, 'Declare
unto me now the names of these things if ye say
truth.' They answered, 'Praise be unto thee, we
have no knowledge but what thou teachest us, for
thou art knowing and wise.' God said, 'O Adam,
tell them now their names;' and when he had told
them their names, God said, 'Did I not tell you that
I know the secrets of heaven and earth?' and when
he said unto the angels, 'Now worship Adam,' they
all worshiped him except Iblis, who refused and
was puffed up with pride, and became of the number
of unbelievers," etc. This is an example of illogical
and objectionable stories with which "the Ancient
Word" is full. God's resentful consultation with
the angels, their knowledge about the future condi-
tion of mankind and at the same time their ignorance
in telling the names of things; God's fraud in teach-
ing Adam secretly, yet in showing the angels that he
(Adam) knew the names himself, and thus gaining a
false name for Adam, whom he decided to appoint a
substitute in spite of the angels. These are some of
the contradictions and blasphemous points.
Another example from the 56th Chapter. ''Those
who have preceded others in the faith shall precede
them to paradise. These are they who shall approach
near unto God; they shall dwell in gardens of
delight, reposing on couches adorned with gold and
precious stones, sitting opposite to one another
thereon. Youth, which shall continue in their bloom
forever, shall go round about to attend them with
goblets and beakers and a cup of flowing wine ; their
head shall not ache by drinking the same, neither
shall their reason be disturbed; and with fruits of
the sorts which they shall choose, and the flesh of birds
of the kind which they shall desire. And there shall
accompany them fair damsels having large black
eyes, resembling pearls hidden in their shells, as a
reward for that which they shall have wrought.
Verily we have created the damsels of Paradise by a
peculiar creation, and we (God is the speaker) have
made them virgins, beloved by their husbands, of
equal age with them, for the delight of the com-
panions of the right hand," etc. This is the sketch
of the description of Mohametan Paradise, with which
the sacred Koran is full.
5. Koran's Declaration and Commands about
Christians. "They are surely infidels who say,
Verily God is Christ, the son of Mary" (Chap.
4). "O true believers, take not the Jews or
Christians for your friends, they are friends the
one to the other; but whoso among you taketh
them for his friends he is surely one of them"
(Chap. 5).
" War is enjoined you against the infidels, but this
is hateful unto you; but God knoweth and ye know
not." * 'Fight, therefore, against them until there
be no temptation to delusion and the religion to
God's" (Chap. 2). "And when the (sacred)
months, wherein ye are not allowed to attack them,
shall be passed, kill the associates (of divinity, poly-
theists and trinitarians) wheresoever ye shall find them
and take them prisoners, and besiege them, and lay
wait for them in every convenient place" ( Chap. 9).
" When ye encounter the unbelievers, strike off their
heads until ye have made a great slaughter among
them" ( Chap. 47). "Let them fight for the religion
of God, who part with the present life in exchange for
that which is to come; for whosoever fighteth for the
religion o% God, whether he be slain or be victorious,
we will surely give him a great reward" ( Chap. 4).
"Fight against them who profess not the true re-
ligion, of those unto whom the scriptures have been
delivered (Jews and Christians) until they pay tribute
by right of subjection, and they be reduced low"
( Chap. 9). "Ye are also forbidden to take to wife
free women who are married, except those women
whom your right hand shall possess as slaves. This
is ordained you from God" ( Chap. 4.)
The above precepts are a few examples of the
diabolic spirit of Islam, with which the whole Koran
is saturated. And the most blasphemous side of this
is that these words profess to be copied from the
"Eternal Word of God," and descended from heaven
and from the mouth of the just and merciful God.
According to the doctrines and practice of Islam
non-Mohametans have no right to enjoy the same
privileges God has granted to Moslems. They may
be allowed to live among Moslems only as subjects
and subordinates, in a very restricted limitation in
regard to their legal rights, religious privileges and
titles of honor and social freedom.
1. Titles Denied in the Koran to non-Mohame-
tans. The Mohametans call themselves "Muslim"
(Moslem) which signifies "Submitted" to Allah and
his service body and soul, and destined to peace and
salvation. Also "Mumin," the "Believer" of the
true God and his angels and holy servants. Also
"Ibadullah," the servants and worshipers of Allah.
A^aio, "Ummeti Muhammed," the people or the
to "
flock of Mohamet, etc. The followers of any other
religion, idolators, atheists, Sabians, magi, Jews
and Christians, are called "Kiafir" (Giaour), blas-
phemer, infidel.
Sultan Mahmoud II., the grandfather of the
present Sultan, has formally forbidden his subjects
to apply the term Giaour to any European, and one
or twu of his successors extended this prohibition to
the Christian and Jewish subjects of their own
dominions; but such things being well known to be
insincere could not and did not bring any change.
The followers of the false prophet practice the
same insulting titles now and will continue to do so
as long as Islam rules.
How can the Mohametans honor Christians whom
the Koran declares as "those who go astray," "unbe-
lievers," "polytheists," "corrupt doers," "fools,"
"despised," "hypocrites," etc. etc.? These are the
names given to non-Mohametans in the book of
Koran, "the latest and best of Divine revelations,"
in which nothing is more prevalent than the contrast
of Moslems' and non-Moslems' present and future
conditions. The idea of universal brotherhood of
mankind and the attempt to promote the final union
of the Kingdom of God are the points most malici-
ously ignored in its pages."
2. Other Popular Titles of Disgrace Used for
aon-Mohametans. The mosques of Moslems are
called "Jami Sherif," the sacred convent; to the
word "kiliseh," church, they never attach the ad-
jective sacred. The metropolitan mosques or
temples are called "Beitullah or Seiretullah," the
house of God or the walking place of God, while
the Christian cathedrals are called "Ulu Kiliseh,"
the big gathering place. The common, rude
Mohametan chapels, most of which are not worthy
for human habitation, are named "Mesjid"
(mosque), the worshiping place, while Christian
chapels are named "gathering place." The graves
of distinguished Mohametans are called "Turbet
Sherif," the sacred tomb, while those of Christians
"Makbereh," the burial place. The religious ser-
vices of Islam are called "sejdeh, or ibadet," wor-
ship or service of God, while those of non-Moslems,
* 'rites, forms, ceremonies." The supposed mantle
of Mohamet, kept with greatest care and honor, is
called "Hurkai Sherif," the sacred mantle, but the
cross sign of the Christians' "Salab," the hanging
wood. The religious chief of Islam is titled "Emir
el Mumin," the sire, the commander of the
believers. The Chiistian patriachs, or archbishops,
are called "Patrik or Serpiscopos ; "Ser" means head,
"Pis" means filth— "Filthy-headed Copos." The
bishops are popularly called "Karabash," the black-
headed ; the common priests, "Keshish," which has
no literal meaning. The Jewish high priest is called
"Khakham Bashi," the Boss Khakham (corrupted
from the Hebrew word "Hakem," the sage). The
Mohametan theological teachers are called "Muder-
ris," explainer, interpreter; that of the Christians
(vartabcd) "Mahraeah" — mashed food, hash. A
Mohametan pilgrim to Mecca is called "Haji" —
holy pilgrim. A Christian pilgrim to Jerusalem
"Aji" — the bitter one. The noted men among the
Mohametans are called "Effendi, agha," sire, yeo-
man; among the Christians, "Chorbaji," soup-
maker. The learned Mohametans, "Khoja,"
master; Christians, "Havaja," airy, nonsense,
fool. The Moslem women, "Haremi Sherif,
Cadin," the sacred harem, the lady; the Christian
women, "Giaour Mamasi," the infidel old woman, the
mother of infidels. Their Friday is called "Aziz
Juma," the holy convention. Our Sunday is called
"Ahad," the first day of the week, or * 'Bazar," the
sale day. The Mohametan fasting month is called
"Ramazani Sherif," the sacred Ramazan ; the
Christian Lent is called "Behriz," the corruption of
"Perhiz," abstinence from certain foods. The
Mohametan dead is called "Jenazeh," the funeral
worship; that of a Christian is called "Giaour
olusi," the dead body of an infidel. When they
announce in the papers the death of a noted Moslem
they say, "Transferred into the Land of Perpetuity,"
or "Migrated into the Region of Souls;" of any
Christian they say "shriveled, perished." When
they mention a dead Mohametan they say, "May
God have mercy unto his soul," or "May his
tomb be illuminated," or "Peace be upon him."
They never use such phrases for the Christians.
Of the former sultans they say, "Whose abode is
3. Christians Disgraced in Official Documents.
In a- Turkish dictionary, published at Constantinople
not very long ago, the word "jeres" (bell) is de-
fined as "the special instrument by which the Blas-
phemers call their people to perform heathenish
rites," and this was fifty years later than the formal
prohibition of the Sultan Mahmoud II., "whose
abode is Paradise."
It was custom until very recent times to attach the
title of "Zimmi," indebted, to any Christian name
in writings, because, according to the declaration of
the Koran, Christians are indebted to the Moslem's
mercy for their existence and some privileges (for
which they have to pay tribute as a ransom fee);
also the Christians are called * 'Rayah," pasture, for
the flock of Moslem lambs.
They write * 'Ahmed, the son of Mohamet," to
identify a Moslem, but "Peter, born of John," for
Christians. This is simply to denounce Christian
marriage as illegal. When mixed names are to be
put on paper the eminent Christian's name must
come after the name of a common Moslem's, the
distinction of adjectives never being omitted.
The following official document of a certain Mah-
kemeh, legal court, given not very long ago in con-
nection with the burial of a Christian priest, is among
the properties of the said person, and reads as follows :
"From the estrayed sect of Nazarites the infidel
Keshish, named — having been shriveled (dead), the
official permission of our sacred Mahkemeh was im-
plored by his sect to put the corpse under the earth.
Though the accursed carrion of the said wretch is not
worthy to be placed under the sacred soil, which will
refuse the admission of such an unclean thing, yet in
order to prevent the stench of atmosphere by the
hateful stink of the perished body, this official docu-
ment is written and given as a permission for taking
away the said filth to their assigned spot, and put it
under the soil according to their vain ceremonies.
May it stumble down to the infernal abyss."
The grave-stone of Christians is not allowed to
stand erect, but must be prone, in token of their sub-
jection to Mohametan rule.
4. Denial of Religious and Social Rights. Ac-
cording to the Mohametan law a non-Moslem's testi-
mony cannot be accepted, even listened to, in legal
courts, especially when it tends to be against a
"believer." But when the interest of Islam demands,
a Moslem is justified, even held religiously obliged,
to go to the court and give his legal oath and bear
false witness against Giaours (Christians.) This is
sanctioned by a decree of the Koran and practiced by
its followers.
A Christian can never make a legal will on his own
property, leaving it for his church, or school, or any
Christian institution ; while most of the wealthy Mo-
hametans will their immovable properties to a certain
mosque, or even to their living generations or friends,
and such properties, by a very small religious fee,
are forever exempt from the regular taxation, regarded
as the sacred possession of Islam, carefully protected,
repaired, and prevented from being sold to others,
especially to "Giaours."
A Christian church, or school, or any other public
institution cannot be erected within sixty yards dis-
tance from a mosque or Moslem school, even if the
latter be ruined and changed to a heap of ashes.
The words of common salutation used among Mos-
lems, "Peace be unto you," can never be addressed
to or by a Christian, because this phrase being used
among the ancient Moslem prophets, as Adam, Noah,
Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and others, and also
among the angels and saints of Paradise, no infidel
destined to perdition has a right to claim its benefit.
If addressed to a Christian by mistake it must be
and is withdrawn at once. When they meet a Chris-
tian acquaintance they may use common words of
recognition or make a slight motion with their hand
without uttering a word.
5. Practical Enmity Against Christianity. No
Moslem can change his faith without infliction of the
death penalty. Especially those who are proselyted
to Islam can never return to their original faith with-
out being murdered for the supposed treason, while
Christian men and women are induced, forced, and
very often tortured to accept Islam. To marry such
a convert woman is regarded highly virtuous. In
case of such a conversion, which is very rare, the
once Christian man is clothed with a heavily em-
broidered robe and a rich turban put upon his head,
and mounted upon a fine horse and accompanied with
a crowd of howling dervishes and sinking mollahs he
is paraded in the streets and by the houses of his
former friends ; then he is taken to the house of the
greatest Moslem and entertained there for several
days until a believing woman is found to marry this
new-born servant of Allah, who with his faith changes
also his name.
Such common proverbs are publicly spoken, even
to the face of the Christians: "Giaour's property is
lawful to Moslem;" "Giaour's neck is for the sword
of Islam;" "Giaour's head belongs to the govern-
ment, and his property to the public;" "It is virtuous
to drink Giaour's blood;" "Giaour has no religion;"
"On the Day of Resurrection Giaours shall grovel
with their faces on the earth, while the Moslems will
walk erect, and will be borne aloft on winged camels,
white as milk, with saddles of fine gold;" "When
the Bridge of Surat is reached the Moslem will pass
it through as a bird or an arrow and step the blissful
gardens of Paradise, but Giaours, fiading it as narrow
as a hair's breadth and as sharp as a sword, will not be
able to walk upon it, and thus shall stumble down
into the lake of hell, full of boiling slime and melted
sulphur;" "If a man kills an innocent cat or dog he
must build as many mosques as the number of hairs
on the animal, in order to escape its future punish-
ment, but by killing obstinate Jews or Christians
will be rewarded in both worlds."
Every pious Moslem has to repeat the following
prayer when he kueels down before the throne of his
most merciful Allah : "I seek refuse with Allah from
Satan, the accursed; in the name of Allah, the most
merciful. O Lord of all creatures, O Allah! destroy
the infidels and potytheists, Thine enemies, the ene-
mies of the religion. O Allah ! make their children
orphans, and defile their abodes; cause their feet to
slip; give them and their families, their households
and their women, their children and their relatives by
marriage, their brothers and their friends, their
possessions and their race, their wealth and their
lands, as booty to the Moslems. O Lord of all crea-
tures ! ' '
1. Prayer. Mohametans have five daily prayers,
which are nothing but mechanical repetition of some
portions from the religious books, in appointed times
and in certain manner.
At first Allah demanded forty daily prayers from
the Moslems, but through the intercession and wise
counsel of the Greatest Prophet, he was willing to re-
duce the number to five. The time for first prayer is
at one hour before sunrise, the second at noon, the
third two hours before sunset, the fourth at sunset,
and the last about two hours after sunset.
Prayers must be preceded by ablution, the cere-
monious washing of the hands, arms, nostrils, mouth,
face, ears, forehead and feet.
Each time of prayer a crier called "muezzin"
ascends to the top of the minaret, the slim, high
tower attached to the mosque, to invite the believers
to worship. He must cry as eagerly and loudly as he
can bv which he will be able to reach more people,
and also secure a larger space in paradise, as large as
the distance of his voice.
To pray with the congregation is regarded more
virtuous, but in case of necessity the believer may
perform his prayer at home, in the shop, in any pub-
lic place, or on the wayside. The Friday noon prayer,
the evening prayers of the fasting month and the
morning prayers of the Great Festival days are ex-
pected to be performed in the mosque.
At prayer Kabch, the sacred temple of Mcca, must
be faced. If a traveler confuses the directions he
may face any direction by uttering "My intention is
the Kabeh." Shoes must be taken off, but hats kept
on. The various positions during the worship are
standing erect, the eyes fixed low upon the ground,
then partial bending of the body and kneeling, then
touching the floor with the forehead, which is repeated
several times. While in these attitudes the wor-
shiper will repeat certain passages from the Koran in
a low, muttering way. The very act of looking
around, talking, laughing, coughing, spitting, sneez-
ing, or rubbing the flesh in consequence of a flj^-bite,
renders the unfinished prayer null and void and
obliges the worshiper to begin his devotion anew.
The Mohametans never pray in a place where any
picture may be found. You can not see pictures or
photographs in Moslem houses, except in those of a
very few liberal minded officers. Mohamet used to say
that "the angels would not enter a house in which pic-
tures are found, and that those who made them would
be commanded in the last day to give souls to them, or
be punished in the fire of hell." Some carry this
piety to the degree that they scratch the necks of the
pictures on foreign coins with a knife, as if to kill or
nullify them. There are Napoleons, Victorias, czars,
kaisers and Austrian emperors — all intimate friends
of the Sultan and protectors of his throne— that cir-
culate with scratched necks in Moslem markets,
especially in the interior of the Ottoman empire,
where the actual scratch-necks has been so freely
going on by the order of "the most gracious father
of the empire," and before the eyes of his great
2. Fasting During the Month of Ramazan
(lunar calendar). During the twenty-nine days of
this month all the adult Moslems must fast from dawn
to sunset, after which they are let loose to eat and
drink and smoke and do all kinds of carnal deeds all
the night. The sick and the travelers are allowed to
omit this duty upon the condition that they perform
it at another convenient time. Any man who fails to
keep the fast is disgraced and punished publicly,
occasionally by being seized and put on a donkey
seated backwards and the tail in his hand for the
bridle, and carried all over the market places, followed
by a shouting multitude. Sometimes as an additional
attraction to this religio-maniacal parade the face of
the person is dyed black.
In this sacred month of prayer and humiliation
their religious feelings — namely, their carnal desires,
their laziness and their enmity and brutality against
Giaours — reach to the highest pitch. Poor Christians
suffer more in this single month than in the other
eleven months. Every Christian must be very cau-
tious not to excite the "long-faced" Moslem by de-
manding his debt, or by eating or smoking in his
presence, or by disturbing his ear with songs or
church bells.
Ramazan is believed to be the month in which the
Koran descended from the seventh to the first heaven,
and in which Mohamet had a night's journey to
heaven. In the fourteenth night of that month
the archangel Gabriel aroused him by gently touch-
ing his side and led him out of his house, where a
winged mule waited for them. They both rode the
animal, which took them in a moment to the top of
Mount Sinai; the next moment they were in the
Temple of Jerusalem, at the gate of which they left
the mule, and Gabriel, carrying Mohamet upon his
wings, put him on the threshold of heaven. After
visiting all the seven stages of heaven he ap-
proached to the throne of the Almighty and saw the
eternal plate upon which "the Word of Ages" was
written. Mohamet testifies that upon each gate of
heaven he saw the Arabic inscription, "There is no
deity but Allah, and Mohamet is the Apostle of
Allah." After this miraculous visit and glorious
vision he was taken home by the same route. In
this illustrious night, "El Kadr," there was an extraor-
dinary calmness on the earth, so that the roaring
streams kept still, the winds did not blow, the poison-
ous serpents and the ferocious animals were motion-
less in their dens, the robbers could not go out to
their business, and the diseases and the evil spirits
were controlled.
3. Pilgrimage to the Sacred Kabeh at Mecca.
This is a duty put upon those who can afford the ex-
penses and bear the troubles of the long and tiresome
journey. If one can not go himself he may send a
substitute, the virtue being the same. The day when
the sacred caravans start towards the holy city of
Mecca is regarded as a great occasion, both for those
who will make the pilgrimage and those who are
sending them. Almost all the Moslem population of
the town or city are gathered in one place, dervishes
with their drums and holy banners, large turbaned
and wide-robed mollahs, with their yellow slippers,
followed by a great multitude of men, women and
children, some howling aud singing, others talk-
ing and crying, some swearing, others trading, all on
foot, forming a scene of Babylonian confusion and
Sodomite ra^e. The chief motive of this tumult is
two-fold: one is to make a sreat religious demon-
stration against the Christians, and the other for their
belief that every Moslem who accompanies the sacred
caravan even seven steps in its journey will be re-
garded in the sight of Allah as acceptable as those
who perform the whole pilgrimage.
Many of the pilgrims die during this journey,
partly from the effect of unfavorable climate of
Arabia and partly from Asiatic cholera, the germs
of which are proved to be always found in the water
of Zemzem, the sacred well of Ishmael, which is
asserted to have the supernatural power of cleansing
all diseases and sins of the believers. Those who
die during this journey are sure to be enrolled among
the blessed martyrs and to enjoy the immediate re-
ward of the heavenly presence.
It is believed that every year 80,000 pilgrims visit
the Holy Temple; if the number be less than that
the angels descend from heaven and complete it.
Mohamet permitted the pilgrims to be engaged in
commerce on their way to and from Mecca. This
attracts many people from Persia and India and other
parts of the Mohametan world to profit themselves
from these yearly religious fairs and bazars. The
chances of highway robbery attract many believers
to rub their faces on the threshhold of the house of
Allah and make seven circuits a day around the
Kabeh, each time kissing the angel stone fallen from
4. Alms and Tithes. Alms is an important duty
demanded from a Moslem. "Oh! merchants," says
Mohamet, "falsehood and deception are apt to pre-
vail in traffic; purify it, therefore, with alms; give
something in charitv as an atonement, for God is
incensed by deceit in dealing, but charity appeases
his anger."' By observing the lives of Mohametans
one can easily see that they plunder and steal with
one hand and give alms with the other. Such teach-
ings as the above-quoted passage encourages them to
robbery. A copper to a wayside beggar or a morsel
of bread to a dog is regarded the very means of puri-
fication of the soul. The most bloody tyrant may
erect a mosque or a bridge with one part of the
money he has plundered from the Christians, and he
is noted as one of the benefactors of the human
race. On his funeral day his coffin is carried over
the shoulders of thousands, and every believer pass-
ing by his grave stops a moment with high reverence
and deep admiration and repeats his prayer for the
illumination of that grave, the owner of which is
already enrolled among the saints and authorized to
mediate for the mortal creatures here below.
Two angels are said to accompany every Moslem,
one on his right hand to record his good works and the
other on his left hand to record his evil deeds. God
is so tolerant for his chosen people that he permits one
good action to be written ten times, while each bad
action is not recorded for seven hours, which is an
opportunity for repentance. By this holy decree a
Moslem may steal ten dollars and give one dollar as
alms and have his account all right in the book of
the heavenly clerks, even without repentance.
5 . The Words of Testimony or the Creed of Islam .
This is very brief and decisive. "La ilahe illallah,
Muhammed er Resulullah." There is no deity but
Allah. Mohamet is the apostle of Allah. So much
power is attributed to this creed that one single
utterance of it in a whole lifetime will be sufficient
to secure Paradise. If a Moslem can not perform
five daily prayers he is allowed to perform the
Friday noon prayers. If he can not do it fifty times
a year he may perform the two yearly prayers of the
great festivals. In case he omits the same during
his life he can utter the above-mentioned creed; if
he can not do even that he may raise the forefinger
of his right hand as a sign of this creed, and he is
sure to be saved.
Mohametans assert that many Giaours, however
obstinate in their lifetime, are compelled to submit
at last to the true religion and make this significant
sign of the finger on their death-bed without letting
their friends know anything about it, and many are
so afraid of the flames of hell that they are obliged to
cry aloud, "There is no deity but Allah, Mohamet is
the apostle of Allah!" Some angels, whose special
service is to carry corpses from the graves of Giaours
to the graves of Moslems, come by night and take
the bodies of these converted believers to their re-
spective places. We know nothing about such kind
of conversions, but positively testify to the fact that
over 100,000 Christians were willing to be butchered
during these last two years because of their unwill-
ingness to utter that single expression.
1. Ulemah, the Theological Party. This is the
most influential, the most fanatic, and the most
dangerous element of the Mohametan world. Nur-
tured with the destructive spirit of the Koran, they
are always ready and eager to indulge in a holy war
and renew the formidable expeditions of Islam.
Having the Sheikh al Islam (the religious head of
Islam) as their leader, and the host of Softas, or
Mollahs (the theological students), as their expert
agents, and the civil and military parties as their
helpers, and the whole Mohametan world as their
followers, they plan and practice according to the
interests of Islam. If the said head of Islam, being
backed by his party, gives his legal decree for the
dethronement of a sultan, the community cannot dis-
regard it. That is why daring these frequent
changes of ministry and secret butcheries in the
palace of the Sultan, the Sheikh al Islam is compara-
tively safe, and the coward Sultan favors the Softas
and Mollahs, the chief actors in the late massacre at
Constantinople, with presents, decorations and con-
gratulations. On the day of Queen Victoria's jubilee
celebration several cannons were discharged over the
Bosphorus ; when the Softas heard the first discharge
they at once poured out into the streets holding their
bloody axes, clubs and daggers in their hands, eagerly
inquiring whom they were to massacre, the Greeks
or the Armenians.
2. The Character of the Ulemah. The general
character of this religious party is corrupt and detri-
mental. They have only the Koran for their life-
long study, and shutting themselves against any
modern or external influence, and relying upon the
fatalistic principles of Islamic philosophy, and indulg-
ing in cruel pleasures, they live a very depraved life.
They believe that every event of life, good or bad,
is pre-ordained of God, and that no human agency can
modify it. "On man's forehead," they say, "his pre-
sonal destiny is written in. a mysterious way that the
guardian angels only can read it, and when his time
is come they immediately take his soul; but before
that appointed moment no enemy, no disease and no
danger can cause death." This philosophy contradicts
the idea of human freedom and responsibility, morti-
fies the aspiration towards the better, and leaves the
energy of life as an instrument for the prevailing
vice, corruption and oppression. ,
A language full of unimaginably corrupt expres-
sions, a home discipline full of shameful induce-
ments of hellish practices, a street life more wicked
than that of Sodomite character, a religious teaching
nothing more than a diabolic mechanism of cruelty,
a pulpit advocating hatred and malice, a religious
system of bloodshed and robbery, a book demoraliz-
ing the human likeness. This is the nearest descrip-
tion of the modern "Hell upon the earth." The
Hindoo and Chinese heathenisms have their standards
of morality comparatively rational and pure; also
have had their effects for the betterment of human
civilization ; but Islam's morality has been immorality,
and the effect the destruction of humanity.
3. Some Teachings of the Ulemah. Besides the
erroneous and harmful teachings of Islam mentioned
in this book at various points, we will bring forth
some ridiculous doctrines taught in the theological
schools of Moslems; for example, as to the natural
sciences :
The Origin of Apes. "When the mountain of
Sinai was lifted up over the Israelites, and the law
was given unto them, some among the people were
disobedient and were entirely destroyed. But some
part of the Jewish nation, rousing a rebellion against
God on a sabbath day, were punished for their trans-
gression by being changed into apes and driven away
from the society of men, as an example for the con-
temporary and future generations.'* (A different
theory of evolution) .
Geography. "The earth, a flat body, rests between
the horns of a huge ox, and the ox upon a cake of
soap. When this animal slightly moves his head
there is an earthquake." (Nobody can tell what will
become of the earth when his feet slip off of the
soap, which is not a safe foundation). The thun-
der is supposed to be the roar of the millstone that
grinds oats for this huge animal of heavy burden.
The apparent heaven, a solid plate, is fastened up
with four screws; at the time of the deluge God
slightly touched one of them ; at the end of this
world all four will be taken out.
Physiology . For each kind of food there is a sep-
arate department in the stomach. Similar articles of
food are changed iuto similar tissues in the human
body. When God created each disease, he has ap-
pointed a vegetable near by it as a remedy or anti-
dote. Lockman, the originator of medicine, was
gifted by the power of hearing the voices of various
plants as to what malady they were the remedy.
Some favored persons have authority over the evil
eyes and sicknesses, and can biud them with threads.
Chemistry. The four elements of nature are
water, earth, air and fire. Gold is composed of three
common articles, as copper, brass and mercury ; if you
know the proportion, and if you can find the myste-
rious powder which, mixed with the said minerals, pro-
duces gold, you can manufacture the precious metal.
By burning certain mysterious incenses you can con-
trol the jealous spirits that watch day and night over
the hidden subterranean treasures and possess bound-
less riches. Be careful to repeat certain prayers in
order to avoid the strokes of those evil spirits.
4. Supernatural Sciences Taught by Ulemahs.
— About the Spirits. In the air and among the
stars numerous evil spirits, or demons, reside. Some
of them are so enormous and powerful as to threaten
the earth and the moon and the sun. Comets are
the tails of these gigantic demons, and the eclipses
of the moon and the sun are their struggle to swallow
them, which can be avoided by crying to Gcd from
the minarets, and at the same time frightening them
by shooting fire-arms towards the skies and making
all kinds of noises, by which the Turk succeeds every
time in saving the poor moon from being swallowed.
Some of these evil spirits walk upon the earth,
mostly among the graves and solitary caves. Some
nights they take the appearance of a wrapped dead
body and walk around to terrify innocent people.
The public baths and the Christian churches are their
especial gathering places by night, where, by horrible
snorings, ugly laughters, hateful gestures, and dread-
ful dances they amuse themselves until the dawn of
the day. Some of them are so ugly that when they
laugh the lower lips rest upon the earth and the up-
per lips reach the stars.
The Size of the Angels. Angels exist in different
sizes. Some are so small that 10,000 of them dwell
upon a single hair of the Moslem's beard, and some
are so large that their wings, when opened, reach
from east to west, and some are still larger as to
swallow all the water on the earth with a single gulp.
Certain angels have certain services under the admini-
stration of Allah. Some are messengers, some
guides, others clerks (to write the good and evil
deeds of mankind and copy them in the heavenly
register) ; others porters to carry dead bodies from
one cemetery to the other; some are "soul takers,"
some are guardians of hell, etc. The space between
the earth and God's dwelling place is a journey of
fifty thousand years, which the angels perform in one
day over the celestial stairs.
The Souls of Good Men, whether living or dead,
have special privileges, as to have communion with
Allah, to converse with Mohamet, to be present at
distant places at the moment they desire, and
to help the weakness of mankind. Many living or
martyred Moslem saints are believed to ride on
winged camels every Friday and go to Mecca to per-
form their noon-prayer at the Kabeh, and return the
same day to their respective posts or graves. Mollah
Hunkiar died 600 years ago, and, buried at Iconium
(Asia Minor), is believed to make the same journey
riding on a brick wall. Another martyred saint is
regularly coming from Persia.
5. Ulemah's Teachings About the Transactions
Beyond the Grave. — The Interrogation in the Sep-
ulchre. This will be administered immediately after
the burial of every Moslem by two angels upon the
following four questions; 1. Who was thy Lord?
2. Who was thy Prophet? 3. Which was thy Relig-
ion? and 4. Which was thy Cubla (direction faced
while in prayer)? He who will answer, Allah was
my Lord, Mohamet my prophet, Islam my religion
and Kabeh my Cubla, shall find a great illumination
in his grave ; but he who shall not make this proper
answer shall be involved in darkness until the judg-
ment day.
Resurrection. At the end of the world, when the
archangel Israfil shall blow the trumpet, all things,
even angels, men and devils, shall be annihilated.
Then God will revive in. heaven first the "Angel of
Death," who will recall all the souls in general and re-
unite them to their respective bodies. Upon the earth
the first whom God will raise shall be Mahomet, upon
whose shouting, "There is no deity but Allah, Mo-
hamet is the apostle of Allah," all the believers shall
come to life. One of the sigus of the last day is that
the sun shall rise from the west and go to the east.
The Judgment Day. God will theu prepare a
vast plain where all creatures will be summoned to
give an account of their past conduct. The duration
of that day shall be as long as a century, during
which time the Giaours shall sigh and suffer great
tribulation and anguish. As to the Moslems it will
not be so, because those whose good works outweigh
their recorded bad actions, shall immediately enter
into Paradise; and those who are found lacking in
the balance shall be favored by allowing their five
large grave stones to be put on the scale of good
actions and weighed again; if he still lacks, which
will be very seldom, the good actions of the friends
done in his behalf shall be brought forth and added
upon the scale; also the prayers offered by his tomb
shall be introduced to the account, and, in spite of
all these favors, if his sins outweigh, he shall be
sent to a temporary purgatory to be punished for the
balance account; after which, through the in-
tercession of his prophet, he shall be admitted into
Paradise and enjoy the full pleasures thereof.
Those whose scales shall be equally poised are to be
detained in the middle space between Paradise and
hell and pass their years ©f penance in that soli-
tary place in a neutral condition.
Paradise. Mohametan paradise is nothing but an
imaginary place of carnal gratifications. Nothing to
do but to eat whatever you desire, which at once
shall be created and brought before you; to drink
wine and liquors which shall not disturb the mind; to
enjoy the pleasure of numerous pearly damsels; to
wear green silken robes which shall not wear out; to
sit upon soft couches and talk with the friends you
desire; to be served by blooming youths, and be
happy by looking down and seeing the wretched con-
dition of the Giaours in hell.
The Hell, as imaginary as the Heaven, is de-
vided into sev€n stories ; the first as a purgatory for
Moslems, the second for Jews, the third for Chris-
tians, the fourth for Sabians, the fifth for Magians,
the sixth for idolators. the seventh, and the lowest of
all, for the hypocrites, who outwardly professed a
religion but in reality had none. The essential means
of torment are heat, cold, bitter foods and filthy
drinks. The tree of Zakkum, which issues from the
bottom of hell and the fruit of which resembles the
heads of devils, is the only supply of food in hell
with which the damned shall be obliged to fill their
bellies, and being burnt of its bitterness shall cry
for drink, when a mixture of filth and boiling sul-
phur shall be given unto them, which they shall be
obliged to drink and vomit and begin the torment
anew. When their skin is burned by the fire God
will give them a new skin in order to perpetuate their
torture. When they make complaint of heat they
shall be exposed to extreme cold and vice versa.
During these ceaseless successions of extremities
nineteen angels will take charge of the guardianship
of hell not to let anybody escape from it, and to
keep the fire and cold always in operation.
- -*
1. Dervishes and Their Doctrine. Dervishes
belong to a religious class or order professing self-
denial and abstinence from worldly connections and
luxuries, and spending their time in worship and re-
ligious meditation. Candidates of this order must
prove themselves worthy by serving several months
or years the Sheikh or the elder of the brotherhood,
and by practicing at the same time the strict ordi-
nances of the society. Dervish or Fakir means poor,
and they glory in calling themselves "poor for the
sake of the Truth (God)." But all dervishes are
not poor, Some of them are really poor and desti-
tute; they are Called beggar dervishes, who go from
town to town having nothing of their own but a
patched robe and a lamb's or tiger's skin for their
outer garment, sometimes barefooted and almost
always bareheaded and wear long hair; in their
hands a short stick with a battle-ax-shaped badge on
one end; also a "Keshgoor," an oval dish, a large
tambourine, a horn and long rosaries and some
trifling relics or charms. For their daily bread they
entirely depend upon the charity of the people.
Some of them go silently in the market places and
give thanks for anything that may be put in their oval
dish. If they don't have enough they never com-
plain or ask for more. The majority of the beggar
dervishes ask for charity by standing in the market
places and repeating God's name, "Ya Hakk, ya
Allah," O Truth! O God! constantly, and holding
their Keshgoor, or horn, to persons they meet.
Some of them sing while walking to attract the
attention of the people; their good voice and sig-
nificant poems are largely emotions and touching,
as the soul's aspiration to reach the truth, vanities
of this world and follies of a luxurious life or
Jacob's lamentation over his lost son, Job's
patience and deliverance, and sometimes praises
of the martyred heroes, God's unchangeable will
and the final destiny of the human soul.
2. Resident Dervishes. The majority of this
order, however, are residents of the cities, having
their own regular trades and families and proper-
ties. In their appearance they may be distin-
guished by green turbans around very high gray
or white caps, long mantles and generally very
long hair. They have various organizations, which
they call certain "path" or "system." On certain
nights during the week they come together at some
mosque, or the Sheikh's department called "Tek-
kieh," convent or monastery, and spend hours in
religious conversation. Especially on Thursday
nights they hold a very long and fantastic meeting.
First they sit on the floor in a circular form and
begin to repeat the name of God (Hakk or Allah)
with a low voice and in regular intervals of 50-70
in one minute. Gradually their enthusiasm in-
creases and their voices raise to a higher pitch.
Then they come upon their knees, then stand upon
their feet, aDd later they turn around in a
circle, never omitting the regular repetition of God's
name. After awhile they begin to whirl around the
axis of their bodies, at the same time keeping the
circular motion around the center, where they have
their leader turning with the group and keeping the
time of their gestures and howling. By this time
some of them have fainted and fallen down, while
the others continue with greater eagerness. Grad-
ually others fall, still they continue until every one
is exhausted. This practice, commonly united with
the use of stimulants and narcotics, has a remark-
ably injurious effect upon the bodrly health and
mental soundness of the dervishes.
3. Dervishes as the Guardians of Shrines.
Tekkiehs in the towns, smaller convents on the
hill sides, the tombs of certain saints or mar-
tyrs, and the sacred spots of the past ages attract
multitudes of visitors or pilgrims from every part of
the Mohametan world. The visitors are sure to bring
some presents or kill a sheep, in keeping with their
requests and vows. Such places are regarded as cen-
ters of supplication for incurable maladies, mental
and physical deformities, sterility, poverty, failure in
business, and to gain love and favor. The water,
the soil, the leaves, the fruits, the shadows of the
trees, the wind and the sun of those places, are be-
lieved to have miraculous power. Such places are
guarded by dervishes.
Some haughty sheikhs shut themselves in one of
these sacred places and never go out of their walls
for fifteen, twenty, thirty years. These "Fathers"
are the living saints of the present age, and all the
wealthy citizens and the eminent visitors are expected
to go and kiss the skirts of his mantle and put their
presents under his cushion. Even the greatest men
would not sit in his presence but by his permission,
and that on bended knees ; and never talk freely,
only answer his questions, and that very slowly and
reverently ; never smoke or drink coffee but by his
special favor. These and their followers have a very
great influence upon the transactions of the Govern-
ment and private affairs of the sultans and their min-
isters. As a rule they are not so self-denying and
abstinent as they profess to be.
4. Mufties are the men who alone have authority
to apply Mohametan law to the practical transactions
of daily life. They have the privilege to consult
with the former books and extract their legal decrees
from them. The following examples will illustrate
their mode of administering the law :
A camel driver was once so angry with his camel
that he swore to sell her for one mite by the first
opportunity in the nearest city. After his anger was
over he felt sorry for the oath he had made, but
could not see any lawful way to escape from it.
While in deep meditation he was advised by a friend
to apply to the mufti of the town to see whether he
could show a right way to settle this trouble. He
went and stated the case. The mufti said, "Find a
cat and tie it to the tail of the camel and take them
into the market place and wait for the buyers. When
they ask the price say, 'The camel is for one mite,
and the cat is for a thousand piastres, but I don't sell
them separately.' If they buy them for this price
you will lose nothing; if they don't buy you will be
free from your oath."
Another man came to a mufti and said hesitatingly,
"My lord, while feeding in the pasture your ox hit
and killed mine, and I came to ask your excellency
whether you are obliged to repair my loss or note"
The mufti, shaking his head as if feeling very sorry,
opened the hand-book of the law and read with a loud
voice the proposition that "the action of the animal
is null," and turning to the man said, "My son, they
were both mute animals and could not realize what
they did. I am sorry for the loss, but the law, as
you have heard, does not oblige me to undertake the
responsibility. Do not be grieved ; whatsoever hap-
pens it is from God. Your ox was destined from
eternity to die in this way. Neither you nor I could
change it." The man returned hastily and said,
"Oh ! I beg your pardon,- my lord, it was my ox that
killed yours, and I was confused in my haste and
made the mistake." The pious mufti, with a
changed face and tone, said, "Wait a little; the
question has got confused. I must consult with the
larger book."
When Sultan Aziz, the dethroned and murdered uncle
of the present Sultan, intended to visit Europe, a
puzzling difficulty arose in regard to the demands of the
Mohametan law that the soil upon which a Moslem sov-
ereign may tread becomes a possession of Islam, and
as the Giaour princes of Frankistan (Europe) could
hardly be expected to submit to such a demand, there
should be found some way to fulfil the law and enable
the Sultan to carry out his intention. The leading
religious authorities therefore held a solemn meeting
in the palace to discuss the unprecedented subject.
After much consideration one of them is said to
have suggested the plan of preparing shoes for the
Sultan having a layer of Turkish soil under them so
that he could walk always upon his own country and
not upon other lands. This plan came very noar be-
ing agreed upon, when a brighter mufti said, "It
would be more glorious for our religion to let the
Sultan possess those countries and on his departure to
make presents of them to their former owners."
This was unanimously approved and offered to the
1. Biblical References of Armenia. Armenia is
a high table land on the southern slope of the Cau-
causus, between the Caspian- and Black seas and
Mesopotamia. Its boundaries have varied at differ-
ent times of its history. It is believed by the great-
est majority of the Biblical scholars to be the first
seat of the human race, and also the cradle of
mankind after the deluge. The four rivers men-
tioned in the second chapter of Genesis : Pison
(the present Joruk that runs to the Black Sea),
Gihon (the present Arax that runs to the Caspian
Sea), Tigris and Euphrates (both run to the Per-
sian Gulf), have their sources in the highlands of
Ararat, Armenia. According to the modern critics,
Armenia was formerly called Ararat, after the name
of that illustrious mountain, about 17,000 feet high,
upon which the ark of Noah rested after the abate-
ment of the waters. The fertile soil, the magnifi-
cent scenery, the mild and healthy climate, the
large rivers, and the "one thousand sources" of
pure waters, make it worthy to be called the "Gar-
den of Eden."
Other Biblical references in connection with
Armenia: In II. Kings, 19:37, and Isa., 37:38, we
notice that the sons of Sennacharib, the Assyr-
ian monarch, after killing their father (681 B.
C), "escaped into the land of Armenia." Again
in Ezek., 27:14 and 38:6, Armenia is indicated
under the name of Togarmah, the great grandson of
Noah, to whom the Armenians carry their descend-
ance, as furnishing Tyre with horses and mules, a
product for which it is still noted. Tigranes I., the
celebrated Armenian king, is said to have been an
ally of Cyrus the Great in overthrowing the Baby-
lonians and thus in liberating the Jews from their
seventy years' captivity. A foreshadow of this
event is indicated by the prophet Jeremiah (51:27-
29; also 50:41, 42): "Call together against her
the kingdoms of Ararat, Minnie and Ashkanaz," etc.
2. About the Origin of the Armenian Nation
there are two different opinions. The one, so long
cherished by the Armenians themselves, is that their
ancestor, Haig, the son of Togarmah and the fifth
generation from Noah, a hero, and a worshiper of
the true Jehovah, lived in Babylonia, where one of
the giants, coming into power, called himself Bel or
Baal and claimed fur himself the divine worship.
Haig did not recognize him, and after slaying him in
a struggle left the country and fled with his men to
the mountainous regions on the north, and established
there a principality which was named Hai or Haiga-
zian, the title which Armenians still use for them-
selves. The name Armenian is supposed to be given
by foreigners, after the name of the seventh great
Armenian ruler, Aram.
The other opinion lately brought forward is that
the Armenian nation, belonging to the Aryan race,
came from the north, from Caucasia, and did not
occupy the country before the seventh century B. C.
They followed the track of the Medes, owing to the
gradual decline of the Assyrian Empire. The argu-
ments in favor of this theory are the facts that the
Armenians in their physiognomy and natural con-
struction and in their traditions and language have
close connection and resemblance with other Aryan
nations, which would be the contrary if they had an
Assyrian or Chaldean origin. The Armenian lan-
guage has not the slightest resemblance of the Se-
mitic branch, Assyrian, Chaldean, Phoenician,
Hebrew and Arabic; while many original words and
other characteristics of the language show the evi-
dent identity with the Indo-Germanic (European)
branch — for instance, Mayer, mother; Douster,
daughter; Hair, hair; Vod, foot; Gow, cow; Luce,
light; Dour, door; Gadou, cat; Bardes, paradise;
Dev, day; Ash, ass; Anoun, noun, and many others.
3. Armenia According to the Ancient Foreign
Historians. In the famous inscriptions of the
Achsemanides (the ancient Persian monarchs, as
Darius, Hystaspes, Xerxes, Artaxerxes, and others)
in Persepolis (the ancient Persian capital of the said
dynasty and afterward ruined by Alexander the
Great) the name of Armenia is found written in
various forms, and the pictures of Armenian tribu-
taries are represented as marching after the Cappa-
docians to render homage to the great Persian king;
the probable date, six centuries before Christ.
Herodotus, the oldest Greek historian, born 484
B. C, also mentions the absorption of the Armenian
kingdom in that of Darius, and the exaction of a
tribute of four hundred talents.
Xenophon, the celebrated Greek general, histo-
rian and philosopher, born 445 B. C, in his account
of the adventurous retreat of the Greeks in the
East, known in history as "The Retreat of the Ten
Thousand," throws much light upon the ancient Ar-
menians and Kurds.
Armenia was included in the conquests of Alexan-
der the Great, 320 B. C, and after his death at the
partition of his kingdom Armenia was submitted to
the Seleucidse of Syria. But in 190 B. C. she re-
volted against the Syrian King, Antiochus the Great,
and gained her independence through the aid of the
Parthian king, Mithridates I., who appointed his
brother, Valarsaces, over Armenia. This was the
beginning of the second period of the Armenian
4. The Four Periods of the Armenian King-
dom. The first period, beginning with Haig and end-
ing at the time of Seleucidse, embraces about 22
centuries. The first part of this period is legend-
ary, or rather, unknown. The second period begins
with Valarsaces, 190 B. C, and goes until 390 A. D.,
embracing a period of nearly 600 years. The great-
est event of this period is the evangelization of the
whole nation, about which the reader will find a con-
cise* information in the next chapter. The greatest
king of this period was Tigranes II., who was able
to fight with the Roman rulers. After him Tacitus,
the historian, s*ays the Armenians were almost always
at war with the Romans through hatred, and with the
Parthians through jealousy, until the two great ene-
mies prevailing over Armenia divided it between
themselves, 390 A. D.
Between the second and the third periods, about
500 years, the Armenians were subjected partly to
the Roman or Greek Empire and partly to the Per-
sian kingdom and Mohametan caliphate.
The third period begins at 859 A. D. and comes to
its end at 1045 A. D., thus embracing about 200
The fourth period of the Armenian independence
(1045-1393) was confined to Cilicia. Ruben, a rela-
tive of the last king of the third period, escaped into
Cilicia and established the Rubenian kingdom, hav-
ing the city of Sis for his capital. The mountainous
situation of Cilicia helped the Armenians to keep
their independence until 1393, when Leon VI., the
last king of this dynasty, an exile by the Mohametan
caliphate, died at Paris, France, and was buried in
the Cathedral at St. Denis. Zeitoun of the present
day is the last spark of this local independence.
According to the above statements the Armenian
Kingdom began at twenty -fourth century B. C. and
ended at fourteenth century A. D., thus embracing
a period of nearly 3,800 years with about 600 years'
intervals of subjection, during which time they were
governed by provincial system, which can not be
called total subjection with the present meaning of
the word. During the last centuries Armenia be-
came gradually divided between Turkey, Russia and
Persia. The Ottoman Turks nominally conquered
Armenia, but until recent times (1847) it was prac-
tically under various Kurdish Sheiks, or chiefs.
The present number of the Armenians is supposed
to be over four millions: 2,500,00 in Turkey, 1,500,-
000 in Russia and 150,000 in Persia. It was over
twelve millions when subjugated by the Mohametans,
but reduced to one-third by unceasing persecutions
and frequent massacres, about which read the subse-
quent chapters.
1. Pre-Christian Religion of Armenia. From
the ancient Armenian literature, consisting of national
songs, only a few quotations are left, and the earli-
est inscriptions on the great citadel rock of Van
have not yet been satisfactorily made out. What we
understand from the authorities existing is that the
Armenians, before Christianity, worshiped the heav-
enly bodies, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the
fire, like other surrounding nations. The names of
many places and persons, still in use, are the various
derivations of the names of these deities. The relics
of those ages of heathenism, however, show that
their idolatry was not of the coarser and abominable
sort. So far as we know, polygamy, human sacrifice
and immoral practices in worship were not introduced
nor practiced among the Armenians ; on the other
hand, the sacredness of family life, the fidelity in
marriage, the obedience to parents, national enthu-
siasm, attachment to the " fatherland," social habits,
industry, peacefulness, hospitality, and most of all
religious'zeal and piety — still prevailing characteristics
of the race — are traced back to those remote ages.
Haig, the supposed ancestor of the nation, is described
as " the eagle of the mountains of Ararat," the first
hero wTho ever declared himself for freedom and con-
science. His grandson, Aramais, who has built stores
of luxuries for himself, is condemned for gluttony,
and his hateful character was put into a proverb and
passed through generations. The seventh ruler from
Haig, Ara the Beautiful (the son of Aram, after
whom the nation was named " Armenian "), was
highly praised, not ouly for his personal beauty but
chiefly for his fidelity to his nation and temperate
firmness against the worldly and impure intentions of
the Assyrian Queen Semiramis (Shamiram), even at
the expense of his life, which he lost while bravely
fighting with the hordes of this ancient Jezebel.
Armenian virgins are described as gathering in the
Temple of the Goddess of Parity and singing the
virtues of virginity and matrimonial fidelity. Herip-
simian virgins fled to Armenia as the safest shelter to
preserve their honor against the vicious tyranny of
the Roman rulers. Santookhd, the only daughter of
the Armenian King in the first century A. D., was
converted to Christianity by the Apostle Thaddeus,
declined all the glories of a wordly crown, and in
spite of the appeals, promises and threatenings of
her idolatrous father, kept the true faith until her
innocent blood, together with that of her apostle,
was shed on the beautiful plains of Shavarshan,
where roses and lilies are believed to bloom out of
her blood. These were the ideals of the Armenian
nation, even before Christianity was fully accepted
among them.
2. Evangelization of the Armenian Nation. Chris-
tianity was undoubtedly introduced among the
Armenians early in the second century of our era,
and towards the end of the third century it was
officially proclaimed as the national religion of the
country. According to the traditions of the Armen-
ian church, the Armenian King Abcarius, having a
chronic malady, and hearing about the miracles of
Jesus, sent special messengers to him with a letter,
and invited the Saviour to come and live in his capi-
tal Edessa (the present Ourfa) and be safe from the
enmity of Jewish authorities. Our Lord, the tradi-
tion continues, highly appreciated this kind feeling
of hospitality, but as he could not go himself he
promised to send one of his apostles after his resur-
rection, which he did by sending Thaddeus, called
the Apostle of Armenia. Nobody can tell how
much truth or probability there is in this tradition,
but that Thaddeus and Bartholomew were sent to the
northeastern regions and established there Christian
churches, and that among the Armenians many con-
verted Christians were persecuted and some churches
were destroyed through the influences of the great
anti-Christian emperors of the Roman commonwealth,
are historical facts. Still the general evangelization
of Armenia dates towards the end of the third
The historical founder of the Armenian church
was Saint Gregore "the Illuminator," an Armenian
prince, related to King Tiridates, who during the
first part of his reign was a great persecutor of " the
new faith transplanted from Judea." The young
prince Gregore, resigning his wordly position, conse-
crated himself to the enlightenment of his people
in spite of all the difficulties and severe persecutions
he suffered from the people and the king. Tiridates
being very anxious to change his mind and course,
shut him in a dungeon for several years, but could
not prevent the rapid progress of the flame of Chris-
tianity which was already consuming the remains of
the pagan ages. The most cruel thing attributed to
Tiridates was his killing some maiden refugees, who,
persecuted by the Soman emperor, had fled to
Armenia for shelter. His remorse and shame of this
guilt was so strong that he is related to have lost his
mind for some time, until one night in his dream he
saw the graves of the said martyrs illuminated by a
bright light, and upon this vision he at once released
Saint Gregore and was baptized by him with all his
subordinates, and proclaimed Christianity to be the
religion of his dominions. Soon churches were
established and the visionary light which was believed
to illumine the graves of the martyrs was spread
over the country; and at the very site of that heav-
enly light a magnificent church was erected by the
name of " Echmiadzin, " the Descent of the Only
Begotten, which is until this day the most sacred
headquarter of the Armenian church and the seat of
the highest religious authority called "Catholicos of
the Whole Armenians." (276 A. D.)
Saint Gregore, the Illuminator, being consecrated
Bishop of Armenia in 302 A. D., was the first Catho-
licos or father of that sacred seat, and uninterrupted
succession is kept until this day. The present head
of the Armenian church is His Holiness Muoerditch
?2 Islam, turkey' and Armenia.
Khrimian, the honored and the beloved Archbishop.
The Bible was translated into the Armenian language
early in the fifth century by Mesrob, who also
invented and introduced the present alphabet, com-
posed of thirty-six letters. (Three more letters
were introduced afterwards for foreign sounds.)
3. The Relation of the Armenian and Greek
Churches. Though Christianity was introduced first
among the Jews and the Greeks, the Armenian church
has the honor of bein^ << the First National Church
in Christendom. " Noth withstanding her national
independence, she acknowledged the church universal
and conducted herself in unity with the sister churches
in the East, the principal one of which was the
Greek church. St. Gregore, the Illuminator, was
trained and even ordained in the Greek school at
Csesaria, and was authorized to represent the Armen-
ian branch of "the Church Universal" in the gen-
eral councils. The early history of the Christian
church shows that the Armenian delegates of these
councils had their own share in the discussions of
various theological and ecclesiastical subjects; so
much that the Western delegates and the Bishop of
Constantinople, and even the Emperor Constantine
himself, could not help to admire and appreciate their
superior intellect and zeal for the interest of the
church. Especially at the celebrated discussions of
Arius' doctrine against the divine nature of our
Saviour, the Armenian bishops, as opponents to that
heresy, expressed the greatest zeal for the preserva-
tion of the old orthodox doctrine. And the Necean
creed that was arranged as a protest and defense
against the erroneous teaching of Arius was at once
adopted by the Armenian church and used in her
worships until this day. Saint Gregore, the Illumi-
nator, added to it some sentences in order to empha-
size its general spirit.
The Council of Chalcedon, 451 A. D., the Armenian
bishops could not attend on account of the Persian
persecutions, and not being contented with the reso-
lution of that Council in regard to the number of the
natures of our Saviour, refused its decrees in 536.
Accepting the Mono-physical Doctrine (that is, in our
Lord's person the divine and the human united to
one unseparable nature), she proclaimed herself inde-
pendent of the Greek church, and since then had no
formal union with her, although she regards her as
a " sister church." This separation, in spite of its
political disadvantages, has proved beneficial for the
maintainance of the purity of the doctrines and the
practice of the Armenian church.
The seven sacraments of the early church, as mass,
confession, absolution, unction, matrimony, baptism
and eucharist, though practiced in the Armenian
church, are rather formal than doctrinal, as is proved
by her susceptibility to internal reformation. The
following hymn, composed by Nerses the Graceful,
the Armenian Archbishop who lived in the twelfth
century (about 400 years before the Reformation of
Martin Luther), and sung in the Armenian church
until this day, is one among many that shows the
doctrine and spirit of that ancient church :
O, dawning brightness ! Sun of righteousness ! Shine forth upon
Fatherly issue (spirit), in my heart renew pleasing words for
Treasure of bounties, thine hidden riches grant my soul to see.
Open mercy-door to confessing soul, with heavenlies rank me.
Thou one in three, Carer all that be, on me have mercy.
Arise Lord helping, raise the slumbering, like angels to be,
Eternal Father, Co-existent Son, ever ghost holy,
Loving name Jesus, with thy love bruise my heart-stony.
After conversion to Christianity the history of the
Armenian nation has become largely the history of
the church; for, being situated beyond the frontiers
of Christendom, they suffered constant persecution
from the surrounding heathen nations, and the State
was obliged to defend the church at anv cost.
1. Persecution From Persians. Towards the
middle of the fifth century, as it was mentioned in
the first chapter, Armenia had lost its national inde-
pendence, and one part of it was ruled by Persians,
though in a provincial system. The Persians who
were bigoted Zoroastrian fire worshipers, aimed at
this time the conquest and the conversion of the
world. Accordingly, in 450 A. D. the Persian King
dictated a letter to the Armenian princes setting
forth the superiority of fire worship to Christianity,
and inviting the whole nation to accept it. Upon
this threatening invitation a great council was held,
in which clergy and laymen sat together and a unani-
mous reply of refusal was decided upon. The exact
copy of that remarkable answer was preserved by one
of the bishops who signed it. After intelligibly
refuting the false arguments of the Persian King
against Christianity, they said in conclusion : " From
this faith no one can move us, neither angels nor
men, neither sword nor fire, nor water nor any deadly
punishment. If you allow us our faith we will
accept no other lord in place of you, but we will
accept no God in place of Jesus Christ; there is no
other Grod beside him. If after this solemn confes-
sion you ask anything more of us, lo, we are before
you and our lives are in your power; from you tor-
ments, from us submission; your sword, our necks;
we are not better than those who are gone before us?
who gave up their possessions and their life for this
The haughty King of Persia, being enraged by the
boldness of this reply, ordered an army of 200,000
men against this small country, which stood alone in
front of a vast power. The battle, often called the
Armenian Marathon, was fought on the plain of
Avarair under Mt. Ararat. In this desperate strug-
gle the much smaller army of the Armenians was
defeated, and their leader Vartan, the Brave, was
killed, but the surprising resistance offered by rich
and poor, by men, women and children, convinced
the King of Persia that he might crush the Armen-
ians, but could never make fire-worshipers of them;
and was obliged to admit the declaration of the High
Priest of fire worship, that " These people have put
on Christianity, not like a garment, but like their
own flesh and blood. They are not afraid of fetters
and torments, nor care for property, and choose
death rather than life. Who can stand against them ?"
2. The Bravery of the Armenian Women During
This Persecution. The above mentioned historian
Bishop, who was an eye-witness of this terrible war-
fare that reduced the country almost to a desert,
describes the condition of the Armenian women at
that time, saying: "I cannot enumerate all the
wives of the heroes, both of those who were in
fetters and those who had fallen in battle. All of
them being kindled by a holy ambition, put on the
same virtue of fidelity. The delicately reared women
went untiringly to the houses of prayer on foot and
bare-footed, asking by vows that they might be
enabled to endure their great affliction. The ever-
lasting Psalms were the words of their lips, and
their complete comfort was in the reading of the
prophets. With their eyes they saw the spoiling of
their goods, and with their ears they heard the moans
of suffering of their dear ones. With prayers they
opened the closed doors of heaven, and with holy
petitions caused the angels of redemption to descend.
With their hands they worked and were fed, and the
pensions granted them by the court they sent year
by year to their husbands and sons for their comfort.
The snows of many winters melted, the springs
came, the life-loving men saw and rejoiced; but they
never could see those for whom they longed. To
outsiders they appeared mourning and sorrowful
widows, but in their own souls they were adorned
with heavenly love. Their desires and prayers to
God were only that they might finish their course
with faith and courage, filled with heavenly love,
even as they had begun.*'
3. Persecutions From the Mohametans. After
the fall of the Persian kingdom in the seventh cen-
tury Armenia was invaded by the Saracens, the
Mohametan warriors, for about 200 years. The his-
tory of this time was not brighter than any period of
religious persecutions the Armenians had suffered.
In the choice of Islam, or sword, or low subjection,
Armenians have always chosen one of the last two
proposals. While the fury of Islam was overwhelm-
ing Persia, Turkey and India were progressing with
wholesale conversions of races and tribes. The
Armenians proved themselves to be the only excep-
tion, and to break off these rapid and sure conquests.
If they could not be permitted to live for their friends
and country they would prefer death to Islam, hence
the saying prevailed among Mohametans as a proverb
that, "The old obstinate Armenian will not become
After the withdrawal of the Saracens, owing to
the fall of the caliphate in Bagdad, the Armenians
gained their independence under the third period of
their kingdom. But the land could not gain her rest
from the repeated invasions of proselyted Moslem
tribes, especially the Tartars. By the short-sighted
policy of the Greek emperors, the Armenian king-
dom was overthrown in 1045 A. D., and thus the
whole eastern frontier was laid open to the invasion
of the Seljouk Tartars, who might have been success-
fully resisted by the hardy mountaineers of Armenia.
The result was fatal, both to Armenia, which was
overrun, and to the Greek empire; for in the battle
of 1071 A. D. the Emperor Eomanus IV. was
defeated and made prisoner by Alp Arslan, and the
whole of Asia Mioor was left to the mercy of the merci-
less Seljoukian Tartars, who, as most bigoted
Mohametans, scourged the country for 200 years.
Genghis Khan, the Mongolian invader, early in the
thirteenth century, dealt comparatively better with
the Armenians, which the Mohametans attributed to
the influence of his wife, who was a Christian. But
after the overthrow of his temporary dominion the
Armenians suffered more from the vengeance of the
Egyptian caliphate. The exact cause of this ven-
geance was the hospitality the Armenians showed to
the Crusaders, sheltering and feeding them a whole
winter on their way to the Holy Land to recover it
from the hands of Mohametans. The cruelties of
Timourlane, the Tartar, devastated Armenia at the
close of the fourteenth century; his bloody soldiers
being tired of killing, buried many Armenians alive,
or drove them into the rivers, and many children and
women together were drowned. In 1605 Shah Abbas,
of Persia, forcibly transplanted 12,000 Armenian
families to his country as slaves to serve the good
pleasure of the Mohametan Persians. From that
time on the Armenians have suffered continuous and
severer persecutions from the Kurds and the Turks,
the description of which is given in subsequent
Armenia, owing to its geographical situation, has
always been the battlefield of the eastern and western
invasions. Her importance in the history of civiliza-
tion and the Christian church was that, she being at
\he frontier of Christendom, has done much in check-
ing the fury of the barbarous invaders, and more
perhaps in suffering for the freedom and religion of
their western brothers, who, had it not been for this
providential stronghold, would not be able to have
time and facility in developing their civilization, both
secular and ecclesiastical.
1. Armenians Are an Exceedingly Religious Peo-
ple. You cannot find a single member in that com-
munion who has not been baptized in the sacred
fount of the church and in the name of the Holy
Trinity ; not one in ten thousand whose marriage is
not performed under the authority of the church.
If there be any they are refused to approach the
Lord's table and their children are not admitted to
baptism, and their dead are not buried with christian
ceremonies. In every Armenian town the best build-
ing is the church, with the sign of the cross on its
top. The choicest lamb in the llock is offered at the
threshold of the holy convent; the highest seat in
the house and the best portion on the table is for the
priest. The most secret affairs and sorrows are
entrusted to the fatherly confidence of the pastor.
On each visit all the members of the family are
glad to hold his hand and reverently kiss it while he
utters " God bless you." The aged men and women,
in many instances deprived of sight, with remarkable
regularity attend the services in the church, which
are performed twice a day, very early in the morning
and late in the afternoon, repeating silently all the
way the beautiful psalms which they learned in their
youth. When they meet a friend on their way from
the church the ready blessing of their mouth is
" God be merciful unto your soul."
On Sunday mornings the great assembly of men
and women in the church reverently stand up while
the priest is officiating the holy sacrament ; and the
children, arrayed in white robes with red crosses on
them, and holding lights in their hands, turn around
the main altar sweetly singing: "Lift up your
heads, O, ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlast-
ing doors; and the king of glory shall come in." In
the presence of such a scene one is reminded of
the heavenly seraphin and cherubin which turn day
and night around the throne of the Almighty.
2. The Passion Week in the Armenian Church.
After celebrating the glorious entrance of our Saviour
into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and following the
events of the first part of the week, on Thursday
afternoon twelve priests and deacons sit together
before the main altar, and imitating the significant
events of the upper room in Jerusalem, one of them,
the highest in rank, girds the apron, a sign of
humility, and approaches the company of twelve,
and one by one wash their feet, at the same time
repeating portions of the farewell speech of our
Lord. One of them taking Peter's part seems too
humble to let the Great Master wash his feet, but
being persuaded of its necessity, submits himself to
the will of the Master.
At midnight of the same evening, while the
scene of the crucifixion is represented with ideal
solemnity and sincere piety, all the candles are put
out, and Mary, the afflicted mother, clinging to the
foot of the cross, begins to weep and wail through
the melodious voice of the best singer in the choir.
All the women in the galleries burst into tears of
grief, and words of repentance are heard on every
side until the blessed mother submits herself to the
divine will, and the last word of the bleeding Saviour
is heard upon the cross, " It is finished. " The name
of this ceremonious night is " Come and Weep."
When the service of the crucifixion is over, about
two hours before sunrise, many people go right away
to the cemetery and put candles over all the graves
in order to illuminate the valley of death. The out-
ward appearance, how impressive and silent! the
spiritual meaning is more instructive and full of com-
fort. The sweet remembrance of the passed friends
is more sweet with the meditation of "the new sep-
ulchre in the garden." The rest of the day passes
in reverent quiet.
The Easter services begin on Saturday evening,
and at the end of the long and ceremonious services
the officiating priest gives the good tidings of the
day: "Christ has risen from the dead," and the
attendants respond: "Blessed is the resurrection of
Christ." Friends meeting with each other during the
three days of Easter use the above two sentences for
their salutation. The priest is sure to visit each
home in his parish, holding a very brief service in
3. Armenians Have Always Been Industrious and
Progressive, and kept the highest position among the
Eastern races in regard to their ability in commerce,
trade, agriculture and letters. Their language, with
its somewhat difficult pronunciation, excels all the
dialects of the Bast, and in its syntax and word-
making capacity equals Greek or Latin. Its adapta-
tion to the Christian ideas is remarkable. It is a
proverbial saying that " the Arabic is fit to swear,
Kurdish to quarrel, Turkish to curse, while the
Armenian is to pray.5' Soon after the conversion of
the nation to Christianity, the Armenian young men
flocked into the highest institutions at Athens, Con-
stantinople, Edessa and other centers of education.
While Mohamet was spending his solitary hours in
shaping the immense mouths of the ugliest demons,
or describing the devil-headed fruits of the infernal
plantation, the Armenians were struggling for pros-
perity and development. Upon the fertile land and
among the largest rivers they always clung to the
plough, and led their flocks in the green pastures of
Armenia. Grains and varieties of fruits were
exchanged for the other necessities of life, and their
commercial enterprises extended to the foreign coun-
tries. In spite of ceaseless persecutions and spoils,
Armenia has always had her princes, wealthy and
able merchants and very skillful traders. Each father
regarded his essential duty to train his son in his own
trade and perpetuate the source of wealth. Each
mother taught her daughter economical housekeep-
ing and industry. There has been no time in the
history of Armenia when her children assaulted her
neighbors, or gave themselves to luxury and idleness.
After so much trouble and suffering their existence
and position must and does have some significance.
4. One of the Characteristics of the Armenian
People is very strong attachment to the family
life and "fatherland." The type of the family is
patriarchal. The old father and mother, with their
grown sons and their families, sometimes numbering
altogether forty to sixty, live in the same house, the
grandfather being the ruler and the grandmother the
manager. Young and modest brides, being taught
from their early childhood, are always obedient and
diligent, too modest to speak aloud before the grand-
father and elder brothers-in-law. When the. old
father eats, the brides are eager to wait on him.
When he wants to go out they bring his out-door
shoes and help him to put them on and take them off
when he comes in, and get his good words of bless-
ing for all these services. When the morning work
is done and the men leave the house for their field or
shop the young mother sits beside the cradle and
sings softly as she sews, knits or spins:
Awake, and open thy beauteous eyes, my child, my little one!
Thy mother sees therein her life, her glory and her sun.
Thou shalt grow up, grow tall and strong, as rises in the air a
stately palm tree ; how I love thy stature tall and fair!
The heroes of Mount Ararat, their ghosts shall strengthen thee
with power and might that thou as brave as Vartan's self
mayst be.
Awake and ope thy beauteous eyes, my child, my little one!
Thy mother sees therein her life, her glory and her sun.
And no wonder if these first impressions pressed
upon the mind of the baby and make him attached to
his " good mother," the " dear home" and " sacred
fatherland." He is the joy of his mother, the pro-
tector of his sister, the lover of his wife, the server
of his church and the martyr of his fatherland, so
full of charming scenery and sacred memories.
The ideal and the highest ambition of the Armen-
ian is, and always has been, and always will be, Lib-
erty in his home-land. The accumulation of wealth
is not their highest desire, though they have rare
chances and natural ability for that. The luxuries of
life are not the greatest attraction for them, though
they have the worst example before their eyes. The
theory of fatalism has never been a favorite idea
with the Armenians, though it broods all over Asia.
The ambition has never stirred them to aggress the
rights of their neighbors, though they have had
many chances in their long national life to do so.
They are, and always have been contented, temperate,
practical and peaceful. They loved liberty, they
were always ready to protest against a despotic spirit.
This spirit of protest caused them to be superficially
called "Anmiapan," " Discordant," but every free-
dom-lover knows that
The path of freedom is thorny all the way,
So many trials and strifes do happen every day ;
Too straight and narrow is this world for thee
If thou art a lover of Liberty.
1. The Intended Bride. Among the Armenians
marriage is at an age earlier than in western coun-
tries — 19 for boys and 15 for girls may be regarded
a medium age for marriage. The engagement takes
place earlier than that, sometimes when the
couple are too young to understand the meaning of
"the cradle contract." The parents are the chief
operators in this. When a boy reaches his fifteenth
or seventeenth year, his parents, especially the
mother, the sisters and the aunts, begin to talk
among themselves about a proper candidate for their
future bride. Dark and large eyes, long and brown
hair, rosy cheeks and round face and medium stature
are desired for her physical qualities ; diligence,
modesty, manual skill, respectable parentage and
good name for the moral qualities. The education,
however, is not regarded essential, especially in the
interior. In their research for a proper candidate they
very often carry their mission and consultation beyond
the borders of the family circle — it may be whispered in
the church, in the marriage feasts, at the public baths,
and on the streets. They make unexpected calls to
the home of the girl under their consideration, the
object of which is to examine the condition of the
house and the manners of the girl, etc. When they
approve one the subject is taken into more serious
consideration among all the members of the family, and
the opinion of the young man is consulted. He is
too bashful to state his thoughts freely, especially in
his father's presence, but he finds many ways to ex-
press himself. The young lady and her family are
considered formally unaware of the intention, though
they actually know about the case and prepare them-
selves to respond to the proposition. The girl has
less voice than the young man, still her decision can
not be entirely overlooked.
2. The Ceremony of Engagement. When the
friends of the young man give their decision for a
certain young woman, they send some friends or their
priest to make the formal proposition and get the
answer of "the other side." If they get a favorable
reply a day is appointed for the ceremony of engage-
ment, when the friends of the young man, associated
with the priest, go to the home of the young woman
to perform the ceremony of engagement. The near-
est friends of both families are there, but neither of
the couple. After some pell mell conversation, the
representative of the young man asks the elder mem-
ber of the girl's family, "Mr. — — , do you know for
what purpose we came here this evening?" He
answers, "You are all welcome; what purpose can
we expect but friendship and brotherly call. You
know our house is always open for the friends; you
are a thousand times welcome." "Yes, indeed, we
are friends, and always welcomed in your house.
God bless you and your home, but in this visit we
have a special purpose, and, the Lord willing, a good
purpose, and we are sure that you will not disappoint
us." The girl's friends must never show themselves
acquainted with the said purpose or anxious for its
discussion ; therefore, must always repeat the same
general words of welcome and friendship, until the
representative of the young man opens the question
and says, "Mr. , by the will of God we came to
beg your favor in giving your noble daughter, Mary,
to your servant, our son James. We expect that
you will not refuse our proposal and send us away
disappointed." After some formal hesitation and
repetitions of the proposal the question is referred to
the oldest member of the young woman's family,
who says, "You are welcome a thousand times, if it
is the Lord's will, may it be blessed for us all."
This answer being equal to "yes," is responded to
with great joy and congratulations, and the young
woman being called in, the presents of the young
man — pieces of gold coins, heavy embroidered hand-
kerchiefs, a gold ring, etc. — presented to her. Her
silent acceptance of these things is regarded the sign
of her consent for the contract, after which the
priest rehearses some words of prayer and vows in
behalf of the contractors, then a good supper is
served. In larger towns the young man may accom-
pany the friends for the ceremony of engagement.
Between the times of engagement and wedding the
couple do not see nor write to each other — only the
parents give visits on special days, as Christmas and
Easter, or other occasions, and send presents to each
other. The presents of the groom are expected to be
more valuable and frequent. The bride is expected
to furnish the groom and his nearest friends with
embroideries, stockings and other articles, all made
by her own hand. Also she has to prepare several
suits for herself, all to be used after marriage. The
wedding garments, however, silken and of any color
but white, are to be prepared by the groom.
3. The Wedding. The families of the bride and
groom make special preparations for the wedding and
invite their relatives and friends and neighbors to
their respective homes two or three days before the
marriage. One hundred guests in each home can be
regarded a moderate estimate. A feast is served in
both homes on the afternoon of the marriage day,
after which the family and guests of the groom, all
with lighted candles in their hands, go to the home
of the bride "to take the bride," as they say. After
spending about an hour with the guests there, and
partaking of "sherbet," (non-alcholic drink) and
fruits, they take the bride to the home of the groom,
or to the church, where the religious ceremony is
performed by the priest. The ceremony takes about
an hour, and sometimes more. Nobody among the
friends of the bride except one lady attends the mar-
riage ceremony in the church, and the members of
her family do not come to see her in her new home
within ten to fifteen days, and she does not go to
visit them before thirty to forty days.
In various parts of Armenia they have different
customs, e. g. : In some places each guest brings
with her or him a small sum of money or other pro-
visions to meet the wedding expenses. In some
places they do not use invitation cards, but send a
messenger to each friend's house, or distribute pieces
of candy with a message of u salutations." In
many places on the marriage-feast day the gates are
opened to the poor and strangers. The jewelry pre-
sented to the bride by the groom are pieces of gold
coins of various value, as $1 to $15 apiece worn as a
necklace. On the day after the marriage the friends
bring gifts, such as rugs and copper vessels, and from
a saucer to a wash-tub. A few days before and
after the marriage the groom is called by the name
of "King" and another young man will associate
him as his " Prime Minister," and a little boy " the
groom's brother." In many places the bride has to
wear a veil for months or years after her departure
from her father's home. The new bride, beginning
from the engagement day, is not allowed to speak
before her father-in-law, brothers-in-law and their
nearest relatives for several months or years after
the marriage. If they are obliged to tell something
they either speak into the ears of a child of the
family, who repeats it aloud, or they themselves
express it by signs. In the interior, men and women
do not eat together, especially when there is a
stranger in the house.
The Armenian church never allows divorce for any
cause; only permits separation without re-marriage.
A god-child can never marry his or her godfather's
children. The common priests of the Armenian
church must be married men before they are ordained,
but neither the priest nor his wife can marry a sec-
ond time.
The marriage feasts are generally accompanied
with music and singing and fire- works, and similar
amusements. Once in a Protestant community, when
they were taking the groom and the bride from the
church back to the home, they sang on the way,
" Jesus, I my cross have taken."
\ P
the Armenians' condition in the first half of
this century.
1. The Local Governments. The nature of the
Turkish Government, especially in the provinces, was
until very recently somewhat like a feudal system.
The local beys (noblemen), or sheikhs or pashas,
had their own arbitrary rule in certain districts, and
very often would fight with each other, or even with
the central government. The sultans of the last
two centuries, being politically impotent and devoted
to sensual gratifications, abandoned the task of
administration to the favorites and parasites of the
palace, who had access to the sale of public function
as the readiest mode of performing it, and the most
profitable for themselves. Armenia was not an
exception to other provinces, but was more unfortu-
nate in being abandoned to Kurdish authorities.
The Kurds, supposed to be the descendants of the
ancient Parthians, are a bloody and semi-savage race,
nominally governed or rather led by various local
sheikhs or chiefs, and always plundering the Armen-
ians and Nestorian Christians, with whom they lived
for centuries. Most of them belong to the Persian
sect of Mohametan religion, and some tribes still
keep the traces of ancient pantheism and fire-worship,
and even the devil-worship. While the population
of Armenia proper was in this condition, other
Armenians in Lower Armenia and Cilicia were sub-
jected both to the central government and local Turk-
ish beys or agas, every one of whom was a king in
his own circle and dealt with their ray as (subjects)
as a rule very unjustly and, in many cases, very
unwisely for themselves. None of these local gov-
ernors had any project for the future welfare of the
country. Every one acted as if the end of the
world was at hand; their motto was, "Impoverish
the people in order to enrich yourself." If they
had any activity other than robbing and degrading
their rayas it was in the line of quarreling with rival
chiefs at any expense of life and property. At any
moment the aga of the next town could be expected
to come with his "seginen" (horsemen) and open a
dispute with the chief of this town, shed blood, burn
a part of the town, carry away the herds and flocks,
spoil the crops and do every harm imaginable.
Whether defeat or victory, the people always lost,
and the greatest sufferers were the Armenians. The
Kurdish or Turkish bey would send word to certain
Armenian individuals or community, demanding so
much money or provisions, the denial of which would
always cost life, honor and property. Very often
they would capture the sacred utensils of the church
as a security for the payment of the demanded sum;
or would take the abbot of the convent a prisoner
and torture and disgrace him until the ransom was
sent. When Christmas or Easter approached the
chief of the town would send for the key of the
church, which the poor Christians could not dare to
refuse, and which they could hardly get back, even
by offering large sums of money and by begging for
months. As to the janissaries (nominal soldiers in
the provinces), it is impossible to describe the hor-
rible atrocities they have committed. They at any
time, even late in the evening, would knock at the
gate of a well-to-do Armenian and demand the
immediate delivery of so much meat, rice, butter,
bread and wine, and sometimes worse. The beys
and their subordinates and sub-subordinates, down to
the meanest servant would fall upon the helpless
Christians. This was the general condition of the
Armenians during the first half of the present
2. How Could the Armenians keep their Exist-
ence. In spite of so many disadvantages — religious,
political, local, external and internal — the Armenian
nation, though greatly reduced in number, has pre-
served its existence as a civilized Christian nation in
the East. As to how — the chief points are already
mentioned in one of the preceeding chapters — it was
through their tenacity to the Christian religion, their
affinity to the fatherland, their natural abilities and
moral characteristics. Other reasons which can be
mentioned in connection with this so-called feudal
system are as follows :
(a) Every Christian family, or village, or district,
was identified by the name of a certain Turkish or
Kurdish aga or bey or sheikh. When a Moslem met
an Armenian he would ask him, "What aga's sriaour
are you?" as one would say, " Whose horse is
this?" And the poor Christian, more intelligent
and less fortunate than a horse, was obliged to reply,
"I am aga's giaour, sir," and would be dealt
with according to his relation with the said aga.
This tyrannical system of using the Christians as
private property and slaves, for the purchase and
support of which they paid nothing, would to some
extent protect the Armenians against public attacks,
but the main object of this system or protection was
for the only purpose of worrying them privately,
which may be illustrated by the following incident,
which is one of the many that occurred every day:
The greatest effendi (chief) of a certain town once
had heard that a certain Armenian bought a small
garden under the name of a subordinate Moslem,
whom he bribed to make this arrangement. The
said effendi sent for this Armenian, on whose arrival
the following conversation took place:
Effendi — "Chorbaji (soup-maker; wealthy Ar-
menians are called by this title of honor), did you
hear that Allah gave us a new child in these days?"
Armenian — "Yes, your honor; may Allah grant
him long life."
Eff. — "But, you know, it is the custom of our city
to give some present to new-born children."
Arm. — (hesitatingly). "Exactly, my lord; the
treasures of Egypt are worthy to be offered to your
Eff. — "Let us see what will your present be for
Arm. — "Your honor, I sacrifice my life for him;
but, alas ! what worthy present can be expected
from a beggar like me ! "
Erf. — "Hum! I heard all about it. You bought
that field under the name of that rascal, eh?"
Arm. — "My lord, where shall the slave of your
door find money enough to buy a field!"
Eff — "Look here, Chorbaji, I am thinking only
for your own good. Do you suppose that those
wolves (other Turkish chiefs) will let you enjoy the
benefit of your own property? Of course not. I'll
tell you what to do. You better leave it to our new-
born child as your present. Why will you buy ca-
lamity with your own money? If you need anything
come to me."
It is not necessary to say that the garden referred
to was then and there, recorded to the name of the
future tyrant now in the cradle.
(6) Armenians were obliged to hold the policy of
concealment of their wealth, exceeding caution for
their honor, and to be submissive. If they accumulated
money, which, owing to their commercial ability and
the Turks' and Kurds' stupidity, was an easy task,
they were very careful not to let it be known, but put
it in an earthen or copper vessel and buried it under
the ground. In their clothing and houses they were
very simple, so as not to attract attention. Women
would wear the most common clothing when out of
doors, and cover their ornaments under their robes.
Not only for their property, but also for their honor
and life they were very cautious. They would never
travel alone unless some hired Kurd be with them.
They would be very careful to close and lock their
gates and doors early in the evening, and put strong
iron bars and thick shutters to their small windows.
They should always act and speak very kindly, even
to the meanest Turk or Kurd, giving always the
better side of the road to him? responding his sal-
utation with bows or nattering words. If an Armenian
was insulted or beaten or murdered by Kurds or
Turks, his friends should keep silent in order not to
add more horrors upon horrors. The constant coun-
sel of the parents to their boys was not to go
among the Moslem boys and not to return
their bad conduct. There were streets, even quar-
ters, in the towns where Christians could not dare to
step. The women and the children were shut in
their houses ; the pretty girls were clothed like boys
and wore short hair until their thirteenth year, when
the poor creatures would be secretly married with
another child in order to be saved from the assault
of the brutes in human form. Thus skill, flattery,
bribery and submission were the only means that
Armenians could use for their benefit.
(c) The Turks' and Kurds' oivn Benefit demanded
the Armenians'' Existence. The Moslem is identified
with his big turban around a very small and deformed
head, wide coat, loose and heavy slippers, and a long
pipe, sitting on his soft cushion, smoking lazily, and
taking strong coffee frequently, walking very slowly,
talking unintelligibly, giving his whole attention to
his harem and kitchen, keeping a separate servant
for each work in the house — one to look after the
horses, and sometimes with subordinates under his
command, one to prepare coffee, another to follow
him and carry his four or five-foot-long pipe, one to
tell hideous stories to entertain him and his guests,
another to lead him in his five daily prayers, one to
carry his child (on the shoulder, and teach him how to
swear), one to oversee the crops, another to keep their
record, and one to bring them in, etc. — ten, twenty or
fifty, gathered in the house and in the harem depend
upon him for their extravagant living. The endless
flow of beggars, flatterers, fortune-tellers, good
dreamers about the chief lady of the harem, guests,
untimely callers and their horses, donkeys and
camels — all these idle and gluttonous men and women
cannot be supported by smoking in the corner of the
house, or by hearing and telling stories about houris
(the girls of paradise). There must be a constant
source of supply. It is the poor Armenian's destiny
to be the rayah, the pasture of this cursed flock.
They are Turks' and Kurds' cornfields for eating, for
selling, for trampling, and for burning. Who wants
to give up such a support and laborers as the Ar-
menians? It is true, occasionally they thin them out
by the sword and reduce to poverty the remainder,
but they are not so unwise as to exterminate them
and be obliged to work themselves.
The Turk could not and can not exist without his
non-Moslem subjects, and he is well aware of it.
1. The Origin of the Turks. The Turks are sup-
posed to be identical with the many and extensive
Tartaric tribes scattered over the plains and table-
lands of Central and Western Asia, pastoral in their
occupations, warlike in disposition, plundering in
habits, and nomadic in their mode of life. Their
ancestors appear to have been known to the ancients
by the general name of Scythians.
Like most other nationalities, the Turkish tribe
have a legendary history which goes back to remote
antiquity. They claim to be descended from an
individual named Turk, a supposed grandson of
Japheth. But their authentic history commences at
a more recent date; for it was not till the fifth or
sixth century, A. D., that Europe had an}^ knowledge
of the name and nation of the Turk. About that
period, having migrated westward from Central Asia,
the barren table-lands of Mongolia, they spread over
the vast steppes now bearing the name of Turkestan.
In connection with the Armenian history the name
of Seljouk Tartars or Turks are mentioned, in order
to distinguish them from the Ottoman or Osmanli
Turk, the present nation designated by that name.
The reader is requested to remember that the Seljouks
were first settled in Khorasan, the Persian province,
and founded an independent sovereignty that, under
the three vigorous rulers Alp Arslan, Melik Shah
and Togrul Bey, rapidly enlarged its bounds, as to
include the whole of Persia, Armenia, Syria and the
greater part of Asia Minor. The period of the Sel-
joukian kingdom in Asia Minor lasted about 250 years
(1045-1299 A. D.). The Ottoman, or the present
Turks, are their kindreds under a different dynasty or
government, as will be seen elsewhere.
2. The Conversion of the Turks to Mohametan-
ism. The religion of these Tartaric tribes, if they
had any, seems to be very coarse heathenism ; owing
to their nomadic life and savage disposition they could
not have fixed temples and systematic mode of wor-
ship, and regular religious organization of priesthood
and teaching. In their semi-savage career, not much
different from the wild animals, they did not show
any sign of having been in contact with early Chris-
tianity, Hellenistic revival of letters and the European
civilization ; they had no literature or history until they
met with the Saracens, the Mohametan warriors of
Arabia, and were conquered and converted to Islam in
Persia in the seventh century. Finding this new religion
very suitable to their nature and habits they entered
the service of the caliphs of Bagdad and swelled the'
Mohametan armies till the degenerate commander of
the faithful (caliph of Bagdad) was compelled to resign
his temporal power to the new converts, who pre-
tended to respect the spiritual authority of the cali-
phate. Salur, the first Tartaric Mohametan chief of
importance, called his tribe "Turk-iman,'* the Turks
of the Faith, to distinguish them from their brethren
who continued in heathenism.
The Seljoukians,who were the descendents of Turk-
imans, and were called after the name of their leader
Suljouk, established in Persia aud surpassed the other
Moslems of their age by fanaticism and fierce intoler-
ance, and thereby provoked the famous crusades of
the western Christian nations. After the fall of the
Bagdad caliphate, Syria and Jerusalem fell into the
hands of the Egyptian caliphate, but Seljouks, wrest-
ing Jerusalem for a time from the dominion of the
latter, and dealing worse with the resident and pil-
grim Christians, caused Europe to be armed for the
deliverance of the oppressed,
3. The rise of the Ottoman or Osmanli Turks.
At the death of Melik Shah, the Seljoukian sovereign,
the unity of his vast dominions was ended in conse-
quence of several caudiclates claiming the throne, and
thus became divided into various principalities, until
the irruption of the Mongols under the successors of
Genghis Khan changed the entire political situation
of the East and everywhere broke the power of the
Seljouk Turks, and paved the way for the rise of
their Ottoman successors, the present Turks.
About the middle of the thirteenth century another
Turkish tribe, driven forward by the Mongol invaders,
left their camping ground in Khorasan and wandered
into Armenia in search of pasturage for their flocks.
After seven years of exile, deeming the opportunity
favorable to return, they set out to their ancient pos-
sessions; but while crossing the Euphrates the horse
of their leader fell with him and he perished in the
river. Upon this accident the tribe was divided into
four companies by his sons, and Ertogrul, the war-
like head of one division, resolved to turn back to the
westward and seek a settlement in Asia Minor. While
pursuing his course he saw two armies in hostile array,
and joined himself to the apparently weaker party,
and his timely aid decided the victory. The con-
quered were an invading horde of Mongols ; the con-
queror was Aladdin, the Seljouk Suit m of Iconium,
one of the divided principalities of the great dominion
of Melik Shah. As a reward of his timely help Alad-
din assigned a territory for Ertogrul and his people,
which consisted of the rich plains in the valley of the
river Sanffarius, and of the Black Mountains in Asia
Minor. This was the accident which led to the estab-
lishment of the present Turkish empire, because Erto-
grul was the ancestor of the present Ottoman dynasty.
4. Osman the First (Ottoman) Turkish Sultan.
On the death of the Seljouk ruler of Iconium, who
left no son to succeed him, the Emirs, the chiefs of
the clans, divided his dominion into petty states
anions themselves. Osman, the son of Ertogrul,
being one of these local chiefs, became practically an
independent prince, 1289 A. D. His dominion as a
Sultan began, however, in 1299, by the invasion of
Nicomedia, the first conquest of the Ottoman Turks.
According to the native historians, a dream fore-
told to Osman his future greatness. While resting
beneath the roof of a sheikh, whose daughter he
admired, and whom he afterwards married, the
sleeper fancied that he saw a tree sprouting from his
own body, which grew rapidly in size and foliage till
it covered with its branches the three continents of
Europe, Asia and Africa. Beneath this tree four
huge mountains raised their snowy tops, from the
sides of which came four rivers, the Tigris, Euphra-
tes, Danube and Nile. Through the avenues of the
valleys were seen cities adorned with domes, towers
and minarets; the crescent gleamed on every spire,
and from every minaret was heard the voice of the
muezzin, the Mohametan crier to worship, and these
voices mingled with the notes of thousands of night-
ingales and other singing birds. Suddenly the
branches and leaves of the tree assumed a glittering,
sabre-like aspect, and moved by the breeze towards
Constantinople. That capital of the world, placed
at the junction of two seas and two continents,
seemed like a precious diamond in a ring between two
sapphires and emeralds. Osman was about to cele-
brate his marriage with the Byzantine city by placing
the ring upon his finger when he awoke.
5. Janissaries, the Furious Turkish Soldiers.
Owing to the decayed condition of the Byzantine
(Greek) empire, the Turks marched westward, and
beginning with Nicomedia, gradually enlarged their
dominion. In the year 1354 they crossed the strait
of Dardanelles and set foot upon the soil of Europe.
This was the first invasion any Tartaric or Turkish
sovereign gained over this continent, and was also a
preparation for the capture of Constantinople. This
occurred at the time of Sultan Orchan's reign.
By this time the necessity of a permanent military
force was felt, and the grand vizier, the prime minis-
ter of the Sultan., established a corps of infantry,
who, not having yet forgotten, however, the pastoral
life, proved ungovernable and unfit for the strict dis-
cipline of military life. To remove this difficulty he
resorted to rearing up in the doctrine of Islam the
children of the conquered Christians, training them
from early youth to the profession of arms, and
forming them into a separate corps called "Yeni
Cheri" (janissary), the new troops.
The corps proved very valiant, and continued to be
supplied by the children of captives taken in war, or
by those of Christian subjects. An inhuman tax of
every fifth child, or of one child every fifth year, was
strictly levied upon them. It has been estimated
that not less than half a million Christian children
thus cruelly torn from their parents, were made
Moslems, and trained them to maintain Islam with the
sword. Afterwards the children of janissaries them-
selves were admitted into regiments, thus they
became a military class, distinguished by their fanati-
cism in religion, bravery in wars and cruelty against
Christians. Through upwards of three centuries,
marked by a long series of great battles, they sus-
tained only four signal reverses. Victory and des-
potic rule marched hand in hand under their banner;
but by the gradual advance of the European nations
their power failed abroad, while their disorder
increased at home and they became formidable to
their masters, deposing them from the throne and
raising to it, till, unable otherwise to suppress their
boldness, Sultan Mahmoud II., the grandfather of
the present Sultan, had the entire order exterminated
by the sword.
In order to show the effect of this great historical
event upon European civilization, and to illustrate the
style of Turkish invasions, it is worth while to say
something on this subject.
1. The Capture of Constantinople. According
to the established usa^e of the education of the
Turkish princes, Sultan Mohamet was placed under the
care of fanatic tutors, so that Islam in all its
fierceness and bigotry early enslaved his mind,
and he grew up a strict observer of its rites
and spirit; for he is said never to have conversed
with a Christian without afterwards purifying him-
self by the legal mode of ablution. Having twice
been clothed with the regal dignity, and twice sus-
pended in the lifetime of his father, Mohamet finally
gained possession of it when twenty years of age.
He may be called the most gifted of all the sultans,
but he certainly was one of the most detestable. He
commenced his reign with the murder of his younger
brothers, who were destroyed to make the throne an
indisputable possession. From the moment of his
accession all his thoughts were directed to give the
death-blow to the Greek empire, and to transfer the
seat of his government to Constantinople. Adrian-
ople was the Turkish capital by this time.
2. Preliminary Steps Toward the Siege of Con-
stantinople. On the European side of the Bos-
phorus, about five miles above the city proper,
Sultan Mohamet raised a fortress opposite to one on
the Asiatic side, which had been erected by one of his
predecessors. The Greek Emperor, Constantino
Palseologus, heard of the rise of the massive towers
in his neighborhood with alarm; and his anxietv
increased upon quarrels arising between his subjects
and the Turkish workmen. The latter invaded with-
out scruple the surrounding villages and despoiled
homes ; horses and mules were turned into the tilled
fields and the crops destroyed. If resistance was
offered, insult was repeated in an aggravated form.
Constantine implored the Sultan to observe the courte-
sies of peace, till, convinced of his hostile intentions,
he closed the gates of the capital and prepared him-
self for the inevitable approach of open war. " My
trust," said he, " is in God alone; if it should please
him to soften your heart, I shall rejoice in the happy
change; if he delivers my city into your hands I
shall submit without a murmur. But until the Judge
of the whole earth pronounces between us, it is my
duty to live and die in defense of my people." In
the autumn of that year (1452) Mohamet withdrew
to Adrianople, after carefully viewing the grounds
about the city and examining its defenses. "Next
summer," he said, "I must take up my abode in
Constantinople." Both parties during the winter
prepared for the approaching struggle.
3. The Siege of the City. Having collected his
resources early in the spring of 1453, Mohamet
enclosed the city with an army of 120,000 men, deso-
lated the environs and confined the inhabitants within
the walls. Engines of war and guns of great mag-
nitude were slowly dragged by oxen from Adrian-
ople. One huge piece of artillery is particularly
noticed, which had a caliber of twelve spans in diame-
ter, and could carry a stone ball of 600 pounds over
a mile. But the imperfect condition of it was indi-
cated by the circumstance that it could be loaded and
fired only seven times in one day. It finally bursted
with an awful explosion, killing the gunner and oth-
ers. Including army and navy, the total force
brought against the city was 260,000 strong. On
the other side was a garrison of only 8,000 soldiers,
who had to defend a circuit of thirteen miles, com-
prising both sea and land.
In the Turkish army sheikhs and fanatics predicted
a triumph and repeated the dream of Osman from
tent to tent, and the passages from Koran was quoted
as expressly promising this conquest: " Know ye a
city encompassed on two sides by water and on the
third by land; the last hour shall not come before it
be taken by 60,000 of the faithful." The Greeks,
few in number but brave in spirit, heroically defended
their walls and kept the enemy in check for more
than fifty anxious days. So powerful was their resist-
ance that Mohamet at one time despaired of success
and thought of raising the siege, but overwhelming
numbers proved irresistible in the final assault.
The Sultan prepared for it characteristically on the
preceding day by a religious festival, which involved
a rigid fast, ablution seven times repeated, the prayer
for victory, and a general illumination. As the night
approached lamps were hung out before every tent
and fires were kindled in various localities. Thou-
sands of lanterns were suspended from the flag-staffs
of the batteries and from the masts and yards of the
ships, but a deep silence prevailed through the entire
camp. The meaning of these demonstrations without
the walls was truly interpreted by those within. Em-
peror and subjects, bishops and priests, monks and
nuns, men, women and children, formed processions
to the churches, singing supplicatory chants by the
way, with the accompaniment of "the holy and ven-
erable images and the divine pictures." Constantine
went that night to St. Sophia and received the sacra-
4. The Fall of the City. Before dawn on the
fatal day the signal was given for the attack, and it
was obeyed with greatest delight. Column after
column advanced in orderly array.. For two hours
the besieged kept the enemy at bay. Then the Greek
commander received a wound which unnerved him,
and dispirited by this calamity the defenders' cour-
age failed them, while that of the foe increased.
Led by an officer called Hassan, a company of jan-
issaries crossed the ruins in the ditch, gained the
breach and mastered the position. Constantine fell
in defending it; Hassan, too, was slain; and over
the bodies of both the Turks rushed into Constanti-
nople. The terrified Greek population hastened into
the sanctuary of St. Sophia for protection, and to
the last moment many clung to the belief that an
angel would be sent from heaven there to vindicate
the orthodoxy of the Greek church and destroy the
Mohamet an who should dare to enter its door. The
victor, attended by his pashas and generals, visited
the desolate hall of the imperial palace, and arriving
at the door of St. Sophia alighted from his horse,
passed into the temple, and ordered all the crosses to
be thrown down and all the paintings torn from the
walls, and got upon his knees and muttered his prayer.
A few days afterwards the muezzin proclaimed the
public invitation for prayer in the name of Allah and
His apostle, Mohamet. Thus the stately edifice of
Justinian, which upon its completion drew from him
the exclamation, "I have outdone thee, O Solomon,"
became a Mohametan mosque, and has ever since
been preserved with the greatest care and pride.
After a time of perfect license to his ferocious
troops, the Sultan undertook the task of repairing
the ravages of war, and commemorated his triumph
by taking the proud title of "The Lord of Two Con-
tinents and Two Seas," and fixed his residence on the
site of the imperial palace, and founded that seraglio
where his successors have resided, and which has been
the scene of so much luxury, violence and crime.
5. "Lord, Save Us from the Devil, the Turk
and the Comet." It was the settled purpose of Mo-
hamet II. to extend his empire to the west, and some
succeeding sultans also entertained the same idea;
and for over a century after the capital of Christen-
dom in the east surrendered, the liberties and institu-
tions of the western nations were seriously threatened.
In the year 1456 a comet passed very near the orbit
of the earth, and swept the heavens with a tail ex-
tending over 60 degrees, in the form of a sword or
saber. Men watched it with mingled emotions at
Rome, Vienna and Constantinople. The night of
the full moon having come, and then by chance an
eclipse having taken place at the latter city, some
thought that the Christian inhabitants of the west
had agreed to march against the Turks, and would
gain the victory. The Pope, however, regarded the
comet as in league with the Moslems, and ordered
the prayer "Ave Maria" to be repeated three times
a day instead of twice. He directed the church bells
to be tolled at noon, a custom which still prevails in
Roman Catholic countries. To the "Ave Maria"
the prayer was added, "Lord, save us from the
devil, the Turk and the comet." Every first Sunday
of the month a solemn procession was appointed,
with a special mass, and a sermon upon the subject.
The comet at length, after patiently enduring some
months of daily excommunication, showed signs of
retreat, and Europe breathed more freely when it
vanished from the skies.
1. Diversions of the Designs of Turkish Am-
bition. Four centuries ago the powers of Europe were
summoned to solemn meetings to take counsel for
the expulsion of the Turk from Europe, but they
could not come to an agreement before some internal
events turned the Turkish ambition from the west to
the east, from the shores of the Adriatic to the defiles
of Armenia, and from the banks of the Danube to
the plains of Egypt.
The reign of Sultan Bayazit, the son and successor
of Mohamet the conqueror of Constantinople, was
greatly disturbed by the rebellion of his brother, who
effectually contended for the throne. After a long
civil war, being driven to extremity, the prince placed
himself under the protection of the Knights of Rhodes,
who sent him to France, from whence he was sent
to Italy and kept as a prisoner of State in the
Vatican. He there served as a hostage for the good
conduct of the Sultan, since, in case the latter should
become aggressive toward the Christian nations, the
captive might be let loose against him as a competitor.
The janissaries, on the other hand, haughty and
powerful, were a constant cause of anxiety to the
Sultan, and even bribes failed to keep them in sub-
jection to their unfavored master. They made the
revolt of his youngest son Selim a success, not only
in forcing Bayazit to abdicate and leave the capital,
but hastening his death while yet on the road to his
place of exile. The military spirit and ability of the
new Sultan made him a favorite with the janissaries,
while his religious frenzy and severity rendered him
acceptable to the more bigoted Moslems.
2. Possession of the Islamic Caliphate. Soon
after getting to the throne Sultan Selim, surnamed
Cruel, turned his armies eastward, and after reducing
Armenia and Mesopotamia conducted a successful
war in Persia against Shah Ismael, another Mohame-
tan ruler in the east. Persians and Turks, both of
the same faith, had a severe religious dispute among
themselves in regard to the legitimacy of the first
three caliphs, the successors of the Prophet Mohamet.
The Persian Moslem rejected them as usurpers, and
began to count the true succession with the fourth
caliph, Ali, the son-in-law of the prophet. On enter-
ing upon his eastern campaign Sultan Selim pro-
claimed it to be a religious war, and the legal decree
of the Turkish mufties "that there was more re-
ligious merit in killing one Persian than in shedding
the blood of seventy Christians," strengthened the
Turkish fanaticism against their co-religionists.
The fiery Sultan, at the head of a victorious army,
next invaded Syria and Egypt, and added those vast
and valuable territories to his possessions. The con-
queror showed his bloody disposition the day after
the surrender of Cairo by causing the Egyptian
governor to be executed at one of its gates and the
30,000 captives slaughtered in his presence and thrown
into the Nile. El Mutevekkil, the last Mohametan
caliph in Egypt, was deposed from his rank as the
spiritual head of Islam and the Turkish Sultan was
clothed with the dignity by the sheriff of Mecca, who
consigned the keys of the Kabeh to his hand. Sultan
Selim consequently added to his other titles that of
"the Caliph of Moslems, and the Shadow of Allah
Upon the Earth, and the Defender of the Two Holy
Cities (Mecca and Medina)." After this victory he
returned to Constantinople with the plunder of Egypt,
which required a train of a thousand camels to
carry. His successors have since been regarded as
the supreme chief of the Moslem world and the Com-
mander of the Faithful.
3. The Turks at the Gate of Vienna. The reign
of Sultan Soliman (1520-1566) was the most memo-
rable in the history of the empire when it reached its
climax, which was never afterwards surpassed. Three
years after the conquest of Belgrade and Ehodes the
first French Ambassador appeared at the Turkish
Court. The envoy came apparently to negotiate a gen-
eral commercial treaty, but really to procure a powerful
ally for his master Francis I. against the German
Emperor Charles V. The division of Christendom
into Romanism and Protestantism had commenced,
and the anxiety to gain predominance led the un-
wise monarchs to avail themselves of the services of
this mighty Mohametan State.
Sultan Soliman, according to his word with the
French king to carry a campaign beyond the Danube
and divert the attention and the arms of the Austrian
house, crossed the said river at the head of 100,000
men with 300 pieces of artillery. The day after the
terrible "Destruction of Mahoc" in Hungary the
Sultan received in state the compliments of his
officers, when the heads of 2,000 of the slain, includ-
ing those of seven bishops, were piled up as a trophy
before his pavilion. At the approach of winter
Soliman returned to Constantinople laden with booty
and many captives, leaving an impoverished and de-
populated country to be contended for by rival pre-
tenders to the throne.
The next summer the Turkish army, upwards of
200,000 strong, advanced in the direction of Vienna,
capturing castles and towns and devasting the country,
till from the walls of the Austrian capital the gloomy
light of burning villages were seen round half the hori-
zon. The Turks reached Vienna and the siege immedi-
ately commenced, but notwithstanding the numerical
inferiority of the garrison they were repulsed at every
assault and suffered severely from the sallies. Being
discouraged, the Turks prepared for an effective and
last attack, the walls around the city and all breaches
were re-examined by the Sultan and his grand vizier,
and immense sums of money were distributed among
the soldiers. Enthused by these means a general
assault was ordered on the 14th day of October, 1529,
but such was the desperate valor of the defenders
that the Turks were foiled in every effort. Owing
to the advance of the season and the absence of pro-
visions the troops were discontent and it became
necessary to raise the siege.
4. Greatest Extent of the Empire. The Ottoman
Turks, once a petty tribe of unsettled wanderers,
without an acre of soil they could call their own, had
now become, in little more than three centuries,
great among the European nations, occasionally en-
dangering their independence, civilization and relig-
ion. They possessed the most favored climate of
the earth and the most fertile soil; a seaboard
abounding in convenient roads and harbors; an archi-
pelago offering facilities to commerce; straits the
most impassable to him who has not the key or who
is not on friendly terms with the owner, and a capi-
tal adapted by its geographical position to become
the center of a dominion extending to three conti-
nents. They were masters of countries the most
interesting from their sacred, classic and historical
associations; the scenes where patriarchs pitched
their tents and prophets delivered their oracles, and
the soil on which the Savior of the World was born
and where apostles first proclaimed the gospel of sal-
Their empire included in Europe Roumelia, Bulga-
ria, Servia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Thessalia, Greece
and greater part of Hungary; in Asia all Asia
Minor, Armenia, Georgia, Daghistan, Kurdistan,
Mesopotamia, Syria, Cyprus and the chief part of
Arabia; in Africa Egypt, Tripoli, Tunis and Algiers;
while the khanate of Crimea, the principalities of
Valachia and Moldavia and Transylvania, with the
republic of Raguza, were vassal states. Also diplo-
matic and commercial relations subsisted between the
Porte and the leading powers of Christendom.
5. Decline and Its Causes. Though the Turks
benefited by the political disadvantages of the sur-
rounding nations, and encouraged by the mutual
jealousy and selfishness of the so-called Christian
powers had made themselves a name and built up a
colossal power, they were destitute of the qualities
which alone give honor to greatness and can secure
permanence to success. The discipline of the
seraglio (Turkish palace) was fatal to a succession of
able rulers. The princes of blood, confined within its
walls and separated from general society, deprived of
every honorable ambition, with eunuchs for their
teachers and slaves for their companions, resigned
themselves to guilty pleasures to dissipate the tedium
of such an existence, and were only fitted, if raised
to the throne, to act the part of timid puppets or un-
manly tyrants.
The genius of Mohametanism, by the vain claims
of superiority and its stern fatalism, contributed much
to retain the Turks in a stationary condition, which
necessarily became one of increasing inferiority in
comparison with the other nations of Europe. Edu-
cated in a creed which confines the intellect to the
Koran and inspires sovereign contempt for nations,
arts and institutions without the pale of Islam, re-
si gued to the belief that all events happen by inev-
itable necessity, an arrest was laid upon intellectual
The essentially military constitution of the empire
also insured its decay. History continually repeats
the lesson that power founded by the sword and de-
pending merely upon the sword for its maintenance
can never be firm and permanent. The Turks were
formidable so long as they could reap a harvest of
plunder from the states and countries around them,
but when a stop was put to their career of conquest
by the increased power of their neighbors and they
had to act upon the defensive the deficiency of their
own resources was soon apparent, and wrould ere this
have been blotted irreparably from the list of Eu-
ropean kingdoms but for the intervention of selfish
1. The Nature of the Turkish Government. The
Turkish Government is what we may call a politico-
religious system. The Sultan claims to be the suc-
cessor of the prophet, hence the highest authority
over the Mohametan world. The Turkish army is
exclusively a Mohametan army. All the struggles
and wars, however political they may be, are regarded
and fought as religious wars, always sanctioned by
the legal decree from the highest religious authority,
and led by " sanjak sherif," the holy banner of the
"Apostle of Allah," used in religious contests of
the Saracens. The law of the Turkish courts in its
essentials and details is based upon the Koran,
administered and executed by Mohametan judges,
who are the white-turbaned religious heads of the
communitv. In one word, the interest of the Turk-
ish Government is that, and only that, of Islam.
Hence the more zealous and intolerant a sultan the
nearer the ideal of a Mohametan ruler, and more
respected and obeyed by the bigoted people, officers
and the army.
Another phase of the Turkish Government is its
dualism. It is a government within a government.
Two words, porte and palace, express these elements.
The whole machinery of government exists at the
porte, Council of Ministers and Council of State.
All business is supposed to pass through their hands,
and the whole administration subordinates to them ;
still all being subject to the supreme will of the
Sultan. Any decision issued from the porte must be
carried by the grand vizier to "the foot of the
throne " and the Sultan's arbitrary utterance in posi-
tive or negative must be regarded as a "firman," the
command of " God's shadow upon the earth." The
palace is another center of authority more powerful
than the official government, made up of chamber-
lains, mollahs, eunuchs, astrologers and nondescripts,
and supported by the secret police. The general
policy of the empire is determined by this party, and
the most vital questions of the State are often treated
and decided here, while the highest officials of the
porte are left in absolute ignorance of what is going
on. This party (palace), composed of the repre-
sentatives of the most fanatic Moslems and the
meanest adventurers, native or foreign, have the
greatest influence upon the will and deeds of the
Sultan. Not a single communication passes to or
from the Sultan but by their agency, and with frequent
modification or total fabrication.
2. The Government and the Christian Subjects.
The inhabitants of Turkey, consisting of about fifteen
different races or nationalities, are, in the sight of
the government and law, divided into two essential
classes under the official names of "Moslem" and
"non-Moslem." Turks, Arabs, Kurds, Albanians,
Tartars, Circassians and Africans belong to the
"blessed" class (Moslem), while the Armenians,
Greeks, Nestorians, Maronites, Jews, Druzes and
Europeans belong to the condemned party (non-
Being led by the necessities of affairs, and
often enforced by the commanding requests of
the European Powers, the Turkish sultans apparently
adopted and even officially proclaimed some religious
and civil reforms for their non-Moslem subjects; but
these schemes of toleration did not go further than
the waste-basket. Sultan Mohamet II., the capturer
of Constantinople, seeing that the population of the
great capital had been thinned out by the sword, by
flight and captivity, issued a general proclamation
assuring the Greeks who chose to become settlers
" that they would be protected in their lives and lib
erties, in the free exercise of their religion, enjoying
certain privileges relative to their commercial pur-
suits; that they were to elect their own patriarchs,
subject to approval of the supreme power and were
to enjoy the same honors and ranks that had belonged
to their predecessors in the ecclesiastical office," etc. ;
while another sultan, the grandfather of the present
one, being informed of the existence of a conspiracy
among the Greek subjects abroad, gave way to frantic
rage and let loose the passion of his Moslem subjects
against the Greek Christians in the capital and the
provinces. Thousands of innocent victims were sac-
rificed to their vengeance, many of them without
even knowing why they were slain. On Easter day
the Gregorian patriarch of Constantinople was exe-
cuted at the door of his own church, and as the
greatest possible indignity which could be offered in
the eyes of his nation his body was delivered to the
Jews to be dragged through the streets. This was
what "the honors and ranks" of the above quoted
proclamation meant and as understood by the sultans.
" The Haiti Sheriff" sacred document "of Gul-
hane," promulgated by Sultan Mejit, the father of
the present Sultan, as a concession of " equal rights
and justice to all classes of the Ottoman subjects,"
infuriated the bitter feelings of the fanatical Turks,
who, unable to bear the idea of being placed on the
same level with the "infidel dogs," excited the igno-
rant population in the capital and provinces and
imposed insults and outrages upon the Christians.
The 61st article of the Treaty of Berlin (1878),
signed by the Turk, together with the six great Pow-
ers of Europe, to bring an end to the Kurdish and
Circassian atrocities committed in Armenia, resulted
in the Sassoun massacre of 1894, and the last issue
of the scheme of reforms signed by the Sultan and
published in eight columns of London papers caused
the slaughter of 80,000 innocent Armenians with
such horrors that 800 pages of the same papers could
not describe and eighty centuries will not be able to
wipe away this unparalleled blot on the eighteen
Christian governments of Europe.
3. Constitutional Privileges of the Armenian
Church. Nearly thirty-five years ago, after repeated
appeals and great struggles, the Armenian mother
church secured a constitution granted by the Sultan
pertaining to her ecclesiastical rights as to the election
and privileges of the patriarchs and synods and provin-
cial councils, and the administration of the schools and
other institutions. This constitution, though care-
fully sifted and limited by Turkish severity, was
once supposed to be the guarantee for the protection of
the ecclesiastical rights so long disregarded, but soon
proved to be a farce upon the part of the Turkish
Government. From the election of the patriarch,
the head of the executive body of the said constitu-
tion and the only authorized agent between the Ar-
menian church and the Turkish government, to the
appointment of the village teacher, every transaction
was meddled with, disturbed, delayed, and frequently
prevented by the "good pleasure of the all-powerful
Padishah" (the monarch), as well as by the least
and the meanest clerk of the porte.
In 1850 the Protestant Armenians were granted a
charter guaranteeing them " religious liberty and
other rights conferred on the other Christian commu-
nities of the empire." la spite of these promises
they have never been allowed to erect one church in
the capital, though they have the site and the neces-
sary funds in hand and have repeatedly petitioned
for the same during fifteen successive years.
The Catholic Armenians, having their own so-
called patriarch in Constantinople, and being indirectly
helped by the Roman church, have comparatively
greater access to the palace, and that by the cunning
policy of the Tur ish government, in order to sow
tares among the Christian communities of the empire.
In official documents these three branches of the Ar-
menian church are intentionally distinguished by the
names of "the Protestant nation," "the Catholic
nation" and "the Armenian nation" (the old
church). And the common people, unable to realize
the real spirit of this distinction, receive it as a com-
pliment and recognition of their equal rights.
4. Governmental Offices for non-Moslems. Non-
Moslems are entirely left out of the legal and military
services. No Christian is admitted in the Turkish
army or navy as a soldier; some few Greeks and Ar-
menians, however, serve as physicians in the army.
According to the later constitution, each community
in the empire should have their representatives at the
courts in proportion to the numbers of Moslems and
and non-Moslems of the country (not of the respect-
ive towns), as one to four; the president being always
a Moslem and each Christian member being approved
by the government herself. Under such limitations
there could not be much room for the protection of
Christians' rights, especially in the interior, where
the Turkish members arrange matters and prepare
reports to suit themselves and offer them to the
Christian members to sign, even without reading the
contents, and that most probably at the expense of
the rights of their own friends and communities.
Fear, ignorance, and sometimes selfish interests, com-
pel them to do so.
Coming to other subordinate offices, as in tele-
graphic or postal departments, or in financial or
register bureaus, etc., the Christians are used as
helpers or chief laborers for the higher Moslem
officers, who are either unable or unwilling to work
and are glad to use such active and honest brains and
hands for one third of the assigned salary.
If the institution of government is based upon the
idea of justice, protection and mutual help for human
progress, the Turkish rule has no right to claim that
title. One of the most evident reasons of this accusa-
tion is her tax system, which is nothing less than a
highway robbery, a well organized system to suck
the last drop of blood from the veins of her subjects,
be they Moslems or non-Moslems.
The following taxes and the mode of collection will
explain the existing affairs in that country:
1. Taxes on Real Estate. This is about three
per cent of the entire value of the property, to be
paid every year, the value being determined by the
government. rFhe severity of this tax and degrada-
tion attached tu its collection is more keenly felt in
the interior of the empire, especially in small towns
and farm villages. There comes a company of ruffians
under the title of "Padishah Zabtiehsy" (king's
police), numbering five, seven or more, armed to the
teeth, tough, ignorant, vulgar and gluttonous men,
who stop at the house of the wealthiest, call the lead-
ing men of the community and having stated the
amount demanded of the town, threaten them in the
name and by the authority of the Sultan, "the Father
of the Faithful, whose mercy and wisdom till the
earth." These fiends, known as collectors, live on the
people for one, two or more weeks, demanding the
best of provisions, dictating the bill of fare them-
selves. Their horses also must be taken good care
of by the town, even if it takes the tender gardens
or the fields. Among the means employed by these
collectors are beating men with many stripes, smear-
ing the face with cow's manure, tying men to the
tree or the wall, head fixed and the eyelids stretched
up and down so as to expose the eyes to the burning
sun for hours at a time, have the body bent forward,
place a heavy rock or log on the buck until the
muscles and joints give way and sometimes the blood
gushes from the nose, and many other such things.
The violation of personal honor and unspeakable
deeds imposed upon men and women must pass
silently. These deeds continue day after day with in-
creased intensity until the community is compelled to
sell everything at any price to get rid of such brave
and faithful officers of "His Imperial Majesty, whose
goodness spreads all over the world."
These atrocities are imposed not upon the Chris-
tians alone, but upon the Moslems also. Still the in-
justice practiced upon the former is immeasurably
severe. In a village known to the writer the total
amount demanded for the year was 39,000 piasters,
of this 33,465 piasters were paid by 180 Christian
families, while twice as many Turkish families paid
only 5,535 piasters.
2. Taxes on Agricultural Products. The vine-
yards, orchards, gardens aud grain fields compose
this class. The rate levied upon the products is
nominally one-eighth, but the time of determining the
value and the mode of collecting brings it as high as
one-fourth or more. The fruit products are valued
by the collectors and while yet in blossom, and
though the crops may fail, still the taxes must
be paid. It often occurs that vineyards and orchards
are deserted by their owners in order to get rid
of the heavy taxes. The right of collecting "the
tithes" on wheat and similar products is sold to parties
known as tithers, most cruel and heartless men, and
a great terror to the farmers. The tithes are de-
manded for the simple fact that the ground, though
bought with the money of its owner, is regarded as
the absolute property of the government; therefore,
the former must pay for the privilege of using the
ground. According to this principle one cannot turn
his own field into a garden or orchard, nor can he
build houses upon it, nor even can he sell it, without
the official permission of the government. The law
is that if a field is not tilled for three successive years
the government has the right to confiscate it and sell
it to others. Because of the absence of modern
machinery and many obstacles in the way, an average
farmer can cultivate but ten or twelve acres of land.
After hard labor and constant watch over the field
from the tenderest growth to the harvest, the farmer
is not allowed to use any part of the products until
the tither has measured the crop and taken his part.
So soon as the threshing is over an agent of the
tither puts his stamp all around and over the piles of
the wheat and orders the farmer to watch and wait
until he comes again to measure it. In the mean-
time the farmer has no bread to eat and no oats for
his stock, and is obliged to borrow at a rate of fifty per
cent interest. He may have to wait for weeks and
sometimes until late in the autumn watching over his
crop day and night to keep off the cattle and robbers
from disturbing "the marks," in which case he will be
accused of stealing and must lose more. When the
farmers of the town send word and beg the tithers to
come and settle the business the rude answer is "Ya-
vash, Yavash" (slowly, slowly). When they do come
a horror fills the town, farmers are accused of stealing,
insulted, beaten and condemned for so much damage,
the act and the mode of execution being in their own
hands. After the alleged damages are rectified in
their own fashion, the turn comes to the "legal tithe,
the divine right bestowed upon the Sultan, the suc-
cessor to the prophet." From the best portion of
the crop the right of the government is secured.
3. Taxes on Herds and Flocks. The tax levied
upon each sheep, etc., is estimated about one-eighth
of the entire value due in the spring, when the sheep
sell for the least money. As a hard winter passes,
when the owner of the flock has consumed all provisions
and left nothing to pay this tax, he is obliged to sell a
part of his flock for only one-third of the price they
could easily get in the autumn. The only reason
this tax is demanded in the spring is because the
number of the sheep and goats are greatest at that
4. Haraj or Zimmet. This tax, demanded of
non-Moslems only, is a religious tribute, which ac-
cording to the Koran, giaours have to pay for their
existence and their " infidel religious rights." Ac-
cording to this doctrine no Christian subject can be
allowed to live under the Mohametan dominion with-
out humbly surrendering to this demand. Under
the Turkish rule, which is the best representative of
the Mohametan institution, this tax is nominally con-
trasted with the military service of the Moslem sub-
jects, from which the Christians are "exempt," or
rather, deprived. This is an annual tax imposed upon
every male member of the non-Moslem communities
at the rate of two dollars each, and in advance. The
Turkish Government believes strictly in cash business
with her own subjects, leaving all delays for her
transactions with the foreigners. This tax the gov-
ernment is very severe and prompt to collect. The
poor who are not able to pay at the demanded time
are insulted, imprisoned, beaten and even tortured in
the most brutal manner, mentioned under the head of
"The Turkish Prisons." Their property, houses,
caitle, tool*, even bedding and common utensils, are
forcibly sold, the buyers being mostly Mohametans
or the officers themselves. This tax begins at birth
and goes through life. Often the tributes of the
dead are collected from their relatives or churches
for several years after their death until a new census
is taken. Many persons unable to pay try to conceal
themselves from the sight of the collector, give up
their work, and sometimes their home, for a teni-
orary relief at least,
5. Taxes on Trade. Every man except the
farmer is expected to follow a trade, hence a tax levied
on all above fifteen years of age, increasing as the age
advances. The supposed gain on a given trade is de-
termined by the authorities, and three to four per
cent, demanded whether the person follows his trade
during the year or not; hard times and failure in
business excuse no one.
Besides the above taxes there are various fees and
dues — duty on merchandise, fees on birth and mar-
riage and death and burial; dues on building, repair-
ing, planting and change of residence; dues on
traveling, buying and selling. Great amounts of
money are of ten collected for the "improvement of
the roads and erection of public buildings and
bridges, but no one can see where such roads and
buildings are or ask questions about them without being
accused of rebellion, which means imprisonment,
torture and loss. Frequently a general announcement
is circulated all over the country declaring urgent
needs of the government and demanding immediate
response for this "obligatory help," as it is called.
Well-to-do persons, especially among the Christians,
are forced to share in this involuntary virtue.
Here lies one of the curses of Turkish Government.
Many things are tolerably good on paper, but the
actual practice never harmonizes with the written law
in Turkey. The ignorance and unworthiness of the
officers may be one of the reasons of this misery,
but the greatest defect lies in their principle and
1. Bribery. The majority of the offices are
merely sold to those who bid the highest. A cadi
(judge), for example, cannot stay in the same country
more than twenty-seven months at one time, during
which period he gets about $1,000 for his whole
service. No cadi can have a position without first
paying to the higher authorities at Constantinople
an average sum of $800, sometimes as much as his
whole salary. This mutual agreement upon bribery
and unjust taxation is understood in all departments
of the government and the nominations settled
accordingly. Offices are bought and services, just or
unjust, are sold for the highest price.
Every officer has a nominal salary, yet many weeks
and months may pass during which they cannot
receive a single payment; yet they all keep their places,
live luxuriously, accumulate wealth and never fail to
pray for the prosperity of "the Sultan, the crown-
giver of the princes of the world," under whose
protection the wolves are set loose upon the lambs.
No man expects to transact business or receive
attention in a Turkish court without bribery. The
well-known Turkish proverb is that, " As soon as the
bribery enters the door the justice escapes from the
window." The doors and the windows of Turkish
courts are kept open day and night for this accursed
In a great many instances the bribery is practiced
at the expense of the central government. The mer-
chants save more by having goods pass through this
bribery channel than by the ordinary way. A fewmeji-
diehs (dollars) given to an officer or two under the name
of "bakshish" (present), will save $40 to $50.
Many forbidden books and papers enter the country
and circulate widely through bribery. Many build-
ings and repairs are allowed through the same means.
In fact, if the officers would regard the law and the
orders more than bribery, 50 per cent, of the trans-
actions in various lines of business would be impos-
sible, especially for the Christians. It is the opinion
of the writer that bribery, though detrimental to the
interests of the central government, is the only good
thing in the whole machinery of the corrupt rule.
The Sultan's government has for several years posi-
tively forbidden the granting of pass-ports to Christians
for foreign ports, with repeated orders for arrest and
imprisonment of those who allow them to pass ; yet
bribery has kept the ports open for those who could
afford to pay from $3 to $300.
2. The Robbery by the Sultan's Officers. The
most important question in the mind of every officer
is not the welfare of the government or of the peo-
ple, but to devise a new plan to draw more money
for themselves regardless of the mode or the conse-
quences. Pasha Effendi (the governor) plans with
kaimakam beys (the mayors) to blackmail some
wealthy Armenian, or Greek or Jewish merchant,
which never fails in resulting a goodly sum for our
guardian of justice.
The police department is evidently known as the
partner of thieves and the president of the socie-
ties of highwaymen. If you have some property
stolen and feel anxious to get it back, make a skillful
application to the chief of the police and pay some-
thing, say half the price of your loss, "as the gov-
ernmental expenses for the search in the town and
the expedition about," and you will be sure nine
in ten to succeed.
The zaptiehs go from khan to khan (Turkish hotel)
and seize the strangers or travelers and inquire about
their regular license of trade. If they are able to
show it they are asked to present the official receipt
of the payment of the current year. If they do this
they are demanded to show that of the last year, and
if they can do so then are required to prove they
are the persons they call themselves. When that is
done the officer takes a paper out of his pocket
and says : "You are to be arrested and sent to such
a place. Here, I have the order (giving your descrip-
tion), 'dark hair, medium size and round face; ' you
are the man I was after for three weeks, and during
this period a dozen telegrams were received about
you. Get up, now, you dog giaour! You are a
member of those secret societies which are plotting
against the highest wealth " (government). By this
time the whip is at work, and it will not stop unless
one mejidieh or two is slipped into the officer's hand.
At the custom house the goods are roughly handled
and spoiled. Photographic plates and drugs are ex-
posed to light with the excuse of ascertaining whether
there be any dynamite concealed in the case. Many
watches, jewels, fountain pens, etc., find their way
to the examiner's pockets, their empty cases being
put back honestly in their original places. The eat-
ables are freely consumed by the officers and some-
times carried to their dinner tables at home.
The government itself is robbed by its own officers.
In one of the provinces the government had a bridge
built at a certain town. The architect of the said
bridge, an Armenian or a Greek, brought the bill of
expenditure, which was 8,000 piasters. The mayor
looked over it and with great anger tore it in pieces,
to the surprise and terror of the architect, who was
ordered to be taken to the prison. After some days
a sub-officer came to the jail and talked with the ar-
chitect and informed him confidentially about the
secret of the mayor's indignation and the way to
appease it. Soon another bill was prepared for 20,-
000 piasters, and everything was all right with the
architect. The city clerk who recorded this sum had
in the course of several years a position in the finance
department at the capital, and saw one day that the
same amount had been raised to 80,000 piasters be-
fore it reached there. This is but an illustration of
daily and universal practice of the Turkish officers.
3. Delay. Delay is one of the proverbial char-
acteristics of the Turkish rule. The words "yavash,
yavash" (slowly, slowly), and "gelen hafta" (next
week), are the constant utterance and the habitual
motto of every officer throughout the empire. The
Occidentals, though aware of the Turks' "deceit and
delay," have not yet fully realized its depth. The
crafty sultans played wonderful tricks in deceiv-
ing the European governments with their mysterious
"yavashes," and the Government of the United
States may keep receiving the same endless answer
to its mild claims of indemnity for the mission pro-
perties destroyed by the soldiers of the Sultan. The
Turks' "next week" will never come unless the
language of gunpowder is used by Uncle Sam, as
that is the only language the unspeakable Turk un-
Electricity, so swift in its traveling throughout
Europe and America, seemingly has lost its nature in
Turkey. A message sent by telegraph to a distance
of only twenty or thirty miles sometimes takes one
or two days to reach its destination. The postal
service is an eminent specimen of the Turkish
promptness in business. The cities of 20,000 or
50,000 inhabitants receive mail but once a week, if
they receive any, and that on the condition of entirely
fair weather. The mail may arrive late in the after-
noon simply because the drivers stopped for some
rest in a coffee-house on the route, and the policy of
"yavash, yavash," detained them for several hours;
and when they reach the city in the afternoon, say
three or four o'clock, the officials put the mail bags
away for the next morning and the anxious waiters
(mostly merchants) are sent back because the post-
master declares " ajeleh yock; yavash, yavash"
(there is no hurry; slowly, slowly). The writer
once received mail four days after its arrival in the
city. Registered letters are delivered later than the
others as a rule.
On the ordinary business days the members of the
Turkish court come late and irregular. The ice cream
sellers are always ready at the hall of the court in hot
weather and the coffee pot is there m the winter.
The shoemaker comes at the office hour to get the
measure of the cadi's foot; the tailor comes to fit the
coat of the chief clerk. Soon a dervish enters the
courtyard and begins his work of singing, as "Padi-
shah does not lodge in a palace unless it is well
finished ; no man can reach to the truth unless he is
far from the world." Before he has finished his
verses a mob may rush in dragging a Jew or a Chris-
tian who is accused of having cursed a mollah's turban
or Mohamet's tomb, which may cause such an uproar
as to consume the whole day and cost much money
to the falsely accused giaour.
Fridays and Sundays, the two weekly holidays, are
the best pretexts to put the engagements off. If
Ramazan (the fasting month) is near you can not
expect anything done this side of Bairam (great fes-
tival at the end of Ramazan). If the governor of
the province is expected the next week the machinery
of public affairs in the court is stopped and the at-
tention of all directed to the sweeping of the streets
and arranging about his entertainment, and trying to
make a good collection of taxes with this pretext.
Traveling in Turkey is constantly interfered with
and delayed; the travelers are stopped on their way
in many guard stations and are cross-examined,
especially if they be Christians; often retained for
several days with the excuse of inquiry by telegraph,
and sometimes sent back; and are often tied
hands and feet and sent to prison, as the fancy of
the officer may dictate and the supposed wealth of
the accused may suggest.
One exception to this rule of delay must be men-
tioned— that when the unspeakable Turk unsheathes
his "dripping sword" to cut off the heads of "dog
giaours" in the name of "Allah the Compassionate
and His Apostle" and by command of the all-power-
ful Padishah — he forgets the words "yavash,
yavash;" his thirst for human blood pushes him to
extreme activity and madness.
One of the most ridiculous, injurious and deliberate
movements against liberty is the present system and
practice of Turkish censorship. It shows the ignor-
ance of the ruling race, the severity of the enslaved
officers and the miserable condition of the oppressed
1. The Censor. An infidel Turk, or, it may be a
Christian subject, a wretched slave to the arbitrary
will of his ruler, is appointed and forced to examine
all the publications and report the result to the higher
officer. Such a one must be acquainted with the
languages of the country, also with French, and
especially with English, which is supposed by the
Turk to be the most dangerous means of circulating
the seeds of freedom.
We are in a large provincial city, the weekly mail
has come, all the books, newspapers and letters for
Christians are brought before the Pasha (governor),
to be examined before their delivery. The stern
Pasha is in his arm-chair smoking his cigarette, several
officers are before him to attend his excellent will.
The examiner, most probably a Christian young man,
is called and seated between the Pasha and the watch-
ing officers. The mail-bag is emptied upon the floor,
and everything is handed one by one to this young
man for examination. His eyes are upon the paper,
and all other eyes are upon him closely watching
him, not to miss any chaDge of expression on his
face. The Pasha says, "What is that paper?" The
examiner says, "London Times." "Oh! the cursed
paper, we are ordered to withhold it; give it to me."
"What is the next?" "Independent." "What
does that name mean?" "It means, not subject to the
control of others." "Why, that must be a revolu-
tionist paper ; let me have it too." "What is this
one?" "Science." "Read the contents," "* * *
New Discoveries in Bagdad, the capital of the ancient
Assyria." "Cut that article and give it to me. What
is that other one?' "The Cougregationalist."
"What?" "The Con-gre-ga-tion-al-ist." "Cursed
be that long name ; to whom is it directed?" "To
Mrs. Cornellia Statenville." "Who is that devil-
named man?" "She is a missionary, a hat-wearer."
"Curse their hats; what is next?" "An Armenian
paper published in Constantinople." "Let me see
the seal of the press-official * * * Six copies in one
bundle. Oh! crafty hogs! they don't pay their taxes,
and sit together and read six papers in one week and
learn rebellion against the Highest Wealth (Turkish
Government). Put it in the bag and pass to the
letters. Be careful now, I had a telegram that
giaours are trying to pass arms in air-ships (balloons) ;
there must be something in these letters about that
satanic scheme." The letters are examined with
greater care, and woe be unto him in whose letter
any shadow of suspicion is imagined.
2. Censorship of Press. The manuscript of any
book must go to the press-officer, who is the president
of a committee charged with the sacred duty of
ruling over the thoughts, speeches and writings of
millions of human beings. The same transactions
must be repeated before each edition of the same
book. There were so many books officially sanctioned
five to fifteen years ago that they are confiscated and pro-
hibited now. This shows that the burden of tyranny
is growing heavier. All the books sent from foreign
countries must go to the same office, be carefully
examined and withheld if some injurious thing is
imagined. Any kind of history, geography, even
cyclopedias containing articles about Armenia, Turkey,
Mohametan religion, etc., are confiscated.
All the unofficial newspapers, Moslem or non-
Moslem, must be published in Constantinople, and
each proof-sheet of every paper must first go to the
censor in order to be examined and corrected, and
detained if he deems proper. On every occasion of
the Sultan's anniversary, or of the commencement
services of the government schools, the papers are
expected and even demanded to give full pages in
praise of the wisdom and mercy of the Saltan in the
official style of the palace slaves. "The late Shah of
Persia has died of dropsy." "M. Carnot, of France,
has suddenly died of heart disease." Many viziers
who have been strangled in the palace were reported
in the papers as "died a natural death from sickness
to which he was subject a long time, and in spite of
all the skill of the doctors could not be saved." These
Turkish censorship. 143
false reports are in all the papers, religious, scientific
or political; they are forced to announce these things
for their existence, and they do it under the title of
"Official News."
' The endless reports of these last Armenian mas-
sacres which have defiled the whole country from
border to border, did not pass beyond being "a small
local disturbance in such a place, in which two
Moslems and three Armenians were killed, and which
was at once suppressed by the soldiers of our gracious
Sultan." " Cholera has broken out in such a place,
but thanks to the attempts of our gracious Sultan it
was immediately controlled and health restored." "A
tremendous earthquake occurred in certain places, but
thanks to the endless graces and wisdom of our Sul-
tan there was no loss of life but three, and a few
wounded." "This year, through the grrace of our
Sultan, the crops seem to be excellently good." Thus
the unfortunate country with all its population and
possibilities is flooded by the overflowing stream of
"the endless graces" of the Sultan.
3. Other Illustrations that Touch Directly on
Religious Liberty. From the International Sunday
School Lessons of 1893 the title of "Sorrow in the
Palace" (Esth. 4 :l-9), was suppressed, because there
can be no sorrow in the Palace, which is called "the
region of holy happiness." Also the titles of "Hope
in Distress" (Psalms, 38:8-15), "Wicked Devices
Frustrated" (Psalms, 33:10-22), and many others,
were ordered to be left out. From the religious
sonsrs the words "crown," "throue " "fighting"
"fortress," "soldiers," "victory," "home-land,"
"trumpet," "kingdom," "enemy," "war," etc.,
are all stricken out, and all the songs expressing
Christian warfare or citizenship or union are canceled.
The printing of religious books has been objected
to once, on the ground that after having been
allowed to have the Bible the Christian subjects have
no need of other books. Copies of "Pilgrim's Pro-
gress" were confiscated with the idea that they show
to the Christian subjects some way to escape from
Turkey to a Christian land, from the City of De-
struction to Heaven — not an incorrect comparison,
however. "The Letters to' Families" was stopped
with the thought that it might contain something
against the government, as it bears the name "let-
ters." A booklet called "The Epistle to the Gala-
tians" was supposed to be a special secret letter to
the Christians in Galata (a quarter in Constantinople
and a center for Armenians), and the book was
stopped. The policemen were sent to the Christian
church at Galata to arrest St. Paul, who speaks so
deliberately about "the deliverance of this present
evil world," and advises his men to " stand fast in the
liberty, and be not entangled again with the yoke of
bondage." It took much effort and trouble to con-
vince and send these men back, who were more fool-
ish than the ancient Galatians.
The abject ignorance and malice of the censor is
best illustrated by the following fact: When he saw
in an English book " H2 O," the formula of water
(two hydrogen, one oxygen), he supposed it to be a
secret emblem against the Turkish Government, and
after long meditations and consultations he solved it
to mean "Hamid the 2nd (present Sultan) is zero! "
and he insisted that he was correct in his discovery.
The dark shadow of ignorance, the nest of all in-
iquities, is the resting place where "the pearl of
ages" is very anxious to hide himself and his sub-
jects, in spite of the enlightenment of this century.
The Moslem population is the same stupid and lazy
Tartaric race — only they so surpass their fathers in the
addition of hellish horrors upon horrors as to put the
devil in the shade. They show no sign of conscious-
ness of their wretched condition. Some individual
sparks glowing here and there are at once put out
and the national suicide still goes on, and the suffer-
ing of the Christian subjects can never be realized.
Under all their bondage, intellectual slavery, black-
mailing, poverty and persecution they are groaning
for liberty. But, alas ! the world seems totally deaf
to their cries and sighing! It is a mystery of Divine
Providence how the Darkness should be permitted to
rule the Light, and a greater mystery that the most
civilized nations and governments — the supposed
champions of Liberty — would take such a barbarous
nation as the Turks for their friend, and such a
tyrant, the greatest enemy of Christian civilization,
for their ally !
1. Turkish Harem, which means "the sacred
place," is the name given to the ladies' department in
the Mohametan home, where no man is allowed to enter
witliout special permission from inside unless he is
the husband, father, brother, son, grandfather,
grandson, uncle — in short, one of the nearest relatives
who could not legally marry the women in the harem.
In case of a stranger's inevitable visit each woman over
twelve to thirteen years of age must cover her face.
The visitor's duty is to stop at the outside of the gate
and knock, saying, " Take your veils," and wait for
the response from inside. The houses in Turkey are
surrounded by a strong thick wall, at least ten to
twelve feet high, having only one gateway for
entrance, which is kept closed and bolted. Some-
times the husband locks it in the morning and takes
the key with him to his business place. Wealthy
people have their special department for men entered
by a separate gate, and receive their visitors and
guests in this department, which is called " Selam
lik." A doctor's visit to a harem, which is very
seldom among Moslems, is regarded as an exception
for the harem law? according to the decree of the
Koran that "Necessities modify the prohibition."
The ladies of the Imperial Palace were lately vacci-
nated by doctors, stretching out their arms through
a hole in the partition between the two departments.
The internal management of the harem is sometimes
left to colored eunuchs, but commonly the mother-
in-law, or in her absence, the chief hanum (lady of
the harem) has its charge. Cooking is done in the
harem, and the dishes are sent to the men's depart-
ment through a revolving closet in the partition wall
and served by male waiters. The inside of the harem
yard must not be seen from any house near or far;
hence the law for buildings, especially for windows,
is very strict, and the exterior of the houses have the
appearance of an ancient castle wall. As the mina-
rets upon which the muezzin crier calls the believers
to worship are always higher than the neighboring
houses, the women must conceal themselves in the
house until the crier makes his brief tour around the
minaret. Very often blind men or children are
employed in this service, and men of ugly voice are
preferred by many pious Moslems, that their wives
may not be attracted and tempted to come out of
their inner apartments. Some exceedingly fanatic
Turks do not allow even the Christian women to enter
their harems. Blind men, idiots, eunuchs, and some-
times the old domestic stewards, are allowed in
2. Polygamy Among the Turks. Any Moslem
who can afford may have four wives in legal mar-
riage, and may have as many concubines as he can
purchase or capture. The present Sultan — not the
most intemperate of the Ottoman rulers — is said to
have 1,500 women in his harem. By the Mohame-
tan sacred law all the women in the empire belong to
the prophet and his successor on the throne. As
the majority are not able to support many wives they
must be content with a few on this side of the grave,
cherishing the hope that they will have many in the
future paradise. Some rich men, however, prefer to
have only one or two wives, because of the habitual
discord, extravagance and crimes in the larger harems,
where jealousy, slander and constant quarreling are
the daily practice of the " muminehs," the faithful
Marriage is regarded a religious necessity, hence
every man, even the poorest, the maimed and the
crazy, are encouraged to marry, very often the
expenses for wedding being paid by a wealthy aga or
well-to-do neighbors. Their motto is, "A dog can
drag a hide anyhow;" that is, a man can support a
wife anyhow. They also say, ''When a person is
created his supplies also are created with him," and
they feel very content with what they may have by
working the least. They marry nearer relatives than
the Christians do. A man must marry his deceased
brother's wife or wives for the sake of preserving
the family inheritance.
3. The Situation of Turkish Women. A man
may divorce his wife by simply desiring to do so;
no reasonable cause is demanded of him. A woman
can never demand a divorce, no matter how cruel
and unfaithful her husband may be ; she may
be permitted to live separate if she can afford
it. Hence, the only possible way to get rid of
a bad husband is to irritate him until he asks for a
divorce. There is one point favorable to women —
that a husband can not get a divorce unless he first
pays the dowry he promised to his wife, according to
their wealth and rank, differing from ten to one
thousand dollars, or more. The "sheri,"the legal
branch of the government which attends to marriages
and divorces, takes great care on this point to secure
and protect the wife's right. A Mohametan may,
and often does, marry and divorce the same wife three
times by usual transactions of the "sheri" and by the
consent of the woman, but not the fourth time unless
the woman is married by another man and also divorced
by his free will. If a thrice divorced wife is not
already married by another man, and if both parties
desire a re-union in marriage, the demand of the law
is to find another man to marry this woman and
divorce her legally, which the poor or the crazy people
will do for the sake of money. In some instances,
however, the man who was thought crazy proves him-
self to be so sane as to keep the wife for himself or
demands a very large sum for the desired divorce,
for which the law does not force him. If a wife be
guilty of impurity in matrimony her husband has the
right to have her imprisoned by the government for
life, or, as the Koran says, "until she finds some di-
vine help to make her escape." The children born
of a divorced wife can never be deprived of the
right to inherit their father's property, even if they
are allowed to live with their mother, in which case
the man is forced to pay his children's living until
the boy is seven years old and the girl nine.
4. The Rights of Turkish Women. Mohamet,
being very fond of his mother (who was widowed
soon after, or, according to others, just before the
birth of the only child) has repeatedly ordered honor
and mercy towards mothers, especially widowed
mothers. "No man," the Mohametan law says,
"can repay the merit of his mother, even if he could
carry her on his back all the way to Kabeh," the
holy temple in Mecca.
But the same law evidently ranks woman lower
than man by limiting, for example, her legal rights.
An heiress can only get the half proportion of inher-
itance that an heir of the same relation may get. The
wife can only get one-fifth of the property of her de-
ceased husband if he has bodily heirs from her or
from a former wife. A woman can never claim a
divorce nor make an objection if her husband marries
three wives more and desires to keep concubines.
During the husband's lifetime the wife has no claim
on his movable or immovable properties, only her
dowry and personal ornaments and clothing presented
to her. The consequences of the limitation of family
rights are mutual hatred, unfaithfulness, crime, and
a general degradation of woman. Women are not
allowed to attend mosques for the daily prayers ; they
may have them in the harem. In the month of
Raniazan, the fasting month, they are permitted to
go to the mosque, but must enter from a special small
back door and sit in a gallery enclosed by a thick
lattice work. They can never attend social entertain-
ments unless given by nearest relatives. They are
never allowed to sit at the same table, even with their
fathers, brothers and husbands, if there be a guest
in the house. When they go oat of their gates they
must put on a long gown and a thick veil. If they
go with their father, brother or husband, which is
very seldom, they must walk behind. The best part
of the road must always be given to the man. In
the interior of the country if women see a rich man
or an official coming they must sit on the floor and
turn their face to the wall until "His honor" is past.
In villages, these harem ceremonies are not practi-
cable, but the condition of women is far worse.
Their husbands have already purchased them by pay-
ing $10 to $20 in cash, or an ox or a few sheep, or
some pieces of carpets or rugs, or so many bushels of
wheat or barley. Besides the common work of the
house they have their share in all farming work, in
sowing, reaping or pulling the crop wTith their hands,
carrying it on their backs and threshing it under the
burning sun, which takes wreeks, for the lack of
machinery. In such places it is a universal habit
for the man to ride on his horse or donkey, and the
poor woman, often barefooted, walks after him. At
the same time her baby (and perhaps the cradle) is
strapped on her back, or a load of wood or other
The Turkish women, especially in the villages, are
very free and quick in their talks, having no hin-
drance to use their language. So you can hear
them speaking very clearly and loud, sometimes
laughing, sometimes cursing and very often gossip-
ing. When they meet one or more pretty Armenian
young people they seldom fail to say, "May
plague strike your body," or if they meet a Chris-
tian funeral procession, "May Allah cause you all to
perish at once," or call loud to the neighbor's wife,
"O, Eniineh! look this way, a giaour's corpse is
going; may all of them have the same destiny by
allah," and the other responds, "Amen!" During
any uprising against the Christians Turkish women
are very happy and always shout and urge the men
to slaughter.
5. The Titles, and Common Sayings about
Women. When you meet with a friend you can
never ask about the condition of the women in his
house unless you have close relationship with the
family; then you must say, " How is the household ?,:
or most intimately, "How is my sister?" or my
aunt Emineh?" And he replies, "They kiss your
hand." If a man speaks about his wife before oth-
ers, he never says "My wife" or "Mrs. so and so,"
but "the people of the house," "your maid-ser-
vant," "ash carrier," "sweeper of the house,"
" the mother of the children," "your sister," etc.
A woman is called after her father's name, even if
she be married.
Some Turkish proverbs may better show their idea
about women: "Woman is a deficient creature."
"Woman has long hair, but short mind." "Obey a
woman's word but one in forty." "Whip must not
be far from woman." "Do not walk with woman,
else you will suffer calamity." "Woman is the
satan of man." "May allah preserve you from the
evil of woman." "Do not trust the friendship of
woman." "Woman has no religion." " She leaves
confusion among seven quarters." " She loads seven
houses on a donkey and rides also upon it." "You
woman-minded fool!"
They have numerous stories about the evils and
tricks of women. They say, "Satan made a bet
with a woman upon a pair of slippers to see which of
them could cause greater confusion in the world;
and they began the work among the families. After
some time, satan being convinced of woman's
superiority in devices, and fearing that she might one
day harm even himself, he gave up, and putting the
slippers on the end of a long pole, stretched it to the
woman, being afraid to go near her."
6. Turkish Family Discipline. In order to under-
stand the Turkish character, we must go to the foun-
dation, the family discipline. They have no idea and
no word for home. The mother has not her proper
position in the family. Filial, fraternal and paternal
love is not nobler among them than it is among the
pigs — if the comparison is not injustice to the latter.
The jealousy, slander, quarrelling and crimes among
the children of different mothers are terrible beyond
imagination. The defect of the Turkish family dis-
cipline does not consist simply of some neglects, but
also positive inducements to corruption. As soon as
the child is able to walk and talk, he is given to the
hands of the meanest of servants (a nurse) to take
them where they please, to teach them what they
know, to make of them what they may. When they
come down from the shoulders of these first teachers
they are sent either to schools as corrupt as Sodom,
or let loose in the streets to loaf and learn the accu-
mulated corruption of the community, and to harm
the Christian children they meet in the streets. If
they do not see any giaour to insult and beat, they
fight with each other and curse against each other's
" faith and religion" and the ancestral graves, etc.,
most horribly. When several Turks, even the most
noted ones, come together and have a little child
among them their chief amusement will be, without
exception, to make that child utter vulgar words in
his broken language. The father of the child, most
probably the host of the party, would say to him :
"Now, my boy, swear to this uncle's beard," at the
same time helping him to speak the necessary words ;
then says, "Swear to the other uncle's turban,"
"to that yonder uncle's daughter," "to this young
uncle's sweetheart," etc., etc. All will laugh in
concert at his each attempt, and praise him for his
smartness, and seriously beg long life for him from
1. A Visit to a Turkish Common School. The
first thing which will attract the visitor's attention is
the noise produced in a Turkish school, because every
pupil must study his lesson with a loud voice. The
exterior appearance of the building, which is gener-
ally attached to a mosque, has nothing worthy to be
called a school house— a single small room, with very
low and narrow windows, if at all. During the cold
weather these windows are covered with paper or
white thin cotton cloth instead of glass, and in the
hot seasons they are left open to the burning sun
without any shades, unless it be the coats of the
students sitting in front of them. There is no chair
or desk, or anything like tables. All the children are
sitting flat on the floor, on coarse mats or bare boards,
which have never seen washiug. The teacher is also
sitting on the floor, on a small hard cushion, and a
little one-foot-high box before him for his table. All
the boys (for no girl is allowed in this school) keep
small turbaned fezes on their heads, but their shoes
or wooden slippers are left at the front door. All
the pupils are repeating their lessons in a loud voice,
which is stimulated every six or seven minutes by the
coarse howling of the long-bearded, large-turbaned
and wide, loose-robed man, whom for convenience
we shall call Hoja effendi, the lord teacher. These
frequent howlings are generally accompanied with a
hard stroke of a four-foot-long heavy stick upon the
floor its full length, and often with vulgar words.
We can never expect to see anything like maps,
black-boards or other school furniture, but onlv a
dirty and badly torn pamphlet in each pupil's hand,
in which are some extracts from the Koran in the
Arabic language, which the Turkish children do not
understand. No geograph}r, arithmetic, natural or
unnatural science ; and no writing, class system or
programme; but beginning from the right hand of
the teacher each pupil must come separately and
kneel down before him on the bare floor, and after a
solemn denunciation of "Satan the Instigator," and
recognition of "the name of Allah, the most merci-
ful," must repeat his lesson with a louder voice and
chanting tone, all the time swinging the body to and
fro. As an approval of the recitation the teacher
will simply say "Hum!" two or three times in every
line, or sometimes for every single word, even for
every syllable if the pupil is spelling. After one or
two hundred shut-mouthed "hums!" and an uncer-
tain number of scornful corrections, the so-called
lesson comes to its end and the next pupil is called.
Of the disapproval or complimentary words that pour
out from the mouth of the Haja effendi, the following
are comparatively milder ones: "Donkey," "Donkey-
headed," "Frozen-brain," "Stiff-skulled," "Lazy
donkey," "Blind hog," "Lame dog," "Crippled
bear," according to the bodily defects of the children ;
"My lamb," "Crazy kid," "Sly fox," "My lion,"
"Black lion," " Black calf," "My son," "My
father," "My brother." In ten minutes he may
call the same boy "Donkey" and "My brother,"
according to the demand of the circumstances.
2. The Piety of the Hoja Effendi. Let us not for-
get to say that our "lord teacher" has also the
charge of the muezzin crier, and the leadership in
public prayer of the mosque. It is about noon ; the
children are very tired of sitting and crying their
lessons since the sunrise, also feel very hungry for
food and for mischief. The approach of the "noon-
bread," as they call it, makes them very uncontrol-
lable. The teacher cries with a loud voice and says,
"You hog-pigs! you begin to dig the ground again.
You are almost perished by hunger, Allah may grant
me to see you all perished in one day. No more
patience, impatient dogs ! Bring the copper pitcher,
let me have my ablution for noon-prayer, and then
I will send you away; you better had gone to
'jehenem' (hell)! You made my head swell by
causing me to speak so much this morning; may your
heads be swelled like pumpkins and boiled in the
kettle! Bring that pitcher to me." In spite of the
insulting tone of this habitual lecture the pupils run
eagerly to fill the pitcher with cold water and bring
it to the teacher. The teacher cries, "Ah! you
will break it; that is a heritage to me from my grand-
father; may Allah have mercy on his soul! Be care-
ful, whosoever breaks that pitcher, by my religion
and faith, I will surely crush his skull. You black-
face Satans, you are in a hurry, not because you love
me, but because you are dying to slip away one
minute earlier; may Allah grant that you may be
paralyzed in your houses and be unable to come here
again. Bring the pitcher this side. * * * 'I seek
refuge by Allah from Satan the accursed' (don't
disturb my mind children, if I rehearse wrong the
sin will be upon your necks), * * * 'in the name of
Allah, the most merciful' (Ahmet, open the doors
of the mosque)." * * * By this solemn ceremony,
mixed with prayer and remarks to the children, the
pious teacher finishes his sacred washing, and turns
again to the children: "Now I will send you to
4 noon-bread,' but I have some special notices: first,
do not forget to bring portions to your teacher of
what good dishes you may have at your table; bring
also any kind of fruits, your aunt (teacher's wife) is
not very well, and she will like to have some fruits.
And the next thing I am going to order }^ou is that
you must keep still in your houses and not disturb
your mothers. You see that small bird up that tree?
It always brings me news what mischief you do in
your houses and tells it secretly to my ear. Now I
can tell you all what you did last evening, but for
this time I will forgive you, and watch your conduct
for the next time ; you have to come back very soon
and sweep the mosque for to-morrow, which is holy
Friday you know. Look here, I am spitting upon
the ground, and you be sure to be back before it
dries; go now and keep in your mind what I have
3. A New Pupil Brought to the School, As the
Turkish schools have no vacation, no division of
terms and no class system, a new pupil may be
brought in at any time. It is afternoon. All the
children are in their places and a pile of small bun-
dles near the teacher's seat, and he seems quite de-
lighted with them. A father enters, leading a
little boy by the hand, and addresses the teacher:
' < Peace be unto you, lord teacher." "And peace
unto you, haji aga ! Let us see what is that?"
"What will it be, lord teacher? I brought your
slave to pour water on your hand and to turn your
shoes." "Allah spare his life; you have done very
well." "By Allah, lord teacher, I saw that he was
loafing in the streets and I thought if I leave him so
he will be a donkey like me." "Allah forbid, haji
aga; may your life be preserved safe from the evils
of the devil; you are one of the noblest Muslims of
our district. Oh! the past days; they are gone!
What a noble father you had; may Allah illumine
his grave. I can faintly remember your grandfather
also ; he used to wear, it comes to my mind as a
dream, a large green turban, and he always had his
long pipe in his hand. He was a pious Mussulman.
Allah may perpetuate his posterity. By the way, is
your mother still living?" "No, lord teacher, pro-
longed life for you, she passed five years next win-
ter." "Is that so? Oh ! Allah may grant long life
to you. *** How many children have you?" "Only
this one, your slave, lord teacher?" "What
is his name?" "Mustafa, lord teacher," "Oh!
that was my grandfather's name; did you steal his
name, little boy? Come here and let me see you."
The father leads the child by the hand and taking
him nearer to the teacher says, "Now, kneel down
and kiss the lord teacher's hand." The teacher
says "God bless you, my son." The father con-
tinues, "Now, lord teacher, his flesh is yours, his
bones are mine ; whenever he is disobedient and lazy
you may punish him as you please; did you hear
it?" Certainly; if he is an obedient boy I will love
him just like the light of my eye, but if he is dis-
obedient I will beat him as a dog and imprison him
in the dark dungeon under this floor and nail his ear
to the wall there and leave him to die with hunger
and thirst. I am called crazy Haji, and if once my
spirit gets up nobody can control me, even the gov-
ernor cannot prevent me to do what I decide ; I kill
men under my feet." "That is all right, lord
teacher; he is yours, not mine, do to him as you
please. *** What will our debt be to you?" "May
your good soul be alive, my dear neighbor; * parents"
and teachers' labors can never be paid enough ; may
Allah recompense them in the future; still, as a small
present for my labors and prayers, I will be content
with one cent a week, and five bushels of wheat at
harvest time, and several pounds of raisins at fall,
and a pair of slippers when your son commences to
read the first "juz" (part of the Koran), and a full
suit of clothing when he finishes the sacred Koran,
by Allah's help." "Very well, sir, all your orders
upon my head (I agree), and for the love of Allah,
lord teacher, whenever you need something you will
let your servant know. I kiss your sacred skirt, lord
teacher; take as good care of him as if he was your
own son. Good-bye, sir." As soon as he leaves the
room the teacher murmurs in a low voice, "You
stingy hog, I know what character you are. You
promise very easily, but you are not going to fill it.
Pay the regular dues and let the extra be a flame to
your soul. I knew your cursed father very well;
may he not find rest in his grave; he was a man like
pieces of nail (useless); are you not the puppy of
that dog? But anyhow I have your ears now in my
hand. I will make you obliged to pay my wao-es.
Now, boys, to your books ; when you see a visitor
you leave your work and listen to us like sheep listen
to the voice of a flute. Go on ! to-morrow is Friday;
you have to finish your lessons to-day, else I am not
going to send you home to-night. Goon! Read
aloud! . . . louder! . . . still louder! . . . that's it."
Ijf Iff
1. The Essence of Turkish Institutions of
Education. Education is not obligatory in the Turk-
ish empire; therefore, the number of the public
Turkish schools and the students is considerably
smaller compared with other European countries, or
even with non-Moslem communities of the empire.
During the last twenty to thirty years the govern-
ment established some public schools in four grades:
a primary school for each town, a higher school for
each county, an academy for each State and three to
four highest institutions in Constantinople for the
whole country. The approximate proportion of the
numbers of the institutions to that of the population
cannot be more than one primary school for 10,000,
one higher school for 100,000, one academy for
1,000,000 and one university for the whole popula-
The grade of these schools also is very inferior,
because with the exception of some Christian pro-
fessors in the university (?) all the teachers and
superintendents are Mohametan fanatics or infidels,
unworthy of their position. In the system of
instruction there is no radical improvement and can
not be as long as the spirit and practice of Islam pre-
vails. That is why the Mohametan students in
European institutions, though very few in number,
are generally becoming abject infidels in their hearts
and heads, an element which does not seem more
favorable to the Christian civilization and a better
illustration for the re-entrance of the evil spirit into
an empty heart. Hence all the outward appearance
of the Turkish education and progress is a total
farce, and an extra burden upon the long oppressed
and impoverished Christians (for they must con-
tribute to support) and a serious danger for Christian
2. A Closer Investigation of These Institutions.
The buildings are better than the common schools,
but not as good as one might expect for the large
sums collected from the people. The first floor is
generally used for the wood and the ashes, and as a
place for the shoes, which must not be taken up to
the second floor, because it is used for Mohametan
worship as well as school. The second floor consists
of a narrow hall, to which all the doors of so-called
lecture rooms open. No directory, no time-table and
no program in the hall, only the emblem (arms) of
the Ottoman government. You have to go from
door to door and look in to see the contents. One
of them looks like an arithmetic class; all the stu-
dents or the class are crowded before one faded
small blackboard and working together in great con-
fusion. The other room looks like a geography or
history class. The torn maps are inscribed all over
with Arabic letters, reading from right to left. The
largest letters on the eastern end read, "The Great
Encircling Sea" (Pacific Ocean). Then comes
" Chinumachin " (China) ; the next attractive inscrip-
tion reads, " The prosperous countries of the Imperial
Ottoman" (Turkey). The Mediterranean is named
"White Sea;" Austriah, "The Province of Nem-
cheh;" Germany, "The Province of Prussia;"
France, "The Province of Fransah." When you
look more attentively over the map of Turkey you
will find that all countries separated from the empire
during the last twenty-five to thirty years are put
under the same Turkish dominion. Constantinople
is called "The Gate of Happiness;" Jerusalem,
"The Sacred Holiness;" Damascus, "The Sacred
Sham;" Mecca, "The Esteemed Mekkeh of Mys-
teries;" Medina, "The illuminated Medineh," etc.
Both the map and its design carry us back thirty to
forty years, and show how the real sciences of geog-
raphy and history are abused in Turkish schools,
which, perhaps, is the reason why an eminent
telegraphic ofiicer, a graduate of one of these
higher schools, could not be persuaded that "Liver-
pool" was a single word. He insisted angrily
that it was two words — "Liver" and "Pool"
— until his Christian subordinate came and ended
the dispute. One of the Turkish pashas, the
highest provincial officers, hearing from a mis-
sionary about the Civil War in the United States,
asked him with great surprise: "Why, havaja, did
your kings get permission from the Sultan to declare
war against each other?" During the last Eusso-
Turkish war the copies of a telegram were pasted on
the walls, telling that "near Alashehir the Moscows
suffered such a defeat before the Ottoman braves
that the blood of the enemy formed a river so deep
as to reach the breasts of the horses of the Ottoman
cavalry." And the large-turbaned Turks, who
thought the telegraph to be a devil's operation, were
heard by this time reporting that this news was pro-
duced by itself all over the country, while the secret
dispatch was passing from Constantinople to Mecca.
3. Commencement Services in Turkish High
Schools. It is the "Prize day/' as they call it. In
one of the largest halls of the town, teachers, stu-
dents and their friends, and many invited persons, are
crowded; the service is not yet begun, though the
announced time has already passed one hour; the
air in the room is almost unbearable; a great many
are smoking, walking out and in, talking with a
tremendous confusion and noise. Some are going
out to drink and bringing a pail of water in for their
friends, others calling for "a drop of that water,"
some trying to reach the pail, laughing, cursing —
everything but order. Later on, the pasha, the
chairman of the service, comes in, followed by a
dozen well-armed soldiers and about all the
officers and influential men of the town (there can be
no woman in this assembly). By this time the
whole congregation rises, as an homage to the pasha
and his followers, and a military band begins to play
the "Hamidieh March," at the close of which, all
being seated, the chairman comes forward, and tak-
ing a paper out of his pocket begins to read it as the
opening address of the exercises. The subject of
that paper is praise for the Sultan; the style is
oriental, poetic and adorned; the language as high
as possible, full of Persian and Arabic words and
phrases, and the tone of reading low, monotonous
and quivering.
In order to make our readers better acquainted with
the contents of said paper, we shall attempt to trans-
late some parts of it, according to the capacity of the
English language in expressing oriental formality:
"By the boundless grace and endless mercy of the
Lord of all creatures on earth and in heaven, and
under the safest shadow of the world-stretched wing
of his Imperial Majesty, our Sovereign and Sultan,
the king of all kin^s and the crown-giver of all the
princes of the world, we, the most humble subjects
of the glorious Ottoman empire and sons of the
sacred and most prosperous countries, are privileged
to assemble here to-day to perform our usual sacred
duty in sincerely praying for the utmost prosperity
and longevity of our powerful, gracious and great
padishah, and for the constant welfare of his highest
commonwealth. Since the happiest day of the
glorious enthronement of his Imperial Majesty, the
greatest, wisest of all the rulers of the universe, we
most fortunate subjects of the pearly throne — the
glory of which equals the brightness of the celestial
constellations—have always been enjoying innu-
merable and marvellous signs of his bottomless
ocean of wisdom and unparalleled prudence, which is
the miraculous heavenly gift to the worthiest of all
the monarchs upon thrones. By this delightful
chance we acknowledge once more our most pleasant
privilege to offer the emblems of our true faithful-
ness and complete obedience to the heaven-like
threshold of his imperial glory, the conqueror, the
most gracious and the powerful majesty, our merciful
father, Sultan Hamid, the Great, by repeating 'Long
live my Padishah !' Amen ! and Amen ! !"
4. The Relation of Christian Subjects to Their
Schools. The Turkish high schools are nominally
for all the subjects of the empire, but there are very
few Greeks and Armenians who could find an}' way
to enter them. Especially during these last fifteen
years the non-Moslem element is remarkably enfeebled
in these institutions. Still the expenses are paid by
all communities of the country. The Christians
invariably prefer to have their own high schools and
colleges for their young men and women, and for
further advancement appeal to the European or
American institutions. When a doctor or lawyer
from foreign schools desires to practice in Turkey he
has to go to Constantinople, spend his money and
time and be examined before the Turkish faculties, to
procure his certificate or their permission. The native
Christian students are subjected to very severe
examination and restriction.
1. The Scenery in a Turkish Street. The Turk-
ish cities are generally in good locations. The
streets are narrow, irregular and dirty. The houses
are large and strong, but not attractive. They have
but few and small windows, and are on the second
floor. Every house is surrounded by a high and
thick stone wall, with only one gateway, which is
locked or barred day and night. In the interior of
Turkish houses, from the most destitute to the most
elegant and royal, in the houses of poverty and
wealth, we find the same degree of sin and misery.
The scenes and events of a Turkish street cannot
be told on paper. Muleteers and carriage men drive
and curse their animals and cry to the passing multi-
tude, "Be careful; let it not touch you." Street
sellers are crying in every style and tone. Porters
are carrying heavy burdens on their backs. Dervishes
are howling and the fortune-tellers prophesying.
The public criers are making official announcements:
"0, Moslem servants! may Allah give long life to
our padishah (Sultan) ! Hereafter whoever walks in
the streets after three o'clock in the evening (three
hours after sunset), whether he has a lamp or not,
will be arrested and imprisoned and heavily fined;
this is the command of his excellency, our governor.
Hear! you will have no excuse hereafter." Another:
"Since last night a donkey is lost. Its tail is short;
one front leg is lame ; its hair is gray. Whosoever
saw it will have three piasters, and whosoever finds
it will have five piasters. Come ! and make the
owner glad."
In. this Babylonian confusion many children, large
and small, curse and cry. The pasha (governor)
passes from his harem to his office with half-a-dozen
servants before him and a dozen officers behind him.
Everybody must recognize him by stopping and bow-
in £, almost touching yie ground with the back of the
right hand, then lifting it up to their lips and then
to their forehead in perfect silence. He returns this
homage by a slight motion of his right hand. The
countless hungry dogs are barking and biting each
other, and sometimes trying to attack the passers-by,
in imitation of their legal protectors (Moslems).
2. Traveling in Turkey. The Arabic proverb,
"Traveling is a portion of hell," is applicable to
Turkey, for there is no facility, no safety, and there-
fore no pleasure, even in a country which is unique
for its natural beauty and healthy climate ; no bridges
over the large rivers, no prepared roads in miry
places, no wide passages on the precipices. The only
means of transportation are large camels, lazy horses,
small donkeys and mules, and sometimes oxen and
cows, driven by muleteers — the very ignorant vil-
lagers. In all Asiatic Turkey there is not more than
400 miles of railroad, therefore all journeys must be
made by animals or walking, with an average of
twenty miles a day. The animals are meanly fed in
summer on grass, in winter on straw and very little
barley. On winter nights the animals and the riders
are sheltered together under the same roof of a khan
(a rude, low and large building with only one room).
There can be no fixed plan for the day. If you ask
the muleteer the distance to the next town, khan or
stream, he answers, "O, it is just here; about half
an hour." You go on for hours and ask again, and
get the same answer. You ask, " Where will you
spend the night?" He replies, 6 'Allah knows; I
don't know; wherever the night comes we will halt
there; don't worry about it; these places are very
dangerous; the other day highwaymen killed three
merchants and captured all their properties just in
yonder valley."
In traveling, women, and especially children, are
carried in maf a (two boxes), fastened one on each side
of the horse. Owing to the constant dangers the
travelers have to go in caravans (a large company of
muleteers and passengers, with scores of various
animals). They have carriages in the sea coast cities
and in some parts of Anatolia, but for the lack of
safety and regularity they are not of much use.
3. Language and Conversation of the Turks.
The Turkish language, being composed of coarse
Tartaric dialect and Persian and Arabic words and
phrases, has its own beauty when spoken by the edu-
cated, but among the uneducated it represents the
coaivest mode of speech. Turkish conversation is
characterized by many and unnecessary adjectives,
exaggerations and obscenity, spoken in an imaginative
and proverbial style. Among the educated the rule
is that the first person of the pronoun is expressed in
humblest style and the second person just the con-
trary, for instance: I — "your servant," "your hum-
ble servant," "your most worthless slave;" you —
"your highness," "your excellency," "}Tour highest
excellency;" how are you — "how is the honored
pleasure of your excellent nobility?" The answer is,
"your servant kisses the sacred hands of your high-
est personality."
The Turkish style of addressing a letter: "By
the grace of the Most High. Behold this letter is
offered to the sacred direction of sagacious Ali
Effendi, the assistant clerk in the financial depart-
ment of the County of Keller, in the State of Bag-
In anger and quarreling the following expressions
are very commonly used: "May your eyes be
blinded, and you be left by the walls helpless;"
"may your bread run from you on horseback,
and you pursue it on foot and never reach
it;" "may you not own two garments;" "may
your lamp be extinguished suddenly" (die), "may
you fall down like a pine tree;" "may melted
lead be poured into your ears ; " " may you be a vaga-
bond in your life, and be dead in a stormy day;"
and many indecent words which we can not put here.
The expressions for good wishes also are many and
flattering, as: "May God hold your hands;" "may
God build your household;" "whatever you touch
as dust may be turned to gold;" "may Allah give
you a dark-eyed sweetheart;" "may you enjoy the
benefit of your child;" "may your enemies be
blinded," etc.
4. Some Turkish Riddles, Proverbs and Love
Songs. "When I go it goes galloping behind me."
"A well and water in it, and a snake in the water
with a pearl in its mouth." (A lamp.)
"It can jump down the mountain without hurt,
still it cannot step in a stream." (Paper.)
"If you tie, it goes; if you let it loose, it stops."
"It is woman that builds or ruins a house."
"The girl makes a woman like her mother."
"He begs at the door of St. Sophia, and gives
alms at Sultan Ahmed." (Two mosques that are
very near each other in Constantinople.)
"When you ask a lazy man to work he will preach
you a long sermon."
"Two captains sink the ship."
* 'Little bread , peaceful head . " ( Content and peace . )
"Death is a black camel that kneels before every
"He tries (in vain) to dig a well with a needle."
"A stone rolled into the well by a fool, cannot be
taken out by forty wise men."
"Know the man by his friends."
"He who eats without desire digs his grave with
his teeth."
"He thinks he has created the small mountains."
(Shows vanity.)
"Eh, no money, no money,
In his pocket no money ;
Unminding his blindness,
That fool man tries to own me."
"I'll tell you don't madden me,
Or I'll cat your willow-tree;
If you marry some one else,
I'll surely leave this country."
"Water pail in hand has she,
Walks to the fount slowly ;
Girl, your sweetheart is coming,
Run back homewrard, make hurry."
"Moon rises leaping, leaping,
Through the branches peeping;
I have got sad news to-day,
My love for me is weeping "
"My daughter, pearly, pearly,
Soon grow be a lady ;
I 11 marry you a gypsy,
Play your gong, be happy."
5. Miscellaneous Customs Among the Turkish
People. — Medication. They do not use many medi-
cines, and those which are used are such things as the
blood of a black hen, the skin of a black cat, certain
animals' manure, roasted snake, the mixture of seven
flowers from seven fields, the milk of a woman who
nurses a girl baby, the fat of the bear, the milk of a
bird, the rain-water that falls in the month of April,
and other thiugs that cannot be found easily, if at
all. They believe in supernatural power of relics,
reading from Koran, touch of a dervish, favorable
words of an idiot, the tombs of certain saints, waters
of certain fountains, threads bound around the wrist
by a witch, or rags tied to certain bushes.
Eating. They sit flat upon the ground and eat
from the same dish with wooden spoons, or dip the
bread, which, being thin and soft, is folded like a dip-
per or cup-shape. As a rule, women do not eat with
men; they have their black coffee after each meal.
Tea is very little used among the Turks ; wine never,
but brandy and other liquors are much used. Among
the fruits, grapes are used the most, because they are
plenty and very cheap. They are gluttonous in their
eating; their motto is, "nevermind the death of a
horse if it is from barley."
Dreaming . They give vital importance to dreams.
To dream of a white horse is wealth, riding upon it
is gaining wealth ; of red color is some event which
is going to take place soon; of a girl is some "hot
news;" of fifth, is luck; of a Christian priest, is
angel; of water is trouble, bathing is bad. Pulling
the tooth in a dream shows the death of some friend,
the nearer to the back teeth the worse. To take
food from the hand of a dead friend is an ill-omen
for the taker.
Burial. They bury their dead as soon as possible,
while the sun is up. The corpse is washed with hot
water and soap and wrapped in a white, cotton cloth
like a mummy. The body is put in a long bier
(frame) and carried upon the shoulders of four men,
changing hands frequently for an honor to the dead,
and for the religious merit which is promised by
Mohamet to those who carry a Moslem corpse seven
steps. A religious service is held in the cemetery by
all the friends and neighbors, which is a common
Mohametan prayer. They believe that the departed
soul uQites with them in that prayer. At the end of
the prayer the priest asks the opinion of the congre-
gation about the character of the deceased. If two
among them can give favorable testimony the soul
goes to happiness.
6. A Common Turk's Idea about the Foreigners.
As the Turks never wear hats and do not allow their
Christian subjects to have them (except in a few sea-
coast cities), the common name given to the foreign-
ers is "hat- wearers," and when they are angry at
them they use indecent expressions for their hats,
blue eyes and whiskers. When the American travel-
ers happen to pass through a Turkish village and
stop at the edge of the town, the people come and
gather around them, looking amazed; and if some
lady is found in the company the women come near
by and touch her hat, clothing and jewelry, and ask
about their prices. They will not forget to ask
whether she is married or not; if thev 2fet a negative
answer, they seem surprised, and inquire the reason.
If they get a positive answer, they ask which one of
the gentlemen is her husband; has she children and
how many, and why she did not bring them with
her, etc.
Ninety-nine in a hundred Turks have never heard
the name of America, and nine in ten who have heard
have not the right idea what and where "Amelikan"
is. All foreigners are called " Frank." Russia, their
immediate neighbor and memorable enemy for cen-
turies, is called "Mosgof " (Moscow), and her people
< 'Black giaour," "Blind Mosgof," "Blind hog."
They say "Hog Frank has sharp mind." They call
a railroad (without having seen it), "ship on the
land;" bicycle, "the devil's horse." Balloon is called
"ship in the air," and they talk about Armenians
having passed arms and ammunition into the interior
through these "air-ships," and even some have
declared that they saw them passing in the night.
They say "Frank can destroy a whole army by hold-
ing a huge looking-glass against the sun and burning
the enemy with its light," and sometimes use this
means by night. They think about the telegraph that
you strike here and the words are heard at the other
end. They are very cautious not to touch the wire,
thinking that it will cause wrong news at the other
end, and you will be held responsible for it. When
they hear the sound produced upon the wires by the
wind they say, "There, the news is going!"
Some think that "the people in the interior"
(Europe) walk with their heads down, and there are
people in China that have one eye, which is at the
top of their heads. When they hear an American
talk English they say "he is talking bird language,"
and ask the native Christians whether they know this
language. If they say "no," they are surprised and
ask "Why do they not talk giaourish" (infidelist) ?
All the customs of the foreigners seem to them very
strange and unnatural, especially their tables, where
men and women sit together, talk and laugh while
eating. They most bitterly detest the foreigners,, be
they missionaries or merchants, for their neglect to
invite the stranger or visitors to eat who may happen
to come in while they eat, because hospitality is the
highest ideal of every Oriental.
Two of the fundamental causes which underlie
every Turkish massacre have already been discussed
in the previous chapters, namely : The anti -Chris-
tian spirit of Islam and the savage nature of Tartaric
blood. Besides these general causes, there were
some special motives which led "The Gracious Father
of the Ottoman Empire" to these late deeds of
unparalleled devastation and death.
1. The Multiplication of the Armenians in the
Empire Excited the Jealousy of the Turks. The
last and careful census made about twelve years ago
perplexed the Turkish Government over the unex-
pected and sad condition of numbers of the people.
Armenians, as Christian and civilized people, live a
moral life, regarding also the physical and hygienic
laws; on the other hand, the Turks were not only
slow in increase, but were found diminished in num-
bers. This decrease was due to several reasons, such
as the practice of polygamy, vice of abortion, con-
stant supply of military troops and loss of life in wars,
ignorance and carelessness in respect to the laws of
health, and fatalistic refusal of preventive and cura-
tive means in times of epidemics, which are frequent
in Turkey. Besides, a goodly portion of the country
was severed from the empire since the last Russo-
Turkish war, which caused considerable decrease in
the number of the Mohametan element. All these
things were facts which the Armenians could not help,
and the Turks would not stand indifferent. It was
repugnant and alarming to the haughty Mohametan
to see the multitudes of Christians in the streets on
Sundays and young "infidels" crowding the roads
on their way to and from schools every day.
According to the last "Scheme of the Armenian
Reforms," prepared by the representatives of the
six great Powers and forcibly signed by the Sultan,
the governors in the six provinces should be elected
in proportion with the numbers of two parties. This
would create a great change in the fabric of the old
despotism, securing some Armenian governors to
the first position. Hence the question of numbers
was the crisis of "To be or not to be" in the palace
and the porte.
2. Turks were Jealous of the Increasing Wealth
of the Armenians. As a reaction of the Armenian
dark ages, which continued from the middle of the
fourteenth to the middle of the nineteenth century,
these last forty to fifty years offered a better chance
for commercial movements, especially to those who
live in large towns and seaports where there was
more safety and freedom. The long suppressed busi-
ness ability of the Armenian race showed itself in
the banks and commercial circles of the capital and
provincial centers; extending its branches al^o in
every commercial city of Europe and of the United
States. Even the greatest distance of the British
colonies could not prevent them from the search and
accumulation of wealth. They transported the silky
wool and superior hides of Armenia to the markets
of Egypt, and brought the costly indigo blue to the
doors of Armenian dyers. They put the delicious
pistacio nuts in the French confectioneries, and
exchanged the money for delicate European dry
goods; hunted all the old rugs from the oriental
parlors and furnished the halls of the United States
with them. The Armenians of the Harpoot district,
mostly common laborers in the New England facto-
ries, were known to send to their friends $5,000 weekly
to purchase acres of land from their Turkish and
Kurdish neighbors.
There was a commercial revival among the Armen-
ians. The young men, more vigorous than their
conservative fathers, took out the buried treasures
and began a strong competition with the Moslems,
and succeeded. The big-turbaned Turk and the
ragged Kurd, together with the barefooted Arab,
began to ask the way to the Armenian banks to bor-
row money for their antediluvian plowing work, at
the same time sighing in their souls and murmuring
in each other's ears, "I wish I had the giaour's mind
and wealth."
The young Armenian minds, enlightened with
66 the modern civilization," began to think that the
gunpowder stores of the Turk were emptied, and that
the sharp teeth of Tartaric brutality had becomes
dull, and especially that the originators and protec-
tors of the modern civilization would never allow
the repetition of the old barbarities against the
honor of humanity and glory of Christianity. Rely-
ing on these realities, which soon proved to be mere
dreams of delirious minds, they dared to show their
heads out of the dark cellars of their ancestors, and
began to build good houses and live as honorable
men among degenerate semi-barbarians.
3. The Progressive Schools of the Armenians
Made the Turks very Jealous. In one of the pre-
vious chapters the reader had a description of the
Turkish schools. The late changes are not radical,
and cannot be under the circumstances. Now we are
in an Armenian school ; it is the examination day ;
the governor of the city, with all his turbaned and
military companions, is invited (as should be done),
and held the best seats in the clean and quiet hall.
The teacher calls a boy, not more than twelve years
old, and asks him how many hours are in a week.
He answers at once, 168. The teacher asks again,
how many minutes are in a week; the child finishes
the problem quickly, and says 10,080. The governor
looks around at his subordinates and expresses his
wonder for the smartness of that "one inch tall"
boy. The teacher gives a third question: "How
many seconds are in a year?" The governor calls
aloud to the cadi (Turkish judge), asking whether he
could find that out; he says, "Not indeed, by proph-
et." He asks the chief clerk of the court, and he
answers, "No, sir, by Allah." The governor says to
the judge and the clerk: "If I order a donkey's
head cooked, can you eat it all?" Before the clerk
gives his answer to this complimentary question our
boy reads his figures on the board with a clear voice
and pronunciation. The Turkish officers are ashamed
of themselves ; but this feeling does not produce in
them a true competition, but a jealous spirit to retard
the one who is making progress.
Science and education are always held in great
esteem by every Armenian, but there never was a time
in their history more noted for rapid and brilliant
progress than these last thirty or forty years. Almost
in every town numerous and graded schools were es-
tablished and managed by competent principals,
mostly educated in European or American schools.
Armenian literature has got a new life, and jour-
nalism, even in its narrow space, made remarkable
progress. Several daily papers were full of ar-
ticles about the living questions of Christian civilization
and progress. French has become almost common
in the schools. English is highly cultivated, especially
in the Protestant institutions, which are not few in
number or inferior in grade. The Russian, German
and Italian languages have had their entrance among
the Armenians, who have a proverbial name of being
Armenians gave also a remarkable impulse to
Turkish literature. Muhendisian made the best and
most varied types of Turkish letters, and saved the
reader from the unendurable troubles of the old style
cryptograms. Arakel, Caspar and other publishers con-
tributed marvelously to the production and circulation
of Turkish books. Some eminent teachers, as Apik-
ian and Bogos, prepared the best grammars and dic-
tionaries of the Turkish language. This, too, made
the Turks jealous that giaours were better acquainted
with their business and books than themselves. In
an old style Turkish school the Arabic grammar
was a life work, while in the Armenian schools the
necessary principles of that language are simply a
few months" work. Many poor and honest Armen-
ian young men gain name and position through edu-
cation, while hosts of Turkish boys are loafing in the
streets and stepping over wild street dogs and build-
ing a character worse than dogs.
4. Armenians, Noble Aspiration for Christian
Liberty Excited the Wicked Turk. In spite of con-
tinuous and severe p rsecutions of ages the fire of
freedom was never quenched in the soul of the Ar-
menian. The exiled young professor's last sighs
from the depths of Siberian gloom have always and
everywhere found their echo in the hearts of his
countrymen : "I will be true to thee till death; yea,
even upon the gallows' tree the last breath of a death
of shame shall shout thy name, O Liberty! " Their
contact with the civilized part of the world and their
enlightenment by the dawn of Christian education
added much upon this natural and holy aspiration.
Aided by the American and English Bible Societies,
they translated the Holy Scriptures and some other
books into the Turkish language, and in some parts
of the empire they evangelized and baptized the
dialect of the oppressor, with the long-cherished as-
piration of evangelizing them, too. When the British
Ambassador said, " Soon the Christians will be able
to preach the gospel in Mohametan pulpits," there
was a general shouting of jubilee, not that the Ar-
menians would have a chance to slaughter Turks in
their mosques, but that they would have the freedom
and privilege of bringing their neighbors to the
knowledge of true salvation. They did not take any
aggressive course against the Turks or other Moslem
communities, but rather, taking the favorable procla-
mations of the Sultan as sincere, cherished the expec-
tation that both parties, hand in hand, would try to
elevate the country to the level of European pros-
While the Armenians were thus hopeful and aspir-
ing, the fanatic Turk kept swinging his head and
sighing, "Alas! Islam lost its power and glory; the
field remained in the hands of giaours!" The deep-
rooted enmity that drew this exclamation out of the
bigoted Turk was not idle, but by a gradual advance
prepared and accomplished horrors too terrible to de-
scribe and too deep to realize.
Confronted by the facts mentioned in the preceding
chapter, the Turk could not stand indifferent. He
had two alternatives, to submit or to oppose. He
could appreciate the vitality of this progressive ele-
ment in his dominion, and, laying aside every preju-
dice and fanaticism, endeavor to rebuild his decayed
government, or take his ancient policy of reducing the
Christians low by plundering their accumulated
wealth and crushing their honor and aspirations un-
der his feet. He preferred the latter policy, and by
Satanic devices prepared the way of destruction in
the following steps :
1. The First Step Was to Have a Fanatic and
Narrow-Minded Sultan. In 1876 Sultan Aziz was
dethroned and secretly murdered with the apparent
accusation of " Abusing the Treasury (!) of the
Highest Commonwealth." Just three months later
his nephew and successor, Sultan Murad, was deposed
with the accusation of " Sick-mindedness." Perhaps
both accusations were true ; yet who can say that nine
in ten Sultans did not abuse the wealth of the govern-
ment and have a sound and practical mind? The
fanatic and adventurous party of the palace was after
another thing; they planned to have a Sultan that
185 -
could be used as an instrument in their hands. Prince
Hamid, the brother of Sultan Murad, was the man.
Exceedingly timid and suspicious in nature, feeble in
structure, short-sighted in mind, devoid of education,
and especially fanatical in religion, Prince Hamid,
who was every moment fearing the assassinator's ap-
proach, was put on the throne and given the
titles of "The Finest Pearl of the Age," "The Es-
teemed Center of the Universe," "The Sultan of the
Two Shores and the High King of the Two Seas,"
"The Crown of Ages and the Pride of All Centu-
ries," "The Greatest of all Caliphs," "The Shadow
of God on Earth," "The Crown-giver of all the
Princes of the World," "The Gracious Father,"
"The Victorious Sultan Abdul Hamid Khan," etc.
Among the palace party there were men clever
enough and able to make plans for the diabolical
steps to be taken in the future. Some proselyte
Christians, some European adventurers, had the light
and mind to study the inner and the outer condition
of the country and prepare reports for the mechan-
ical endorsement of the Sultan. By the strict police
system of the palace and suspicious guardianship of
the imperial harem, it was impossible to see the oper-
ations which were going on in that "region of holy
happiness," as it is called. All the telegraphic and
postal transactions were in the hands of the palace
favorites ; they could modify, annul or invent any
news they thought favorable for their policy. The
Sultan was but a slave in their hands.
Gradually "the seat of the prophet" (palace) be-
came the center and the den of the most cruel
butcheries and unheard of tortures. Any Ottoman
subject, be he a Turk or Christian, a common student
or vizier, a stranger or relative to the palace, upon the
slightest suspicion or false accusation unfavorable to
their plans, would be summoned to the horrible cir-
cles of "the star palace" and put to death. The
bottom of the Bosphorus and Mar moral waters were
covered with the bones of slaughtered students and
officers, men and women of the imperial harem, until
all the authority remained in the hands of a degen-
erate Arab slave called Aziz Effendi, who blotted the
history of the nineteenth century with infamous
deeds of cruelty and vice.
2. The Second Step was to caress and enthuse the
fanaticism of the Moslem population and show them
that a zealous and true caliph was occupying the sacred
seat of the prophet. It was very easy to deceive the
ignorant. Sultan Hamid ordered several mosques
and tekkiehs to be erected around the palace and
bigoted shiekhs were rallied i 1 them and encouraged
to practice their religious services under the super-
vision of "the pious sovereign," who himself was
very regular to attend these mosques for his Friday
noon prayer, which is called "selamlik" (the pro-
cession of the Sultan and the princes and all civil,
military and religious chief officers, encircled by
thousands of soldiers and spectators).
The public criers repeatedly walked in the streets
and bazaars of Constantinople to inform the Moslem
population of the absolute will of the Sultan that
the women cover their faces with veils when they went
in the streets — which met the ideal of the fanatic
majority — and the necessity of Eamazan fasting was
discussed and enforced everywhere. The ruined
mesjids and the Mohametan chapels were repaired
and opened for public prayers and the believers were
enforced to attend them. The schools were started
and religious leaders were sent to neglected Moslem vil-
lages and towns. Lightning-stricken minarets were
repaired and the unceasing cry of muezzin was heard
upon them. The disputed properties of the mosques
were secured from the hands of the local beys or
agas and delivered into the hands of the clergy.
The annual pilgrim caravan of the Sultan, loaded
with great riches and in Oriental pomp, started on its
journey in the streets of Scutari, and continued for
weeks, until the heavy-laden camels sat in front of
the door of the kabeh, the holy temple at Mecca.
The sacred mantle of the Prophet Mohamet, kept in
the closets of the old seraglio, was kissed by the
Sultan and all palace authorities every 14th of Eama-
zan, the memorial day of Mohamet's " journey to
Heaven." The holy banner of the religious wars,
ever ready to lead the Moslem hosts against the
"infidels," showed itself in the hand of "the con-
queror," Sultan Hamid — though he has never been
out of the capital since his enthronement.
This central zeal made its favorable effect felt in
the remotest parts of the empire, and a very great
majority of the Moslem population thought Sultan
Hamid II. as one of the most proper representatives
in the chair of Mohamet. And the spirit of Islam
took a new fire all over the country, and the chronic
anti-Christian enthusiasm began to boil the blood of
the followers of Islam.
3. The Third and a Natural Step was the restraint
put on the Christian subjects. This began to show
itself in the slow and gradual exclusion of the
Armenian students and officers from their positions.
Then the number of Armenian schools and churches
was decreased by not allowing the new ones to be
established, and closing some of the former ones for
trifling reasons. Sultan Hamid is said to have given
firmans only for one new Armenian church near the
frontiers of Russia, and for the repairing of a few,
while he ordered scores of churches and schools and
other institutions to be disbanded. Almost all liter-
ary, educational, charitable and economical societies,
even the Young Men's Christian Associations, were
prohibited and dissolved when discovered. The pro-
grams of the schools and the text-books were
minutely examined. Armenian and universal histo-
ries, geography and readers, which contained direct
or indirect allusions to the above subjects, foreign
atlases, statistics, historical novels, all were confis-
cated and officially prohibited. Teachers who could
not be made blind instruments in their hands were
expelled, imprisoned, tortured, and in many cases
killed. Christian doctors, lawyers, merchants and
influential members were arrested by false accusa-
tions. Even the priests and the ministers of the
gospel were not left out of this detrimental perse-
Correspondence and traveling were strictly guarded
and almost entirely prohibited. Immigration to any
foreign country, and even to the Turkish seacoast
cities was absolutely forbidden to the Armenians.
Many Armenians who had official pass-ports for some
Turkish cit}r, as Constantinople, Smyrna or Beirout
were arrested, imprisoned in the ports of Trebizond,
Samsoun, Mersina and Alexandretta or sent back to
their own town. All the Armenians who escaped to
Europe or the United States could do so only by suf-
fering terrible hardships and perils and by bribing
the police. An Armenian was several times captured
and sent back to Harpoot, and at last, in his sixth
attempt, succeeded iu reaching a French steamer for
the United States by swimming about two miles to
where it was anchored.
The clergy and influential men were forced to sign
false reports or accusations prepared by the govern-
ment. Blackmailing became a universal practice
among the Turkish officers, every town and village
was besieged, every road was watched by detectives
and officious officers ever ready to rob the innocent.
The news of the Sassoun massacres in 1894 was not
heard in other parts of Armenia and Asia Minor
until four months after the event. No one could £o
safely in the streets with a manuscript in his pocket,
however harmless it might be. Any policeman would
at any time attack him and get the paper aud take it,
with its owner, before the governor, who, generally
without examination, would order the poor Armenian
to be imprisoned. Several days, and very often
weeks, would pass until that paper — perhaps a moth-
er's letter or a discourse on botany — could be handed
to its owner and several hundred piasters demanded
for his release. If that paper had contained any-
thing directly or indirectly about the government, or
some words that the examiner's arbitrary and vicious
will could give an unfavorable interpretation, the
poor man could not expect to come out of his prison.
Turkish Prisons are always attached to the city
hall and in its dark and damp basement. These
prisons, far from being the means of correction, are
the most terrible device of bribery, vengeance,
cruelty and suffering, especially for the poor Chris-
tians who are shut in these subterranean hells under
the name of political prisoners. For them there
is no law, no justice, no conscience and no name.
Exposed to cold, hunger, thirst, flogging, bodily tor-
tures of every description, made to squat in deep
mud, sitting in freezing water, pulling out of mus-
tache and beard, hanging head downward, burning
portions of the body with red-hot tongs, pouring
filth over the head, burying the head in manure and
violation of personal honor, these are the common
tortures which could be mentioned among the various
unspeakable brutalities perpetrated upon the poor,
helpless Christians daily.
"The Inquisitorial dungeons of the Middle Ages,"
says one, "may be regarded as paradise compared with
these nineteenth century hells of Turkish barbarity."
4. Another step as a preparation for the Armen-
ian massacres was the organization of the " Ham-
idieh troops." These troops, which consisted largely
of Kurdish chiefs and their allies, were at first supposed
to be the means of precaution against the impending
invasion of Russian Kossacks from Caucasia, near Kur-
distan, but soon after it was clearly seen that the
plan was for an internal massacre of the Armenians,
with whom these Kurdish tribes lived for centuries,
sometimes on friendly terms and very often in severe
enmity. The Turks, however fanatical they may be,
are cowardly and lazy, especially prone to plunder
property and outrage women, while Kurds, not in-
ferior in the same barbarities, are ferocious murder-
ers. During the last massacres how often the leaders
of the government were heard to cry aloud among
the mobs, "Stupid Turks! you are absorbed again
in plunder and are not killing giaours ! Kill the men,
and the women, and the property will naturally be
yours ! Kill the bee, and the honey is yours ! Allah ! ' '
And this is a proved fact, that wherever the Kurdish
Hamidieh troops were let loose, as in Ourfa, Gurin,
Severek, Egin, etc., the devastation and butchery
was complete. Kurds are more murderous than re-
ligious Moslems, and whenever the drum of slaughter
sounds in their ears they can not control their blood-
thirsty natures, be it excited against Christians or
Turks. In the history of Turkish militia this or-
ganization may be regarded the most malicious device
next to that of Janissaries.
1. Armenia's Appeal to Europe Considered
Rebellion. As the natural result of Christian civiliza-
tion, the Armenians could not help cherishing in
their hearts the sacred ambition of freedom, as a liv-
ing plant could not help bursting into life under the
necessary conditions of nature. Being oppressed and
deprived of this human privilege, they could not help
sighing under the heavy burden of Turkish perse-
cutions and Kurdish outrages. Who can blame them
for feeling such pain and pleading for any help that
might be offered?
The presentation of their deplorable condition be-
fore the representatives of the Great Powers, as they
did in the Berlin Conference in 1878, was simply to
implore their help in suppressing the Kurdish and
Circassian cruelties, and obliging the porte to regard
the promises of reform, which were entirely cast into
oblivion, especially after learning that the European
governments had repeatedly shown themselves anx-
ious in securing these promises of the Sultans and
pretending zealousness for their fulfilment.
A pamphlet lately published under the title of
"England's Responsibility Towards Armenia," by
Canon McCall of the Anglican Church, contains evi-
dence enough to prove from the Blue Books of the
British government for the past fifty years that the
condition of the Armenians was as deplorable as ever
under the tyranny of Turks and Kurds, and the in-
difference of the English government to suppress
these atrocities, which it was her duty to do, accord-
ing to her treaties and promises. The terrible reports
mentioned in these Blue Books were all written by
the British consular agents residing in Armenia,
and contain all the details of events. The Armen-
ians, being unaware of this indifference on the part
of the English government, have made repeated ap-
peals to Christian England, and through her to
Europe, for succor.
Especially, knowing that in this century Greece,
Eoumania, Bosnia, Montenegro, Servia and Bulgaria
were liberated from the tyrant of ages, and Lebanon,
Samos, Crete and Egypt had gained especial privi-
leges, all through the aid of European powers, Arme-
nia would and might naturally desire and implore of
the same Powers for a reformed and just administra-
tion under their guarantee. Moreover, the Czar
Nicholas of Russia has promised the Armenian nation
to furnish her with some kind of provincial govern-
ment under the care of the Russian throne.
The sixty-first article of the Berlin Treaty, signed
by the six great Powers of Europe, reads as follows :
"The Sublime Porte undertakes to carry out, without
further delay, the improvements and reforms de-
manded by local requirements in the provinces inhab-
ited by the Armenians, and to guarantee their
security against the Circassians and Kurds, It will
periodically make known the steps taken to this effect
to the Powers, who will superintend their applica-
tion." Can the Armenians be blamed for their
anticipation of interference by the Powers, who
pledged themselves for their protection?
2. Hunchag, the Supposed Armenian Conspira-
tor. The atrocities which were promised to cease
after the solemn Berlin Treaty) have continued and
increased systematically and in such rapidity, and
committed even before the eyes of the Signing
Powers for seventeen long and weary years, that
the Armenians have lost all hopes of any assistance
from abroad. In Armenia proper the Kurdish and
Turkish tax-gatherers succeed each other and
plunder what is left, and commit such atrocities
that cannot be told in a public book like this. At
last the helpless Armenians said to the Turkish
officers: "The Kurds left nothing to pay you;
here we are, take what you find; we do not know
who is our ruler, the Turk or the Kurd. If you are
our masters, protect us against these Kurds." This
pleading and just protest was taken as an open declar-
ation of rebellion and soon was telegraphed to the
palace of the Sultan, who was already watching for
this opportunity to commence his infernal plan. A
few young teachers and students who took their edu-
cation in Germany and Russia, and had some social-
istic air in their religious creed, taught the people to
bring the above-mentioned protest before the Turk-
ish tax-gatherers under the said condition of affairs.
These few hot-headed young men and their very few
co-thinkers, who called themselves "Hunchag"
(sounding instrument), and were ranked by some
empty-minded or malicious writers with Anarchists
and Nihilists, could have been easily arrested and
controlled if the Turkish government had any inten-
tion of doing so. Besides, Hunchag's creed and
course was not encouraged or approved by the
Armenians themselves. There was among the
Armenians a common suspicion that either Russia
had intentionally prepared and sent them in order
to arouse disturbances and create a chance to carry
her selfish purpose, or that these persons were only
hired agents of the Turkish Government to excite the
Moslem population. Learning these things, how
could the Armenians show sympathy for such a
movement? Suppose that these few Russian Armen-
ians were conspirators and murderers, could this
justify the government for the universal massacres
of the thousands of innocent Armenians, men,
women and children? Who could justify the Span-
ish Government had she undertaken to plunder and
massacre all the Italians in Spain for the murder of
Canovas by an Italian anarchist? Who could blame
Americans that John Wilkes Booth shot President
Lincoln? Another fact is, that the greatest devasta-
tion and slaughter has been made in places where the
Armenian people had no information of or sympathy
with the Hunchag movement, and were most submis-
sive to the local government. Besides, these endless
atrocities and the plan of massacres were at work
long before the existence of Hunchag. Socialism,
anarchism and nihilism are new words and strange
ideas for a peaceful, industrious and religious nation
like the Armenians. What they demanded from their
own o-overnment and from the European Powers was
safety of life, regard of honor and protection of
property and religious liberty — the points which were
promised in the schemes of reforms and guaranteed
by the Christian governments.
1. The Massacre of Sassoun, (1894), the First in
the Series. Sassoun is a small, mountainous district
in the Province of Bitlis, in the heart of Armenia.
The inhabitants of this district, being impoverished
by heavy taxes imposed upon them by the Turkish
Government and by several tribes of the Kurds, and
being oppressed by tortures and outrageous barbari-
ties of these tax-gatherers, were obliged to raise
their voices and implore the help of the local and
central government. These appeals were responded
to by severe Kurdish assaults and increased Turkish
atrocities. The Armenians of that district, there-
fore, decided to oppose the Kurds when they came to
collect taxes, upon which the barbarous race, being
enraged, made a stronger attack for the purpose of
murder and revenge. Among the Kurds whom the
Armenians of Sassoun opposed, there were a few
Hamidieh Kurdish soldiers, the authorized brigands
of Kurdistan, several of whom were killed in the
struggle. The exaggerated report sent by the Gov-
ernor of Bitlis made the Sultan enraged, and accord-
ingly he ordered <;the suppression of this Armenian
rebellion with the severest means." This was the
opportunity which the Sultan was anxiously watching
for many years, and for which end he was planning.
Thus he ordered his troops to march to the Sassoun
district and help the Kurds in their bloody work.
This plan being hidden from the Armenians, and
most probably from the European Powers, was car-
ried on in a very systematic way. The various Kurdish
tribes had received special invitation to take part in
this great expedition, and the chiefs, with their men,
arrived one after the other, and the total number of
the Kurds who took part in the campaign was esti-
mated at 30,000. The Armenians believed in the
beginning that they had to do only with the Kurds,
but they soon realized that a Turkish regular army,
with provisions, rifles and cannons, was standing at
the back of the Kurds. Sassoun was doomed whether
she submitted or opposed. After two weeks' self-
protection against the Kurds they saw that the regu-
lar army entered into active campaign. Mountain
pieces began to thunder, and the Armenians, having
nearly exhausted their ammunition, took to flight,
when the Kurds and the Turks pursued them and
ruthlessly massacred men, women and children (not
less than 10,000), plundered the properties and
burned seventy villages, and after many horrible
outrages, carried many girls and women to Kurdish
and Turkish harems. These things took place in
August and September of 1894.
2: The Scheme of Reforms in The American
Provinces. The news of the Sassoun massacre was
concealed about four months, during which time the
Turkish Government worked steadily to remove every
sisrn and trace of these hellish deeds. But through
the reports of the American missionaries and the
European consuls and the impartial investigators,
both from England and America, and even the
information from the Turks and Kurds themselves,
the awful news proved to be true, and public
opinion was so aroused in England that the repre-
sentatives of the Great Powers came together and
prepared a scheme of reforms for the six provinces
where the Armenians were greater in number, namely,
Erzeroom, Van, Bitlis, Diarbekir, Harpoot and
These reforms, which were mild and in the line of
what the Turkish Government had frequently promised,
and the execution of which was entrusted to the
Sultan, involved civil offices, judgeships and public
appointments of Moslems and non-Moslems in the
six provinces proportionately. This, however, while
simple justice, was a bitter pill to the Mohamctans,
who had ruled over the Christians with a rod of iron
for five hundred years. The scheme was presented
to the Sultan on May 11, 1895, but he obstinately
refused to accept them. Spring and summer passed,
the anniversary of the Sassoun massacre arrived, no
redress had been secured, nor the punishment of a
single official, while the greatest butchers were deco-
rated by the Sultan. On the 30th day of September,
some Armenians being indignant of this delay, which
would mean the sleep of death for their race, made a
demonstration to present a petition to the Grand
Vizier in an orderly way, which led to a riot in Con-
stantinople, and several hundred Armenians were
brutally killed. The number of victims in two mas-
sacres in Constantinople is estimated at 6,000, mostly
laboring men. On the 8th day of October the mas-
sacre at Trebizond occurred and about 1,000 were
killed. These two unjust massacres obliged the dip-
lomats to insist upon their demands of the signing
of the " Scheme of Reforms," which the Sultan did
October 16, 1895.
3. Subsequent Massacres. October 16th was a day
of rejoicing in Constantinople and in the provinces,
but it will be remembered as one of the blackest
days in Armenian history. On that day the Sultan
professed to accept the Scheme of Reforms, but what
he really did, as subsequent events show beyond any
doubt, was to sign the death-warrant of the Armen-
ian nation. From this time on reform by massacre
was the order of the day. About thirty-five large
cities, with hundreds of villages, were given over to
slaughter and spoliation, so that by a moderate esti-
mate 100,000 Armenians, the most influential men,
were massacred, a greater part of their property was
lost, and business ruined. About 40,000 houses
and shops, churches and schools were burned. Thous-
ands were forced to accept Islam. Thousands of vir-
gins and pure women, after beastly violation, were cap-
tured and carried to the Mohametan harems. About
sixty Gregorian and fifteen Protestant and several
Catholic ministers were most cruelly martyred, many
churches were turned to mosques or stables, the holy
utensils and scriptures defiled, and before the altars
the most brutal outrages were committed. Many
orphans were taken far away to Turkish houses to be
trained in the Mohametan faith. About a quarter of
a million widows and orphans and helpless aged peo-
ple were left to the mercy of nature and their Moslem
neighbors. The unspeakable Turk, with a single blow,
made the ridiculous scheme of reforms inoperative by
reduciog the proportion of the Armenians in the
mentioned six provinces and in the greater part of
the Province of Aleppo, where Zeitoon, being the
neuclus, the Silesian Armenians were expecting their
share in the promised reform.
The following are the names of 105 Armenian
clergymen killed in massacres :
1-6. Six priests, names not given.
"province of erzeroum.
7. Der Kerekine, of Erzeroum.
8. Der Yeghia, of Tevnik.
^9. Priest, of Kak.
10. Priest, of Oumdoun.
11. Abbot Timotheus, of Hassan-Kaleh.
12. Archimandrite Khorene Guroyan, of Baibourt.
13. Der Ohannes, of Ksanta.
14. Der Harutiun, of Ksanta.
15. Der Magar, of Plour.
16. Der Krikor, of Bushdi.
17. Priest, of Balakhor.
18. Der Khatt, of Hanksdoun.
19. Der Ghevont, of Monastery of the Illuminator.
20. Priest, of Khunzdrig.
21. Priest, of Karatash.
22. Der Hagop, of Large Armundan.
23. Der Krikoriss, of Little Armundan.
"province op van.
24-7. Four priests, of the District of Lower Gargar.
28. Priest of Badagantz.
29. Abbot Bedross, of Sourp.
30. Priest, of Khoyt.
31. Der Mukhitar, of Khoyt.
32. Priest, of Vanik.
33. Abbot Isaac, of Holy Cross Monastery.
34. Priest, of Broshentz.
35. Abbot, of Monastery of St. Gamaliel.
36-7. Priests of Yeghikiss.
38. Abbot Sarkiss, of Monastery of the Holy Mediator.
39. Der Vosgui.
40. Der Gronites.
41. Der Asdvadzadour.
42. Der Reteos, of Istanos.
43. Der Yeghia, of the Church of the Holy Savior at
44. Der Krikor, of Tainzara.
45. Der Kude, of Tamzara.
46. Der Aharon, of Aghvaniss.
47. Priest, of Sis.
48. Priest, of Anarghi.
49. Der Matteos, of Bousseyid.
50. Der Sarkiss, of Gurassin.
51. Der Michail, of Gurassin.
52. Priest, of Armudan.
53. Bishop Isaac, of Derendeh.
54. Priest of Ashodi.
55. Der Arisdakes, of Zilleh.
56. Der Mgurdich, of Zilleh.
57. Der Vassil, of Vezir-Keupru.
58. Archimandrite Ohannes, of Tadem.
59. Der Harutiun, of Hadousi.
60. Der Sarkiss, of Mouri.
61. Der Seth, of Komk.
62. Der Sarkiss, of Khoylou.
63. Der Hagop, of Tadem.
64. Der Aharom. of Tadem.
65. Der Hagop, of Kesserik.
66. Der Khazar, of Morenik.
67. Der Ohannes, of Husseynik.
68. Der Vahram, of Husseynik.
69. Der Nishan, of Miadoun.
70. Archimandrite Krikor Aprahamian.
71. Der Migerdich Shamlian.
72. Der Kegham Shamlian.
73. Der Nerses Baltayan.
74. Der Kurken Yazidjian.
75. Der Tonig Pakhigian.
76. Der Harutiun, of Diarbekir.
77. Der Sacristan, of Diarbekir.
78. Priest, of Ali Pounar.
79. Priest, of Arghani.
80. Der Krikor, of Hava.
81. Der Garabed, of Hava.
82. Der Kevork, of Marshmezra.
83. Der Harutiun, of Tzet.
84. Der Nerses, of Khozad.
No. 8. Der Yeghia, of Tevnik, was killed while presenting
a petition to the Government for protection.
No. 29. The Abbot Bedross, of Sourp, had his tongue torn
out and limbs cut off one by one. He was then killed " with
Nos. 33-35. The Abbot Isaac of the Holy Cross, the priest
of Broshentz and the Abbot of St. Gamaliel were impaled in
the form of a cross and then burned.
No. 38. The Abbot Sarkiss, of the Monastery of the Holy
Mediator, was first blinded.
No. 43. Shot while conducting funeral services.
No. 49. The body of Der Matteos was treated with the
grossest indignity.
No. 56. The eyes of Der Mugurdich, of Zilleh, first de-
No. 57. Der Vassil, of Vizir-Keupru, was burned alive.
" The following are the names of twenty-one martyred
Protestant pastors in Armenia, compiled by a correspondent of
the Independent:
1. The Rev. Krikor, pastor at Ichme, killed November
6, 1885.
2. The Rev. Krikor Tamzarian.
3. The Rev. Boghos Atlasian, killed November 13.
4. The Rev. Mardiros Siraganian, of Arabkir, killed No-
vember 13.
5. The Rev. Garabed Kilijjian, of Sivas, killed November
6. The Rev. Mr. Stepan, of the Anglican Church, at Maf
rash, killed November 18.
7. The preacher of a village of Hajin, killed at Marash,
November 18.
8. The Rev. Krikor Baghdasarian, retired preacher at Har-
put, November 18.
9. Retired preacher at Divrik, killed November 8.
10. The Rev. Garabed Hosepian, pastor at Chermuk, No-
vember 5.
11. The Rev. Melcon Minasian, pastor at Shepik, Novem-
12. The Rev. Aboshe Jacob, pastor at Kutterbul, November
13. The Rev. Jurjis Khudherdhaw, Anteshalian, preacher
at Kutterbul, November 6.
14. The Rev. Sarkis Narkashjian, pastor at Chunkush, No
vember 14.
15. The pastor of the church at Severek, November.
16. The pastor of the chnrch at Adiaman.
17. The Rev. Hohannes Hachadorian, pastor at Kilisse,
November 7.
18. The Rev. Hanoosh Melki, pastor at Karabash, near
Diarbekir, November 7.
19. The Rev. Mardiros Terzian, pastor at Keserik, near
Harpoot, November.
20. The Rev. Hagop Abu Hayatian, pastor at Urfa, gradu-
ate of Leipzig, December 29.
21. The Rev. Hannah Sehda, preacher at Sert.
" How many more there are we do not know."
4. Some Touching Events Reported by Mis-
sionaries. "The Kurds being not satisfied by mas-
sacre, rapine and plunder of the living at that time,
disinterred the body of a minister who died before
the troubles, and fired into it volleys of bullets and
treated it with almost fiendish indignities."
In another place, very far from the above men-
tioned, "the Turks broke the marble stones of the
grave of a wealthy Armenian who died ten years
before the massacres, and taking out the bones crushed
them into pieces and scattered all around, making
diabolic indignities."
"Children were placed in a row, one behind
another, and bullets fired through the line to see how
many could be dispatched with one bullet." "Infants
and small children were piled one on the other, and
their heads struck off. In one instance a little boy
ran out of the flames, but was caught on a bayonet
and thrown back into the flames." Children were
held up by their hair, and cut in two, or had their
jaws torn apart,"
"At Galigozan many young men were tied hand
and foot, laid in a row, covered with brush-wood and
burned alive. On the last day of August (1894), the
anniversary of the Sultan's accession to the throne,
the soldiers were especially urged to distinguish them-
selves, and they made it a day of the greatest
"At another village a priest and several leading
men were captured, and all but the priest were killed.
a chain was put around the priest's neck and pulled
until he was choked, after which several bayonets
were planted upright, and he was raised in the air
and let fall upon them."
"A man who protested against the degradation of
his household was taken to a lonely place in the
mountains, and buried up to his neck in the ground.
He was left there until wolves came and tore his head
to pieces. Four bride-grooms were murdered at one
time while vainly attempting to protect their brides
against a party of Kurds."
"A missionary and a British vice-consul stayed at
the house of an Armenian priest for a few hours.
After they had left the village Turks seized the
priest, skinned him alive, and stuffed his skin with
hay, and hung it in the village street as a warning of
worse things to come if the Christians dared to
complain of persecution and oppression ; and many
5. That the Last Armenian Massacres were Pre-
meditated, planned and ordered by the Sultan, is evi-
dent from the fact that almost all of them took place
in the six provinces where the scheme of reforms
were to be practiced, and the manner, the duration,
etc., were all alike; for example, in each place
Kurds and Turkish irregulars and the regular soldiers
were sent together; in each place the Christians were
disarmed by full promise of protection ; in each place
the massacres and plunder had a certain limit of time ;
also began and ended with military bugle-sound ; in
each place the Turks were told they were obeying
the Sultan's order; in each place only Armenians
suffered, while other Christian people and foreigners
were specially protected; in each place the most
influential and young men were selected.
These atrocities were composed of murder, plunder,
rape, torture, imprisonment and forcing to Islam.
It was very evident that local Turkish authorities in
each place had a detailed list in their hands as whom
they were to plunder, which house to burn after
plundering, which persons to be Killed and which to
be imprisoned. Those who attempted to protect
themselves were horribly dealt with, and those who
were destined for death could not find safety even in
their Moslem neighbor's houses or in the government
houses. Enforcement to Islam was more eagerly
practiced in villages and small towns. Kape and out-
rage was left to the will of the mob ; but as a rule
the women and children were not sought for murder
in the later massacres. Almost all the slaughtered
bodies were destroyed by the Turks themselves.
Very few aggressors among Mohametans lost their
lives, probably not more than 1,000 in all, besides
those who were killed in the Zeitoon and Sassoun
For the sake of truth and humanity it must be
said that some influential Turks defended their neigh-
borhood and personal friends, and gave them shelter
and provision for days; and some of them dared to
express their disgust against this unjustifiable blood-
shed. Some of the murderers are reported to have
felt "pain in their brains" and suffered much in
their imagination if not in their conscience; but the
great majority were very much pleased, yet not satis-
fied, and waiting eagerly for other orders of extermi-
nating " giaours, " and cleansing the country from
the filthiness of "infidel hogs," and plainly expressed
their sorrow that they did not use the first chance as
they should.
Christendom's attitude towards the Armenian
1. The Armenians as a Nation or Church, have
no immediate connection with any ruling power or
stately church. The idea of human brotherhood
does not yet seem to have very strong grasp in the
hearts of men, faintly manifesting its power over the
selfish interests. None of the three great churches
of Christendom, Greek, Eoman Catholic and Angli-
can, has any special interest in the Armenian church.
The Russian church is rather indifferent, while
the Greek and Roman churches feel a decided an-
tagonism towards the Armenian church, though call-
ing her "sister church." As to the denominational
Protestantism, nothing can be said definitely. Her
independence from the State should not place her in
a position of utter indifference and heartlessness
toward the cry of these bleeding Christians.
2. England's Attitude Toward the Armenian
Massacres. The only possible explanation of Eng-
land's inactivity is her selfishness and fear. If we
go back towards the beginning of this century we
cannot help but see that England in her activity in
the Eastern question showed too much selfishness by
repeatedly annulling the probable results of Russia's
invasions on the soil of "the sick man of Europe,"
Christendom's attitude. 211
and by supporting the " great assassin'' of ages in
his barbarous course against Christianity and human-
ity. The Crimean war, and the following British
transactions in the East, all resulted from the same
selfish and jealous policy. In the last Russo-Turkish
war Russia had reached to St. Stefano, only a suburb
of Constantinople, and the Russian officers walked
in the streets of this historic capital, and it was
thought for some time that the Turk, gathering his
4 'bag and baggage," should migrate back towards
the interior of Asia Minor. It was under this terror
that "the crown-giver of all the kings upon earth,
the Sultan," hurried to sign the Treaty of St.
Stefano, one of the terms of which was "Russian
occupation of Armenia until the promised reforms
were practiced." It meant nothing less than the co-
ercion of Turkish-Armenia, and consequent libera-
tion of a long-enslaved Christian people. But Eng-
land tried and succeeded in annulling this treaty by
obliging the European Powers to have a general con-
ference at Berlin, as if to settle the Eastern question,
and at the same time having a secret convention
(1878) with Turkey (to protect her in case of Rus-
sian attack) and getting Cyprus for the security and
facility of this bargain. In all these transactions the
outward pretext was "the welfare of the Eastern
Christians," but in reality the dominating project
was selfish interest. Russia was too wise to ignore
these intrigues and too cautious to repeat the same
follies again. These last two centuries were very
remarkable, with the open antagonism between the
4 'Blind Black Mosgof" and " Heathen Turk," but
Russia has now changed the methods of carrying
forward her policy, and adopted England's way —
outward friendship and inward machination. There-
fore, she did not do anything to prevent the late
Turkish atrocities, but even encouraged the Sultan
by petting and caressing him.
3. The Armenian Relief Work. Among these
greatest calamities, and blackest transactions, which
have blotted the glory of the nineteenth century for
eternity, the brightest point was the relief movement
seen among the persons and private churches and re-
ligious societies, largely in England and in the United
States. As soon as the sad news of devastation and
need reached these countries, the first thought of
good-hearted Christians were directed to a practical
sympathy, and considerable sums provided and sent
to the region of horrors. During the last three years
a total sum of $150,000 was collected and forwarded
through the Red Cross Society and the American
Missionaries in Turkey. Almost every church in the
United States, without denominational distinction,
united in this blessed act of charity. Among the nu-
merous relief agencies, the American Board, the
Armenian Relief Committees in large cities, the
Women's Christian Temperance Union, the Christian
Endeavor Societies, the "Christian Herald," and many
others, are specially praiseworthy. Had it not been
for this timely help, the number of the starved and
the degree of affliction would be far greater.
Christendom's attitude. 213
Besides, it is a great blessing still to some of the
widows and orphans of the martyred Christians to be
under the shelter and instruction of local and tempo-
rary orphanages lately established in various centers
of Armenia, and conducted by the American Mission-
aries and German Sisters.
All the missionaries in Turkey, being perfectly
assured of their personal safety, stood firm in their
positions. Most of them have written detailed re-
ports, and thus helped the circulation of the sad news
in the civilized parts of the world. Many of them did
actual work among the stricken families and churches,
and some of them rightly deserved the name of
"hero" for their deepest sympathy and generous
shelter and self-sacrificing help, and unfatigued
labors for the sufferers.
Many Armenian refugees found great help on their
way to the United States — especially in France and
in Switzerland — and on their arrival to this land of
liberty they received temporary shelter, aid, sympa-
thy and work almost everywhere from the Christian
men and women who unanimously express their desire
for "something to be done to save the long-suffering
Armenian nation," at the same time almost always
excusing themselves for the governmental policy of
the United States, as if "Monroe" was greater than
Jesus Christ, and his so-called "Doctrine" was more
sacred than the principle of Universal Love ; and that
politics were more essential than the everlasting
Kingdom of Heaven.
The temporal benefit of the above-mentioned hu-
manitarian movement was secondary to its spiritual
blessing for those heavily stricken Christians. The
tearful prayers, the encouraging messages, the life-
giving presence of so many benevolent Christian
brethren and sisters, helped those afflicted people to
carry their burden with more patience and to meet
death with more courage.
The name of Miss Frances Willard will never be
forgotten bv the Armenians for her noble deeds
toward the Armenian refugees at Marseilles, France.
An Armenian woman, writing of Miss Willard, said:
"A precious woman of Christ-like heart, has, by her
tender look and touch, made our unbearable sorrows
lighter. We could not understand her words, nor
could she understand ours, but we understood her
tears, which flowed freelv for us."
The late Armenian massacres, far from being a
local or temporary and accidental event, have their
deeper and wider effects, that touch the universal
interests of the world, and especially of the Christian
church; We are very anxious to bring the subject
before our readers as the subject of their own interest,
from the following point of view :
1. Islam is a Destructive Power, Admitting some
good principles disclosed in the Koran, be it borrowed
or original ; admitting some past service of the Arabs
in acting as birds to carry the seeds of Greek phil-
osophy to other parts of the world; admitting its
temporary effect upon the surrounding heathen tribes,
in extending the idea of one God (though very
erroneous compared with the evangelical idea of
divinity), yet, as a whole, its influence has been
detrimental and injurious to progress and Christianity.
Besides, Islam is not a dead power. Under the
hypocritic appearance of humanity, and the imitative
mockery of civilization of Islam, still lies the same
venomous dragon of the early ages— to ruin the
vitality of the Christian church; and whenever it
finds an opportunity for its deadly work, it is eager
and able to act. The great Queen of England may
feel herself happy and proud for the millions of her
Mohametan subjects — as a little girl would feel for
some pretty small eggs of snakes. May the Lord
grant that she may see her mistake before the season
of the ripening of iniquity. It is not necessary to be
a prophet for the prediction of a near future outbreak
of a united Islam against a divided Christianity. The
Mohametans themselves are conscious that their end
is approaching nigh, and that a great and last conflict
will occur between themselves and the "giaour"
powers of the world before Islam is driven to its
former source. They say, "Sham (Damascus as the
capital of Islamic regions) was the first, and Sham
will also be the last." Islam is praying daily for this
final conflict.
The unwise policy of Christendom is to give them
time and opportunity to carry forward their long-
cherished ambition. The Sultan of Turkey has craft-
iness and advisers enough to devise plots against
"the giaours" who are trying to seize his alienee
against the brother nation. In the history of Islam
there has been no more proper time to score a victory
upon the Christian world. Egypt and other African
territories, India and Afghanistan, Persia and Turkey,
all Mohametan countries — and all offended by the
policy of England — are finding good help in the anti-
British union of Russia and France and unwise co-
operation of the hot-headed German Emperor, to rise
against England and to throw off her yoke; what
then? Just what would be the destiny of a lion-
keeper when the beast became excited and let loose?
This is not a political dream, but a fearful reality,
the pains of which is already begun in the "Houses
of England."
2. England's Influence on the Eastern Question is
Decreased. There was a time when the English
Ambassador was the highest authority in Constanti-
nople, and the English papers governed the destiny
of the Eastern question. Two years ago British
warships could enforce the Dardanelles and command
before the walls of Bosphorus. The coward " Sov-
erign of Turkey " was constantly watching the hori-
zon with his field-glasses to see the smoky trace of
the " Ingilis " ironclads. The crisis has passed, the
British vessels were ordered back from the mouth of
the Dardanelles. That was the decisive victory that
Russia gained over England, without firing a single
gun. Even in the interior the common people, who
know nothing about the geography and history of
England, began to speak against her as the "Cahbe
Ingilis" (Treacherous English), and to jeer at the
Queen and her Prime Minister. The present favorite
of the country is Russia, once "the Blind Mosgof,
the Black Infidel."
In the arena of Eastern question Russia organized
the play, Turkey acted, Armenia suffered and England
lost. The writer is not of the opinion that it is too
late for England, though far more difficult than ever,
to rush into the field and save the present and future
generations from the calamity which will follow the
unnatural union of Turkish Mohametanism and Rus-
sian orthodoxism.
The loss of the English Government means the loss
of the Anglo-Saxon influence, something far more
preferable than the selfish and avaricious policy of the
government, or rather of the millionaires, who, having
credited treasures to Turkey, do not want to lose their
interest, even if it costs the blood of the Armenian,
or any other nation. The loss of the Anglo-Saxon
influence means the loss of Christian civilization.
Russia, with her despotic policy of the Middle Ages,
will be too glad to grasp the staff of the church
universal and drive the nations back to the dark
3. Christianity is Passing a Test. This is the
most delicate and inevitable phase of the question,
and worthy to be considered. What have the Christian
nations of the world done to save those who have
suffered because of their Christianity ; and what are
they going to do to-day to better their condition,
which is more dangerous and deplorable now than
ever? Experience of the last Greek war encouraged
the Turk in his bloodshed and brutality, and discour-
aged the Christian element of the country, especially
the Armenians who, living largely in the interior, have
little connection with the surrounding countries.
" Well, it is the business of the governments to act,"
is the answer of Christian people and ministry. If so,
then what is the mission of the church? What has
been the influence of the Christian church upon the
governments ?
What can the Armenians think about their pow-
erful and inactive fellow Christians? What can
the Armenian ministers tell to their smitten and
scattered flock when they inquire about the cause of
their long neglect? What would you think if you
had fallen into the hands of a wolf, and seen your
older and stronger brothers stand by with folded
arms and watch your agonies in cold blood?
The financial relief was necessary and exceedingly
helpful in its time ; but who does not know that the
Armenian needs something more and something
different? If the little bread given by a few Chris-
tians is taken as the full satisfaction in the con-
science of Christendom, we are regretfully obliged to
disturb the tranquility of that conscience, and solemn-
ly declare before God and men that Armenia needs
more than a morsel of bread. What greater need has
ever been shown to the Church of Christ to supply?
What more sacred cause was ever presented to the
spiritual soldiers of the heavenly kingdom to pray and
to fight for?
Going one step further, what are the Mohametans
thinking about the sincerity of Christian fellowship,
and about the essence of Christian religion? Many
Turks were heard to cry, even at the moment of their
most bloody deeds, "Now! where is your Christos?
Let him come and take you out of our hands ! ' ' and
the helpless victims groaned in their souls and said
"My God ! why hast Thou forgotten me? ' This is
something that the enemies of Christianity would
gladly grasp and use it against Christianity. This is
something that true and zealous Christians, the advo-
cates and protectors of our holy doctrines, must take
into consideration, and act according to their responsi-
bility; knowing that God will never do His part if
human agents fail in their parts.
4. The Most Remarkable Outcome of these mas-
sacres is the manifestation of Christian life in the
old Armenian church. Until recent times the
majority of the civilized people had a vague idea of
this Eastern nation. The last massacres taught
the world about the faith and perseverance of that
ancient Christian church. During the fiendish and
wholesale slaughter of a few months 100,000 strong
and noble men gave their lives for the sake of
humanity and religion ; though they knew perfectly
well that by a single repetition of the short Moham-
etan creed they could be reckoned "Believers," and
the law of Koran would protect them from every
harm. The majority of the killed were offered the
choice of Islam or the sword ; even some were urged
by their Mohametan friends and neighbors simply to
repeat that one word and be saved. But they were
not willing to do this. Not a single Gregorian priest
among the eighty-four that were killed with most
torturous deaths was willing to be an evil example
before their flocks, who were waiting to follow his
footsteps. Twenty-one Protestant ministers chose a
martyr's destiny rather than a Mohametan name, some
of them leaving their motherless children behind
them. Catholic ministers were dismembered and
tortured to death, still clinging to the faith of the
cross. A poor, good man was seized by the mob
and brought out of his shop upon the street to be
butchered like a sheep. The Turkish neighbors tried
to persuade him to accept Islam and be saved. "You
are a harmless, meek man ; we will take you from the
mob if you will only say that you accept Islam, and
afterwards you can pursue your Christian life." He
asked two minutes to think. It was granted as an
exceptional favor. He at once knelt down upon the
cold stone to use these two last minutes in communion
with his beloved Savior, and then put his head under
the bloody axe, saying : " I cannot deny my beloved
Jesus." While he was struggling in his blood his
wife was killed at home, and four little children were
left orphans. The only son of a widow was killed
and the headless body was brought home after three
days by a few neighboring friends; and, when the
mother learned that her son wTas slain because he
would not deny his Lord, she knelt beside him and
kissed his blood-stained hand, and said, with flowing
tears: " Rather so, my beloved son, than to see you
deny our blessed Jesus! ' "Blessed are the dead
who die in the Lord."
Following is the English translation of an Armenian
mother's letter to her son in the United States:
"My Dear Son: Our silence could not be pre-
vented. We live and die clinging to the cross.
Thank God for your safety. Read Psalm seventy-
nine and know of us. Pray for us."
t 4 A RMENIA, 0 Armenia !
**■ Will nations heed thy cry,
Or must thou feel the Moslem's steel
Till all thy people die?
Thy land that once held Eden,
Where Adam went to dwell,
The savage Turk by fearful work
Hath made it now a hell.
Where Noah's mighty mountain
Uplifts its ancient head,
And views a plain piled high with slain,
Armenia's martyred dead !
Where maidens, Christian maidens,
Knelt down to fiendish Kurds,
And on the air they breathed a prayer
We dare not frame in words.
A prayer that even a savage
Might listen to with pain,
As daughters fair with bosoms bare
Begged simply to be slain.
To woman's prayer was answered
A demon's mocking laugh,
And then the knife that ended life
Seemed kinder far by half.
O chivalry of England !
Of Europe ! Of the earth !
Your swords should flash, your cannons crash,
For human right and worth.
Ought Turkish tigers shepherd
This primal Christian fold,
And boast of crimes unnumbered times,
Too awful to be told?
Wake, lion-hearted Richard !
Shake off the clingiDg sod !
And once again lead Christian men
Against these foes of God,"
Chapter I. Page
The Beginning of Islam or Mohametanism 11
Chapter II.
The Koran, the Sacred Book of Islam 17
Chapter III.
Non-Mohametans in the Sight of Islam 31
Chapter IV.
The Five Religious Duties of Islam 39
Chapter V.
The Mohametan Theological Schools 47
Chapter VI.
Dervishes and Mufties the Two Religious Classes 56
Chapter VII.
Geographical and Historical Sketches of Armenia 62
Chapter VIII.
The Armenian Church 68
Chapter IX.
Religious Persecutions of the Past Ages 75
Chapter X.
General Characteristics of the Armenian Race 81
Chapter XI.
Armenian Customs in Marriage 87
Chapter XII.
The Armenians' Condition in the First Half of This Century 93
Chapter XIII.
Sketch of Turkish History 100
Chapter XIV.
The Capture of Constantinople 107
INDEX.— Con.
Chapter XV. Pag?
The Greatest Extent of the Turkish Empire 113
Chapter XVI.
Turkish Government and the Christian Subjects 120
Chapter XVII.
Turkish Taxes and the Mode of Collecting 127
Chapter XVIII.
The Abuses in Turkish Rule 133
Chapter XIX.
The Turkish Censorship : 140
Chapter XX.
Turkish Harem 146
Chapter XXI.
Turkish Common Schools 155
Chapter XXII.
Turkish Higher Schools - 162
Chapter XXIII.
Turkish Life and Customs 168
Chapter XXIV.
The Causes that Led to the Armenian Massacres 178
Chapter XXV.
Preliminary Steps Taken by the Turkish Government
Towards the Armenian Massacres 185
Chapter XXVI.
So-called Armenian Revolutionists 193
Chapter XXVII.
The Armenian Massacres 198
Chapter XXVIII.
Christendom's Attitude Towards the Armenian Massacres. 210
Chapter XXIX.
The Outcome of these Massacres .--_ — 215
H 91 80 *
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